How to get a stain off a carpet

A carpet is an excellent option when creating comfort and beauty in an apartment, but it is not always practical during operation. The question of how to remove a stain from the carpet was probably asked by every self-respecting hostess. Indeed, for all its quality factor and beauty, this is not linoleum, from which pollution can be removed with just a damp cloth. In this article you will learn how and how to get rid of stains of different origin on the carpet, while effectively and quickly.
to contents ↑How to clean the carpet?
First you need to familiarize yourself with some preliminary steps. They concern all types of pollution.
- If a puddle of any origin has formed on the carpet, soak it with a well-absorbing cloth before using any special means. At the same time, note that you need to act from the edges to the center of pollution.
- If the dirt is old, then use any suitable tool to remove dried lumps and old residues of the cause of the stain.
How to remove a stain from a carpet?
Now you can get down to business. You need to decide on a tool that should help you. All of them in such a case are divided into two types:
- Chemical.
- Natural
Depending on the origin and characteristics of the pollution, you may need such tools:
- soda;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- vinegar;
- ammonia;
- glycerol;
- starch;
- White wine;
- mineral water;
- Vanish.
Of course, you can not do without auxiliary means. Here you will come in handy:
- carpet brush;
- clean rags;
- spray gun;
- cloth napkins.
How to remove a stain from a carpet?
If you decide to use household chemicals, turn your attention to “Vanish” for carpet. It foams well and its active substances push dirt from the middle. It is applied as follows:
- Dilute the gel strictly according to the instructions on the packaging.
- Apply foam to the area to be cleaned.
- Wipe with a carpet brush.
- Dry it.
to contents ↑Note: there are carpets that can be painted, so before using any type of stain remover, you should test your carpet so as not to spoil it later. For this:
- Treat with a tool of your choice some not so noticeable part of the carpet.
- After three minutes, wipe the area with a clean white rag.
- If the rag is stained, the carpet will be damaged. Use this tool is not worth it.
How to remove stains from a carpet?
An important role in this matter is played by the origin of pollution. Here we will build on it when removing unwanted traces. Most often, floor coverings stain:
- iodine;
- wine
- tea
- coffee.
Choose the option you need from the following and act as quickly as possible. Remember that fresh contamination is always much easier to remove.
to contents ↑How to remove iodine stain from the carpet?
This type of contamination can be removed by any of the following methods.
Method number 1
You will need starch. Use it like this:
- Make starchy slurry from starch and water.
- Apply to the selected area and leave for 10 minutes.
- After time, remove traces of starch with cold water.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Method number 2
Soda and vinegar are also ready to help you in this matter. Proceed as follows:
- Sprinkle contamination with soda.
- Sprinkle vinegar on top.
- Let the ingredients react with iodine on the carpet for 14 hours.
- Wash off traces of funds and dry.
Method number 3
In this case, ammonia is useful. It needs a little and it acts relatively quickly:
- Dilute 1 tbsp. ammonia in 2 tbsp. water and soak the stain.
- After 10-20 minutes, wipe with a soapy sponge.
to contents ↑Note: we remind you that the room in which ammonia is used should be well ventilated.
How to remove wine stains from a carpet?
In the first minute after such pollution, it seems that the carpet is spoiled forever. But this is not so. We will provide you with three solutions to such a seemingly complex task.
Solution No. 1
You won’t believe it, but the saying will be appropriate here: “They wedge a wedge with a wedge”. You will need white wine. It will help only if you follow this step-by-step instruction:
- Take a clean rag and dampen it with wine.
- Wipe the mark on the carpet and wait 40 minutes.
- Then treat with soapy water and a clean towel.
Decision number 2
Of course, not always white wine can be at hand. Mineral water may well cope with the task, how to remove a stain from the carpet:
- Dampen the dirt with mineral water.
- Handle thoroughly with a brush.
- Dry with a fan.
Decision No. 3
If you didn’t even find mineral water, then you definitely should have hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet and soda in the kitchen. These tools will help remove any kind of dirt on the carpets. They work in pairs as follows:
- Prepare a solution: at 0.5 tbsp. peroxide - 2 tablespoons soda.
- Using a spray gun, spray the solution into the area of contamination.
- Arm yourself with a clean cloth and remove the solution from the carpet.
- Repeat spraying, but this time leave on a covering for 20 minutes.
- Wipe the stained area again with a tissue.
- If the stain is still noticeable, repeat the procedure.
- At the end of all manipulations, clean with a damp cloth.
How to remove traces of coffee and tea from the carpet?
Such troubles are quite common, so we offer you several effective methods to neutralize them.
Method No. 1
A solution of glycerin still has not lost its relevance in everyday life. In this event, it is applied as follows:
- Dilute 1 tbsp. glycerin in 1 liter of water.
- Use a brush and wipe the affected coating with a solution
- Remove any remaining dirt by wet cleaning.
Method No. 2
Another solution will come to the rescue in this situation. You will need peroxide again, but this time paired with vinegar:
- Dilute these funds 1: 1 and pour liquid into the spray bottle.
- Spray the solution liberally for contamination and wait half an hour. During this time, the carpet should dry.
- Sprinkle a dry place with soda and vacuum.
Stock footage
As you can see, you should not be afraid of spots on the carpet. With them, with the right approach, even a child can cope. Admire your carpet for health.
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