Mold in the fridge

It is impossible to indulge yourself every day with different goodies and utilities, if the refrigerator is not of the best quality, it malfunctions, or mold appeared in the refrigerator. The easiest way to get rid of the fungus would be to prevent it from getting there at all. It is enough to wash all the cooling chambers of such household appliances once every six months with a solution of soda, and then wipe them with a rag dipped in vinegar, which will help remove an unpleasant odor. However, if it already appeared, it is very important to get rid of it right away, since mold is not a harmless thing at all. You will learn about what your actions will be if mold appears in the refrigerator - what to do, what means to apply urgently, from this article.
to contents ↑Important! Mold is spread by spores. Besides the fact that it can infect and render all products in the refrigerator unusable, it can be in the air you inhale. This can lead to serious illness, especially for people with weakened immune systems. Remove mold immediately!
What to do if mold appears in the refrigerator?
- The unit must be disconnected from the power supply.
- Pull out all the products. Review them, sort them, remove expired and damaged ones.
- Remove all shelves and other removable parts, put them in a bowl of warm water and dissolved soda, rinse well and rub with a brush.
- Wash external and internal surfaces, not forgetting the rubber bands that can be cleaned with an old toothbrush. Treat with the selected product, wipe with vinegar.
- Wipe dry, leave to dry completely in air.
- Wipe canned food, cans, etc. before returning back to the cells with vinegar.
- To remove the smell of mold from the refrigerator, place an open jar or saucer in the middle.
to contents ↑Important! In order to combat the smell of fungus, you can put a few slices of lemon. Activated carbon also fights this problem well.
Mold Remedies
To deal with an uninvited guest, we use:
- soda;
- vinegar;
- laundry soap;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- industrial antifungal agents;
- ultraviolet lamp.
How to get rid of mold in the refrigerator with improvised means?
At the beginning of the article, we already gave a way to deal with mold using soda and vinegar. From the list of funds listed just below, you are convinced that this is not a panacea, there are alternatives.
Method 1
Another effective way to neutralize the fungus is a laundry soap:
- They need to wash all surfaces.
- Wash off the soap with clean water.
- Dry everything again with a clean cloth.
- Thoroughly rinse all removable parts and do not forget to wash the sealing gum on the refrigerator door.
Important! You can leave the door open for several hours to dry completely.
Method 2
Alternatively, wipe the refrigerator with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It has antifungal and disinfectant properties, so it also copes well with the task.
Important! Ultraviolet detrimental effect on spores of the fungus, preventing its reproduction and killing it. Therefore, if you have a UV lamp in hand, you can safely use it in a directional way to remove mold in the refrigerator.Just adhere to the instructions for the device and strictly observe the processing time so as not to damage the materials of household appliances and not cause the opposite result from excess UV radiation for your health.
Chemicals for mold control:
- You can use an industrial tool to remove mold in the refrigerator, if the instructions allow its use in the refrigerator. For example, fit such as: “Seth”, “Comets”, “Sano”, “Domestos”, “Mr. Muscle”. Only strictly follow the instructions for use of such a tool and thoroughly wash it off surfaces.
Important! Be sure to ventilate the chambers until the chemical odor disappears.
- Put silica gel bags on the shelves to get rid of excess moisture (paper bags with granules that you see in boxes with new shoes). This is not a means of combating fungus, but an excellent measure to create the right conditions for storing food.
Where does mold come from in the fridge? - Correctly organize further storage of products
There are several causes and foci of mold. It is advisable to identify them in order to avoid re-distribution and infection:
- Improper operation of the refrigerator itself can cause increased humidity, so you need to adjust it either on your own or with the help of a wizard.
- If the unit was not used for a long time, it stood turned off with the door closed. It is necessary to leave the door ajar so that a musty smell and a specific atmosphere, so suitable for the propagation of the fungus, do not form.
- Often, mold begins to develop in the hole through which condensate flows in the evaporator, as well as in the sump into which this liquid flows. Do not forget to thoroughly clean these places, as there is no air circulation and mold easily develops. When washing the refrigerator, be sure to move it away from the wall.
to contents ↑Important! Storage of moldy products is another reason for the formation of fungus on the details of household appliances. Therefore, always carefully monitor the shelf life of products and their condition.
Prevention is the basis of human health
As we have already found out, mold in the refrigerator, and indeed on any other items, is a dangerous neighbor. What preventive actions can we take to prevent this neighborhood?
Mold occurs in moist enclosed spaces, which is our refrigerator. So, to reduce humidity, you must:
- Store food properly. Before sending them to storage, they must be packaged, packed in containers, wrapped in a special plastic wrap.
- Adjust the temperature according to the instructions.
- Observe the rules for the placement, storage and neighborhood of products.
- Timely remove accidentally spilled liquids.
- Periodically irradiate the inside of the refrigerator with a UV lamp - it will help eliminate even the smallest mold spores.
- Regularly, at least twice a year, to my so valuable element of the kitchen environment by one of the methods proposed in the article.
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As you can see, regular attention to your assistant will save you from the problem of mold. And if the trouble does happen, now you know how to deal with it, quickly and effectively. We wish you health and cleanliness in the house!
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