How to remove felt-tip pen from wallpaper?

All the parents of young children have probably far from once encountered the problem of how to remove the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper. If such a fate has passed you, do not worry, everything is still ahead. Every kid loves to draw and it does not matter, in his opinion, where he does it - on a table, a piece of paper or wallpaper. In order to remove the stain from the felt-tip pen, you must first study what it is made of, because they produce such stationery for creativity on different bases. As soon as you find out this fact, immediately choose the appropriate remedy from the proposed below and proceed.

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Remove the small strip on the wallpaper

If you are lucky and you literally immediately saw the artistic painting of your child even in the process of its creation, more precisely, at the stage of the first strokes, the question of how to remove the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper is solved quite simply:

  1. Immediately arm yourself with a stationery eraser - not soft, but harder.
  2. Gently rub it with the stained place - the trace should disappear.

Important! This method is suitable for any type of wallpaper.

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Remove the solid picture

Even if it turned out that your child’s drawing came out large-format, this is not a reason for frustration. Perhaps it is better to leave it right so that memory remains. If you are principled in this moment and would like to erase the traces of creativity, then you can solve the problem in these ways.

Method 1

It is impossible to remove a large spot from a felt-tip pen from paper wallpaper, especially if the material is not very high-quality, old or thin. In this case, you also have to go in for creativity, but with a slightly different plan - application. For this:

  1. Gently with a sharp knife, completely cut out the entire piece with stains of felt-tip pen.
  2. Take the remnants of the wallpaper of the same type - for sure they remained after the repair.
  3. Cut from them the exact same shape and size of the element so that the pattern matches as much as possible.
  4. Glue the patch to the desired location.
  5. Wipe over with a clean, dry cloth to even out the edges.

Method 2

How to remove felt-tip pen from wallpaper?If the wallpaper is paper, but strong enough, you can use this mixture: a pinch of starch + warm water. It acts as follows:

  1. Mix substances until gruel.
  2. Apply to the problem spot on the wall.
  3. Spread evenly and let dry.
  4. Brush dry powder with a brush or a clean rag (not wet!) From the wall and make sure that the mark from the felt-tip pen is faded.

Important! The essence of this method is that starch will draw out the dye and absorb it. Even if you cannot completely remove the art, they will be less noticeable.

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We draw a felt-tip pen from vinyl or non-woven wallpaper

If your walls are covered with one of these materials, the problem of how to remove the felt-tip pen from the wallpaper is solved very quickly and completely. The main feature of such coatings is that they are resistant to moisture, chemicals. Therefore, thorough cleaning with soap and water, and even the use of special solvents, are suitable for cleaning such materials.

In this case, focus directly on the type of filler marker or felt-tip pen in order to choose the right tool:

  1. Water - it is soluble in water, it is possible with the addition of liquid detergent (for washing, for dishes, soap for face or hands).
  2. Alcohol - alcohol and its solvents, ammonia, peroxide, and even glycerin.
  3. Oily - vegetable oil of any type or special solvents for paints and varnishes.

Important! The principle of operation when using any product is the same - apply a small amount with a clean brush or cotton pad to the stain, leave for exposure, clean with a clean rag.

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Drawing your child, even a little where it is not necessary, welcome and praise, but be sure to talk to him about it. And the stains on the wallpaper - it’s not so scary, maybe you yourself have to join your child, create a masterpiece of painting with him to finally update the interior in your house.

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