Can I clean the bathtub with Domestos?

Every housewife before cleaning in the bathroom the question arises: what means is better to use for this purpose? This is a very standard situation. Plumbing is constantly dirty, so it needs to be washed thoroughly from time to time. Acrylic products are very popular today, due to the fact that they look good and keep the temperature of the water. Let's see if it is possible to clean the bathtub with “Domestos”, because it is the most popular cleaning agent today.
to contents ↑What can wash acrylic products?
Despite the strength of acrylic plumbing, it can also be damaged, so there should not be too sharp objects near it that can cause serious damage to it. If the problem nevertheless arose, it is better to wash the bathroom using a soft sponge or cloth, using a quality product with a creamy or liquid consistency.
You can wash the bath by such means:
- Body and hair gels.
- Foam powder for washing.
- Dishwashing detergents.
Important! Simply put, you can use any means that do not have a detrimental effect on human skin. It is better to apply them immediately after cleaning the surface. The bowl is simply soaped, then the foam is washed off with warm water and rubbed with a sponge to shine.
There are special compositions for cleaning acrylic products. On the packaging there is a distinctive sign that indicates this. These are liquids that contain chemistry, it is thanks to it that products are washed better and faster.
to contents ↑Application of Domestos
It is not enough just to get an affirmative answer to the question whether it is possible to wash the acrylic bathtub “Domestos” or not. It is also important to understand how to do this correctly. Only compliance with this condition allows you to get a good result.
Important! “Domestos” contains hydrochloric acid, which perfectly dissolves limescale and rust. It easily copes with any kind of pollution, while it does no harm to acrylic.
This liquid is very popular today due to its characteristics, in particular:
- It is relatively safe and reliable.
- It is inexpensive.
- Well removes plaque, dirt, fungus.
- Surfaces are not damaged.
Important! "Domestos" is considered as a "two in one": disinfectant and cleaning.
The advantages of this composition:
- It copes well with the most common types of dirt.
- Disinfects the surface.
- A waterproof thin layer forms on the product, protecting acrylic from pollution in the future.
to contents ↑Important! Please note that it is not enough to care for acrylic surfaces with just ordinary detergents. It is better to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions, which describes how and how to wash the bath, taking into account its main characteristics.
How to wash an acrylic bath?
We found out that it is possible to clean the acrylic bathtub “Domestos”, but it must be taken into account that a lot of water should be used for this.
There are a number of rules that are recommended to follow when cleaning the bath with this tool:
- The first step is to dampen a sponge or rag with detergent. Finish the surface thoroughly. Wait about a minute and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Then with a dry soft cloth, wipe and polish the product.
- Do not use Domestos on acrylic bathtubs in excessive volume. Nevertheless, this tool is very aggressive and can disrupt the structure of the material.
- It is better to use Domestos as a means for general cleaning, and not for daily cleaning.
to contents ↑Important! If you intend to clean the bathtub with “Domestos”, be sure to use protective gloves. Even better - with a respirator, since the smell of the liquid is very pungent and can cause damage to the mucous membranes with prolonged inhalation of vapors. In general, all cleaning with this tool should take you a minimum of time - literally a couple of minutes.
What other products can be used to wash acrylic bathtubs?
To care for polymer surfaces, new products are constantly being created that can be called universal. We will discuss the most popular of them now:
- Seth This is a special spray developed with the latest technology. Due to the incredibly effective formula, you can wash any dirt in just a few minutes. But to get the perfect result, apply it evenly over the entire surface with a soft cloth. The remains of the spray must be removed.
- Bon Professional. This is a solution designed for cleaning plastic surfaces. They can also wash acrylic products, since it contains substances that cope well with dirt and form a thin film on the surface. The bathtub becomes clean, shines perfectly.
to contents ↑Important! After using any of the listed products, the products in the bathroom will remain perfectly shiny, crystal clear.
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Now you know for sure whether it is possible to clean the bathtub with Domestos, how to do it in order to achieve the desired result. Use the best cleaning compounds to make your bath always look like new, it was pleasant to you to be inside the bowl while taking relaxing procedures.
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