How to remove grease from kitchen furniture?

Every housewife wants the kitchen to always shine, but unfortunately, while cooking, drops of oil and grease are sprayed, and the generated steam condenses on the surface of the walls and furniture. Over time, the inconspicuous layer becomes no longer so thin, because dust also sits on it, and therefore the question arises: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture without harming the surface and our own health?
to contents ↑Prevention of the appearance of a thick layer of fat on furniture
Many housewives will agree that the most difficult part of cleaning in the kitchen is the fight against droplets of fat that lurk everywhere:
- on the facades of kitchen furniture;
- on the walls of the oven;
- in the microwave;
- on the side walls of the refrigerator and stove;
- on the hood and tile.
Even a fresh stain cannot be removed without the help of detergents, so accustom yourself every two days to wipe all the doors of kitchen furniture with a damp, clean cloth so as not to accumulate a greasy coating. If the pollution is not strong, then you can use baking soda and laundry soap, which will erase plaque and stains, and spare your hands from potent household chemicals. Act in this way and then the problem of how to remove grease from the kitchen furniture during the general cleaning will already bother you much less.
If your headset is already very ancient and in a very poor state, perhaps the best way out is to replace it. Read How to choose furniture for the kitchen?
to contents ↑How to clean kitchen furniture from fat?
To clean the kitchen from grease, use only soft sponges and a cloth. Perfectly suited for this purpose:
- microfiber;
- cloth;
- flannel.
Important! Use metal brushes, even if the greasy plaque is very thick, you can not. When applied, deep scratches are formed that will only aggravate the situation, and grease and dirt in the damaged surfaces will clog even faster.
Removing grease from furniture surfaces is a very painstaking and lengthy job. To clean this kind of contamination, you need to carefully choose cleaning products. Use a cleaning agent for kitchen furniture also carefully, as the powder will leave scratches and scuffs. To wash fat, use only liquids and gels, but in this case you need to study the composition - if it contains ammonia and acids, then they will ruin your headset.
to contents ↑Important! First try the new product on the inconspicuous surface of the kitchen cabinet, whether it will leave stains or damage, and then clean the entire surface.
Folk remedies
If for some reason you do not want to resort to the use of household chemicals in the kitchen or prefer to use products that have been proven over the years, then pay attention to folk methods of cleaning furniture. Using the following tools, you can easily cope with the problem of how to remove and remove grease from kitchen furniture.
Recipe number 1
This recipe is suitable for any surface, since vegetable oil is well absorbed into the tree, hiding scratches and scuffs, and also forms a protective film:
- In equal proportions, mix vegetable oil and soda.
- Apply to contaminated areas.
- Leave the product on the surface for 30 minutes, after which the fat collected in the lumps should be removed with a soft cloth.
Important! If it was not possible to wash off grease from the kitchen unit on the first attempt, repeat the procedure again.
Take a look at the same time, is your microwave oven ok? If it, too, was covered with not the most pleasant yellow coating, read what andhow to wash a microwave.
Recipe number 2:
- Moisten the baking powder with water.
- Apply the resulting slurry to grease stains.
- Leave the product for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
Recipe number 3:
- In a glass of water add vinegar (preferably apple, as it does not have a pungent odor). Dampen a soft cloth with a soft cloth and gently rub the contaminated surface.
Important! As a result of such cleaning, the fat will be removed, and the doors of the furniture will become glossy.
Recipe number 4:
- Moisten a soft sponge in alcohol (vodka) and rub the grease spots thoroughly.
- If the contamination cannot be removed immediately, moisten the surface with the product and leave it on for 30 minutes.
- After processing, wash the furniture with water, adding a few drops of essential oil (eucalyptus or spruce).
Important! The oil has not only a bactericidal effect, but also effectively cares for wooden surfaces. In addition, essential oils have a pleasant aroma. Also, essential oils and many other tools that we have collected in a separate article will help youquickly remove unpleasant odor from the refrigerator.
Recipe number 5:
- 15 g of citric acid, 2 drops of detergent diluted in 1 liter of water.
- Moisten a soft cloth in the resulting liquid and treat the dirt thoroughly.
- Leave the product on for 30 minutes and then rinse off the residue with warm water.
Recipe number 6
For this method you will need:
- 200 ml of vodka;
- 200 ml of vinegar;
- ½ tsp essential oil of orange.
Pour the prepared product into the spray bottle and spray on the side surfaces and doors of the kitchen furniture. Leave the product on for 20 minutes, and then wipe the furniture with a dry, soft cloth.
Important! This mixture also perfectly removes limescale from tiles, ceramic and earthenware surfaces, and a water tap. Therefore, you can wash fat from any furniture and plumbing in the kitchen.
Recipe number 7
With a slice of lemon, wipe the doors of the kitchen furniture so that the juice drains, and after 10 minutes, rinse the furniture with a cloth moistened with warm water. After processing, wipe the headset dry with a paper towel.
Just cleaned the doors near the oven and realized that her condition is also far from ideal? Don’t worry, you don’t have to spend all day working so tiring and routine, because we have already collected the best ways so that you can do it in 20 minutesclean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home.
Recipe number 8
If the set is wooden, then ordinary clay diluted with vinegar to a soft slurry will help to wash it from fat. Apply the product on the cabinet doors and leave to dry completely. Be sure to flush grease and dirt off the surface with water.
Useful Tips:
- Granite and marble surfaces cannot be washed with chemicals, so use household soap to clean them.
- After washing, furniture must be wiped dry. To avoid stains on the surface, use a paper towel or a completely dry cloth for this purpose.
- Scratches and cracks on the surface of wooden furniture can be masked by rubbing with a walnut.
- To clean the grease from the kitchen, in which the facades are made of laminated particleboard, use a scraper for glass-ceramic plates, for the enamelled walls of the refrigerator - a wooden spatula.
- Before cleaning vertical surfaces, lay the paper so that the removed grease and dirt spills onto it.
- After cleaning, apply polish to the furniture surface - this will slow down the pollution.
How to clean old fat from the stove with modern means?
Along with new technologies, modern cleaning and detergents appear that cope with various types of pollution. In almost every kitchen there are such tools as:
- Mister Muscle;
- Country;
- Shumanit;
- Cilit Bang;
- Sanita
- Cif.
Important! Under each of these brands a wide range of products is produced, with which you can wash the tiles in the kitchen, remove fat from furniture from plastic or from the stove. There are universal series that are suitable for all types of surfaces.
It makes no sense to list the entire range of household chemicals, because every housewife has her own preferences. All of them are effective, you just need to choose the right option. We give only a few tips:
- Before using this or that tool, be sure to read the instructions, as it may contain toxic substances.
- In the case of capricious surfaces, so as not to scratch them with abrasives, use liquid detergents.
- We recommend that you clean the ceramic hob with cream, as it gently penetrates the top layer, removes grease and evens out small scratches due to its structure.
- Facades based on MDF, as well as furniture trimmed with plastic or film, must be washed with cleaners that do not contain abrasives and chlorine. We recommend using a neutral detergent dissolved in water.
- To prevent the surface from rubbing after applying the product, leave it for a while, and then remove the residues together with the soaked fat with a soft, damp cloth.
- When using household products, be sure to use gloves to protect your hands when working with chemistry. After cleaning using chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room.
- On sale there are eco-friendly means for washing and cleaning, made on a mineral, vegetable basis. Use them at work, as they are safe not only for humans, but also for the environment.
How to wash a kitchen set from fat with steam?
Not so long ago, steam generators that appeared on the household appliance market immediately began to be in great demand. All this for good reason. Steam cleaning is highly efficient, and even the simplest model of such a device is universal - it can literally clean everything, including the grease from the kitchen set.
Important! The bottom line is this: water is poured into the steam generator, if necessary, cleaning products are added, under pressure of several atmospheres, steam with a temperature of about 150 ° C comes out. With this treatment, dirt and grease are removed instantly (with manual cleaning, the water temperature does not exceed 40 C).
FROM steam cleaner You will have no problems cleaning not only the grease on the kitchen furniture, but also the seams on the tiles. You can even refresh the curtains with this appliance.
Steam generator benefits:
- cleans chemicals, walls and kitchen equipment without chemicals;
- removes grease, scale, burn;
- restores the luster of glass and stainless steel surfaces;
- does not cause allergic reactions;
- removes odors;
- disinfects the surface, destroys the fungus, bacteria.
If even after thorough cleaning the furniture no longer pleases you, as before, it's time to look at new ideas:
- How to update the countertop in the kitchen with your own hands?
- How to upgrade old furniture in the kitchen?
Stock footage
To avoid the problem of greasy plaque in the kitchen, keep your cooking room tidy. Daily clean a fresh layer of dust, grease, soot, wipe the stove, table, dishes. What tools to use in this case is up to you. The main thing is that after cleaning the kitchen was cozy, clean and comfortable.
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