How to remove green from the carpet?

In any medicine cabinet, zelenka takes the main place in the medicine cabinet, especially if small children live in the house. Usually, such a necessary product is poured into very uncomfortable jars with very tight lids, so attempts to open them often end in green spots on the hands, things, and also on the floor. And if on this very floor is an expensive or just a very favorite carpet, then all this is fraught with big troubles. How to remove green from the carpet? We will tell you about this in this article.

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Factors Affecting Result

Stains from greenbacks should be removed immediately, as soon as they appeared, before they had time to completely absorb in the pile of the carpet, while the following factors should be taken into account.

Carpet composition

For different materials from which carpets are made, there are limitations on the use of certain cleaning agents. This also applies to cleaning methods - wet, dry, washing.

Carpet production method

If you have an expensive carpet, it is best not to experiment and give the carpet dry cleaning so as not to spoil the good thing.

Carpet color

It is more difficult to remove stains from brilliant green from light rugs than from colored ones. But when removing contaminants from colored products, much depends on the dyes, if they are not very resistant, then the product may fade during cleaning.

Appropriate cleaning products in the home

If you do not immediately remove the spots of green, then make it harder. Therefore, it is very important that at the right time you have at hand the necessary means - sponges, rags, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

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Ways to deal with green stains

Since the brilliant green solution is very difficult to wash off, the easiest way is to go to the dry cleaners. Experienced professionals will choose the right tool and cleaning method for your product. But if you decide to do it yourself, then you can use the following methods.

Laundry soap and soda

A mixture of laundry soap and soda can help you in a difficult struggle with green stains:

  1. Grate a small piece of laundry soap on a grater and mix it with the same amount of soda.
  2. Dilute this mixture with water to a thick, homogeneous slurry.
  3. Apply to the contaminated area with a thick layer and thoroughly brush.
  4. If the traces of brilliant green have not completely disappeared, apply the mixture again and place a wet rag on top. Leave for an hour, and then rub it.
  5. Remove soda and soap residues with water.


In resolving the issue of how to clean the carpet from brilliant green, it will help you ammonia:

  1. Dampen a cloth with ammonia and rub the area thoroughly.
  2. If the contamination is very large, then simply pour ammonia on it and leave it for a few minutes. The spots will begin to fade right before our eyes.

Stain remover

In the fight against brilliant green stain remover perfectly copes. Just take oxygen bleach, not chlorine-based:

  1. Apply bleach to the stain and leave for an hour.
  2. Dilute a detergent, such as laundry detergent, in water and whip it into foam.
  3. Apply this foam to the problem area and rub it with a brush.
  4. Rinse cleaners with water, dry the area with a hairdryer.


Hydrogen peroxide

This method is suitable for light carpet products:

  1. Moisten the sponge in hydrogen peroxide and moisten the contaminated area liberally with it.
  2. Then take a dry rag or napkin and blot this area.
  3. When the place dries, repeat the procedure again. This procedure can be repeated many times.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise it may creep. Treat it with gentle movements, moving from the edges to the center.


Before cleaning the palace with vinegar, place a sheet of thick paper under it. This is done so that the green does not paint the floor. Farther:

  1. Pour ordinary table vinegar onto the stain. Pour enough so that the pile is completely saturated with it.
  2. Take a rag without rubbing blot wet area.
  3. The procedure can be repeated.

Important! When you get rid of traces of brilliant green, rinse this place with water and lemon juice dissolved in it. This neutralizes the smell of vinegar.

Toilet cleaner

There is a way to wash the green from the palace in minutes. This can be done with a toilet cleaner. But here you need to keep a bucket, a rag and clean water ready to immediately wash the product off the carpet:

  1. Pour liquid directly onto the stain.
  2. As soon as its components dissolve the brilliant green, it must be washed off immediately. If you do not do it right away, then after it has finished with the green, it will take over the palace itself and dissolve its color, and then the fibers.

Other methods:

  • Stubborn stains can be removed with alcohol. Dampen a cloth or cotton swab in it and wipe the problem areas with it.
  • You can remove green spots with potassium permanganate.
  • Hydroperite will help to remove green stains - for a better effect, you need to make a concentrated solution using hydroperite capsules.
  • If the carpet is made of coarse threads, you can wash it with acetone. Moisten a cloth with liquid and try to wipe the stain properly. Do not forget that acetone should be washed off the carpet immediately with warm water and soap.

Important! Any tool must first be tested on an inconspicuous area.

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If after all these manipulations on the palace there are stains, then you can take out the palace and put it in direct sunlight so that these marks burn out.

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