How to remove blockage in the bathroom at home?

In any, even the cleanest, bathroom or kitchen, blockage can occur. Typically, such situations arise due to improper use of sewage, which includes hair, animal hair, and small debris. But the main thing when such an unpleasant situation arises is not to get confused, but to be ready to solve the problem. To do this, you need to know how to remove blockage in the bathroom at home with improvised means. Before you find out how to clean the drain in the bathroom, let's look at the most common causes of this kind of trouble.

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Causes of blockages

There are several causes of blockages:

  • If you do not care for your pipes and do not carry out regular maintenance, then it is not surprising that your sewage system is clogged. In any pipes, sooner or later sand, grease accumulates, especially if the water is hard.
  • In the kitchen, blockage can occur from a large amount of fat entering the pipes due to washing dishes. Residues of grease and detergent settle on the pipe walls and reduce the free space where water can flow.
  • The bath becomes clogged due to frequent bathing, because hair, dirt get into the drain, and if there is a pet in the house who is regularly washed, then there is wool. And if the washing machine drains into the bathtub, then the likelihood of clogging increases by many times.
  • Clogging may be caused by prolonged use of pipes. With age, even the highest quality pipes deteriorate, growths appear inside them.

Important! Cast iron pipes are more prone to this kind of trouble than their plastic counterparts, since deposits appear on their walls faster.

  • Another reason is incorrect pipe laying during repair. If the slope of the pipe is insufficient, then the blockage will be your constant companion until the next repair.
  • And of course, the human factor cannot be discounted. Any pipe will clog if you throw a rag or construction waste into it.
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Ways to eliminate congestion

Now that we have found out the reasons for such situations, let's figure out how to solve this problem, that is, how to clean the drain in the bathroom with improvised means. The most improvised of all possible are folk methods.

Elimination of blockage by folk methods

The easiest way to remove blockage in the bathroom at home is to use soda and vinegar.

Important! This method is absolutely safe, if it does not completely eliminate the blockage, then in any case it will not worsen the situation.

For this method, you will need soda and vinegar in equal proportions, for example, one glass of each substance and boiling water.

How to act:

  1. Turn off the water during operation and remove the siphon. Clean it from the inside with a rag, cloth or sponge and detergent.
  2. Pour soda into the pipe, and then pour vinegar. The reaction will begin, you will learn about it by hissing. It is advisable to pour vinegar in a thin stream. On average, the reaction takes half an hour.
  3. Somewhere in 30-40 minutes you need to pour boiling water into the pipe. It also needs to be flooded with a thin stream.
  4. Now you can install the siphon in place and conduct tests. If water passes, then we won this battle. If not, use another method.

There is a more effective way to remove blockage in the bathroom with folk remedies. But it is longer. It is best to do this procedure at night when no one is using water:

  1. Turn off the water, remove the siphon and add equal amounts of salt and soda to the pipe.
  2. Immediately after this, pour about 2 liters of boiling water.
  3. After 8 hours, you can check.



Of course, folk remedies are safe both for pipes and for humans, but there are pollution that the union of soda with vinegar or salt will not cope with. For example, the hair or coat of animals is unlikely to be mastered. Therefore, you will have to use more aggressive methods.

How to clean the drain in the bathroom from hair and wool? You will have to use a chemical agent that quickly corrodes dirt and grease. On sale there are many different means to eliminate blockages, for example, “Mole”. Everything is simple: read the instructions, pour the chosen product into the drain and wait for how much is needed.

Important! When working with chemicals do not forget about safety. Wear gloves and rinse the sink with clean water and detergent after cleaning. This will help you get rid of chemical residues.


An irreplaceable device for cleaning the drain is a plunger. This is a special fixture with a handle and a rubber suction cup on the end.

Important! If a plunger is placed above the drain hole, a vacuum is formed inside the cap. By changing the pressure inside the pipe, the blockage changes its position. With household blockages in 90% of cases, such a device will become your savior in the difficult fight against blockages.

How to use this tool to remove blockage in the bathroom:

  1. Install the plunger over the bath drain so that the rubber nozzle completely covers the drain hole.
  2. Draw water to cover a quarter of the plunger’s bowl.
  3. Press repeatedly several times.
  4. Rinse the blockage with plenty of warm water, and better - pour boiling water.

Important! This method can also be used as a prophylaxis. Experts say that the more often a housewife uses a plunger, the less clogging occurs.

Cable cleaning

If the plunger did not provide you with effective assistance, it means that everything is much more serious and you will have to resort to heavy artillery, that is, to call for help specialists with a cable in their hands. If there is a cable in the house, and you have some skill, then you can cope on your own:

  1. In order to cope with the blockage, it is necessary to introduce a cable into the drain hole.
  2. Slowly rotating the handle located on one end of the cable, insert it until it rests against the obstacle with the other end.
  3. With a sharp rotational movement, pick up the congestion in the pipe and perform several movements back and forth, thus cleaning the pipe.
  4. The mud plug loosens, passes further down the drain, and the main part of the blockage clings to the cable and is pulled out.
  5. Leaving the cable out of the hole to the outside, it is necessary to clean it of debris each time.

Important! If you do not have much experience in this matter, then it is better not to work alone, since it is difficult for one to cope with pushing the cable and with its rotation.

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Professional cleaning

There are times when you can’t cope without the help of professionals. What can experts offer us?

The most common method is hydrodynamic flushing. It is carried out using a special device and eliminates blockages of any complexity. This is the fastest, safest, and most effective way to clean your bathroom drain. Pipes can be washed with both hot and cold water.

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So that every time you do not think about how to clean the drain in the bathroom with improvised means, you need to carry out preventive maintenance. This can be done using the same soda and vinegar. You can even just periodically pour boiling water into the drain hole. It will dissolve the fat that accumulates on the walls of the pipes, and you will have less one cause of blockages.


