Washing windows

All contemplation of the world from apartments, offices, enterprises, institutions, educational institutions occurs through windows. The cleaner they are, the more light passes into the house or working room, which means - the more pleasant the perception of the surrounding beauties. That is why window washing should be carried out regularly and correctly, since dust and dirt settle on them all the time, and drops from rain and snow freeze or form unsightly stains. So that this work does not cause much trouble, you need to choose the right solution for washing windows and act correctly. How exactly - you will learn from this article.

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How to wash windows?

Many people have a question: how to wash windows without streaks, so that they sparkle with purity, shine? Indeed, it often happens that everything seems to be done right, but there is no expected purity.

To cope with the goal of 5+, you need to clean not only glass from dirt. There is still a frame - wooden or plastic, often white or light shade. So that the profile does not turn yellow, it is undesirable to wash it with such means as soda, powder. Then what?

To give shine, transparency to the glass, as well as quickly and efficiently remove dirt from the profile, special rags for washing windows will help - from microfiber, from linen fabrics.

Washing windowsAs for detergents, the industry has stepped forward, and on the shelves there are a large number of glass detergents: alcohol-based, with the addition of aromatic agents. Nevertheless, proven folk remedies for washing windows do not lose their popularity.

Window washing folk remedies:

  1. Glasses can be washed by adding to warm water: vinegar + salt: 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water.
  2. Washing windows with ammonia is no less effective, and the solution is suitable for glasses and frames. To prepare a cleanser in warm water, add ammonia: 2 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water.
  3. For particularly dirty glasses, many use tooth powder. But since the powder itself can scratch the surface, it is better to use it in the form of a solution for washing windows. For cooking, stir 2-3 tablespoons in 1 cup of water.
  4. To prevent the glasses from sweating, use a solution of glycerol and alcohol - add 20 parts of alcohol to 20 parts of glycerin.
  5. To glass shone for a long time and did not freeze, apply a solution of salt with water - 1-2 tbsp. l on 1 tbsp. water.


  1. So that the entire cleaning process does not cause much difficulty, and you do not have to run constantly for new water, it is better to immediately prepare a basin or a bucket deeper.
  2. Sponges, rags, dry newspapers.
  3. Wipers - screeds or couplings with long handles, come in handy if you need to wash blind doors outside with a large construction size.

Important! It is best to wash the windows in calm weather, not hot, not sunny weather. Otherwise, they will dry out quickly, other dirt will quickly stick to them, and due to glare, you will not be able to see all the spots on the surface.

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My windows are right

  1. Pre-free the access as much as possible - remove flower pots from the windowsills, open the curtains, curtains or even remove them for washing.
  2. Prepare a basin of warm water, rags, sponges, and detergents.
  3. First, thoroughly wash the frame inside and out before moving on to washing the windows. Pay particular attention to the joints. Rinse well with water several times.

Important! The first 2 times it is better to wash the glass and profiles with a warm soapy solution - this will help to quickly get rid of the main dirt. Next - use a special window cleaner without streaks.

Remember safety measures if you are high in your apartment or near small children.

  1. For a fine wash you will need a wiper. Pass them horizontally, maintaining an angle of inclination of 20-30 degrees. Wipe the wiper rubber more often, passing over and over.
  2. Wipe all surfaces dry with a microfiber cloth or linen, absorbing moisture.
  3. At the end, spray with a modern means for glasses with alcohol content - to give a special shine.
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To make your world of contemplation outside the window more joyful, do not forget to wash your frames and glass more often - in spring (with the onset of warm days), in summer, in autumn. Then your home or office will always be cozy and comfortable, and you will be less tired of the lack of light or the appearance of dirty windows that are not aesthetically pleasing.

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