How to get rid of the smell of dog urine 🥝 how to remove the smell on the carpet, means

Almost every house has a pet - a cat or a dog. Pets have their own toilet-tray or wait until they walk on the street. But it often happens that the beast for some reason does not want to wait or neglects the usual toilet. Sometimes a domestic animal celebrates its “affairs” directly on furniture. How to deal with unpleasant odors, because eliminating the stench from carpets or furniture is quite problematic. Let's try to figure out how to remove the smell of dog urine from the carpet at home.
to contents ↑Vinegar
This is a universal remedy for eliminating any unpleasant odor. Vinegar perfectly neutralizes the smell of urine in cats and dogs. Of course, vinegar itself has a pungent odor, but it disappears quite quickly.
How to apply:
- To prepare a neutralizing solution, dilute ordinary white vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
- If you decide to use white vinegar, the ratio will be 1: 2.
- Pour the solution into the spray bottle and spray on a fragrant spot.
- You can apply the solution with a piece of soft textile.
- After the place moistened with vinegar solution dries, wash it with soapy water.
This is a great option on how to remove the smell of dog urine from a sofa or carpet.
to contents ↑Important! Vinegar can be replaced with citric acid if your carpet is a light shade.
Hydrogen peroxide
Peroxide is a good way to eliminate the smell of dog urine. However, it can not be used everywhere. Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties, so you can not use it for textiles. You can apply this composition if the pet wrote on the tile or linoleum.
The composition for neutralizing odor is as follows:
- Hydrogen Peroxide - 20 ml.
- Dishwashing liquid - 1 tablespoon.
- Soda - 2 tablespoons.
Apply the mixture to the problem area, leave for about half an hour, and then rinse off the dried composition with water. The smell will disappear completely.
to contents ↑Potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate is both an oxidizing agent and a natural deodorant.
Important! It is advisable to use potassium permanganate on dark surfaces, since it also has coloring properties.
To combat the unpleasant amber, it is enough to dilute the crystals in water:
- To remove a fresh stain, a pink solution is enough.
- For old spots, a dark, almost black, solution is desirable.
Important! Rinse off the solution is not necessary. Repeat the procedure until the smell of dog urine from the carpet is completely eliminated.
Lemon juice
If you are interested in the question of how to remove the smell of dog urine from the sofa, use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Treat the stain with a solution on upholstered furniture, and then, after 15 minutes, wipe with a piece of soft textile.
to contents ↑Bleach
Before using this tool, make sure that the surface can withstand the treatment without any damage:
- Dilute bleach in water (ratio 1:10), stir.
- Apply the solution to a place requiring odor removal.
- Wait 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
If a doggie pee on a wooden floor, then iodine solution will help get rid of the aroma (1 g of water accounts for 15 g of alcoholic solution of iodine).
to contents ↑Vodka, medical alcohol
This tool also helps in the fight against such troubles. In addition, the strong smell of ethyl alcohol scares the dog away, helping to avoid such oversights in the future.
Alcohol solution is sprayed over the surface from a spray bottle or applied with a rag. Alcohol must be rubbed into the surface. Then the wetted place is blotted with paper towels until it dries completely.
Soap solution
This is a universal remedy that helps fight the smell of dog feces. It is especially effective on fabric surfaces:
- Grate a small bar of soap and mix it with water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.
- Apply the resulting soap solution to the stained area and wait ten minutes for the slurry to soak into the textiles.
- Then you can remove the soap by applying a moistened sponge.
Soda solution
To clean the palace from dog urine, ordinary soda will also help:
- Dilute the white powder until a homogeneous, mushy composition is obtained with water.
- Apply to the problem area, wait until it dries completely, then sweep or vacuum.
Rules for using funds
These are the most popular odor control products. But you need to observe precautions:
- All work must only be done with protective gloves.
- If you are looking for a remedy, than to clean the carpet from dog urine, it is undesirable to use manganese and iodine solution on light coatings.
- Do not use peroxide on colored fabrics, since it strongly fades the paint.
Stock footage
These funds will help those who are looking for a way to wash the carpet from the dog’s urine or to eliminate the stinking stains on other surfaces. But these are only half measures. The puppy needs to be educated so that it does not mess out. If the problem is an adult dog, then you need to show it to the veterinarian. Perhaps the cause is an animal disease.
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