Wallpaper wash for different types

When repairing, most often the walls are papered with wallpaper - it's easier, and the choice is impressive. But it must be borne in mind that the wallpaper will have to be periodically cleaned. This will allow them to maintain their attractive appearance for a long time and delay the new repair. Therefore, many prefer washable wallpaper, especially in places such as the kitchen or the nursery, because it is easiest to wash them. But washing the wallpaper must be done correctly, because not all means are good for this purpose. On how to do this correctly, than to wash the wallpaper at home, so as not to damage their top layer, we will now understand.

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Useful Tips

First of all, let's get acquainted with the recommendations of specialists in this matter:

  • Wet cleaning should be carried out regularly, especially in rooms such as the kitchen, where the wallpaper quickly gets dirty. Then you can prevent stubborn pollution, which then is very difficult to remove.
  • Before you start wet cleaning, you need to clean the wallpaper from dust. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner, brush or just a dry cloth. If this is not done, then after cleaning, stains from dirt will appear on the surface.
  • When cleaning the wallpaper, be careful not to wet the surface strongly, do not press the rag and do not rub too actively, even if stains are difficult to remove on the surface.
  • Before cleaning, be sure to test the detergent in a small area somewhere in an inconspicuous place. Wait for it to dry. If nothing happened with the wallpaper, they did not lose color, no bubbles appeared, which means that you can use this tool to clean the entire surface of the wall.

Important! At the end of cleaning, close all the windows in the room so that there is no draft, otherwise - the wallpaper may begin to peel off. Drying them with a hairdryer is also not recommended.

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How can I clean the wallpaper?

How can I wash the wallpaper from dirt? There are several affordable tools that any hostess has in the arsenal.

Baking soda

The simplest remedy is baking soda, which can be found in any kitchen. In addition, this method is quite effective. Dissolve 20-30 grams of soda in one liter of warm water, and the wallpaper cleaner is ready.

Soap solution

The second most popular composition is a soap solution:

  1. Mix water with soap in a ratio of 10 to 1.
  2. You can add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the solution.

Important! Such a solution copes well with dust and dirt. But if you have very much stubborn pollution, then you will need heavy artillery.

Chemical industrial products

In case of severe pollution it is better to turn to the chemical industry. On sale there are special tools for washing wallpaper. Read the instructions and act strictly in accordance with it.

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We clean the spots

Very often, especially if there are small children in the house, all kinds of spots remain on the wallpaper, which then need to be somehow removed.

Greasy footprints

Most often, oily spots and fingerprints remain, which greatly spoil the appearance of the walls. What can help us in this situation?

  • Fresh greasy stains can be removed by attaching a sheet of paper to them and passing them with a warm iron. The fat will melt from heat and absorb into the paper.
  • You can remove fingerprints with an eraser - just rub this place a little, but not very much. Instead of an eraser, you can use a crumb of white bread. Then wipe the area with a clean rag.
  • You can fill this place with talcum powder and leave for several hours.Then just brush off the remnants of talcum powder with a brush. If it doesn’t help and all the fat is not removed, then you can repeat the procedure for more efficiency to warm up the place covered with talcum powder with a warm iron.
  • It copes with fatty deposits of citric acid. Dilute a few spoons of this product in a glass of warm water, moisten a sponge and treat the places of contamination. After cleaning, wipe the place with a sponge or cloth moistened with clean water.

Traces of felt-tip pens or markers

If your young artists left an indelible mark on the marker or marker, then you can clean it with alcohol:

  1. Soak a swab or cotton pad in alcohol.
  2. Wipe the problem area with it.

Important! In the same way, you can remove traces of stickers or stains from Moskitol.


Glue stains

If you have traces of glue left after gluing, vinegar will help you remove them. Although in some cases, if the spots did not have time to dry, they can be eliminated with ordinary warm water. But if the glue has dried, then you need to do the following:

  1. Pour vinegar into the spray bottle.
  2. Moisten them with problem areas.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, wipe the area with a damp cloth.

Other spots:

  • Stains from greenbacks will help you to remove a 3-5% solution of hydrochloric acid.
  • Mildew stains can be removed with White.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide to remove blood.
  • A melamine sponge will help you to remove all kinds of stains - just rub it with a surface in problem areas.
  • Chlorine-based powders and bleaches can be used on light wallpapers - they will remove all stains.

Important! Detergents such as Mr. Muscle and Mr. Prop are also able to provide you with all possible assistance in washing various kinds of dirt.

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Features of cleaning different types of wallpaper

Not all wallpapers respond equally to wet cleaning.

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are not recommended to be washed - they simply will not survive such happiness. All you can do for them is wipe them with a damp cloth, but do not push too hard.

It is better to clean such canvases with a vacuum cleaner, and fresh dirt is removed with an eraser, a warm iron and a napkin.

Important! If the contamination is persistent, then it is advisable to simply replace or mask such a fragment.

Wallpaper made of vinyl and non-woven

How to wash non-woven wallpaper? Here the situation is much simpler. As a rule, they have a marking that indicates how they can be cleaned and what means can be used in this case:

  • One wavy line suggests that such cloths can only be gently wiped with a damp cloth without any chemistry.
  • Two wavy lines indicate resistance to high-grade washing, even with soap.
  • Three waves mean that this coating will tolerate cleaning by any chemical means.
  • A comb indicates that you can even use a stiff brush to remove dirt.

What does the procedure for washing wallpaper with a non-woven base look like?

  • First you need to clean the surface of the walls from dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Prepare a detergent.

Important! It should be borne in mind that it should be with the least amount of foam.

  • Wet the sponge in the solution and wipe the walls.

Important! Do not rub too hard or let the walls get too wet.

  • Wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  • Leave the wallpaper to dry. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Important! If the result did not satisfy you, then you need to start the repeated procedure only after 4-5 days.

Other types of wallpapers:

  • Textile wallpaper is best cleaned of dirt with dry or wet wipes, best of viscose.
  • If you have wallpaper for coloring, then they can be washed with a damp cloth with the addition of some detergent.
  • Screenprints do not like most of the chemicals. With small impurities, you can do with a soapy solution and a damp cloth.
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That's all you need to know about washing your wallpaper.This is not only possible to do, but it is also necessary that everything in the house shines with cleanliness. Choose the right tools, use them according to the instructions, and then you will need a new repair only when you are tired of the current room design.

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