House order

The order in the house reflects the internal state of the person who is the owner of this dwelling. That is why it is very important that cleanliness and comfort are in your apartment. With the help of our tips and tricks, you can at any time invite your friends to visit and not be afraid of a sudden visit. One has only to adhere to the rules given in this article.

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Eliminate dust from around the house

How to clean up the house? This question excites every woman, regardless of age and social status.

Dust is, first of all, a nursery of microbes and harmful organisms. It is everywhere, we bring it from the street, it flies to us through open windows or enters the house from perfumes, ventilation and other means. Therefore, it is very important to remove it as often as possible.

Step by step we fight with dust:

  • It is worth removing dust from all surfaces that are in the house.
  • From furniture it is worth cleaning it with a damp cloth, while all objects that stand on the furniture must be lifted, and each corner should be wiped. Only in this case, you will have a perfect order.
  • Of particular note are the floors, skirting boards and corners of the ceiling, in which a cobweb is often formed.
  • Dust is removed from carpet surfaces and upholstered furniture using a vacuum cleaner.

Important! A large amount of dust settles on the walls, so if possible, it is worth wiping the wallpaper from these contaminants.

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Floor cleaning

When deciding on how to put things in order in the house, where to start, the only right answer will be gender. Agree that as soon as you enter the house of another person, the first thing you pay attention to is the floor covering. So in your case, the guests first look at the floor, and only then at all the other parts of your accommodation.

Therefore, cleanliness of the flooring deserves special attention when cleaning the house:

  • At the initial stage of cleaning the floor and putting things in order in the house, it is worth paying special attention to the carpet. It must be thoroughly vacuumed.
  • After that, wash the floors.
  • The most contaminated flooring is in the hallway and in the kitchen, so you should spend more time cleaning it.
  • Also do not forget to wash floors in hard to reach places.
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We strongly recommend that you do not have several bins in the house. This flaw is visible to the naked eye. Do not leave apple stubs, torn pieces of paper or torn children's drawings in prominent places. It is better to immediately delete everything in one bin.

Important! It’s worth cleaning this basket daily, as needed.

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All the trash in the trash!

Scientists have proven that the more garbage and unnecessary things at home, the greater the disorder and chaos in our heads. That is why take a few minutes and throw away all unnecessary things. When solving the problem of how to quickly clean up an apartment, this nuance takes pride of place:

  • Open all the cabinets - get unnecessary things, books, records, video tapes and old clothes that you hope to wear sometime. Believe me, you will not use it, and it takes up enough space.
  • When sorting things, form all objects into several “heaps”. Give some things back.Maybe the poor need them? Small children's things are always necessary for orphanages. Books can be handed over to libraries or bookcrossing. The rest is to throw out.

Important! Unnecessary items such as figurines, vases and unnecessary interior items can be sold.

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We put in order the necessities

Most women, when they put things in order in the house, hide all the items that are often used in cabinets and hide them in boxes. This is not entirely correct! We strongly recommend that you remove all items that supposedly complement the comfort of your home, but do not carry any need, put them in wardrobes, and put the necessary means in the foreground. With this approach, you will not need to think about how to restore order in the house.

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No personal items in a conspicuous place!

In the housing of each person, regardless of whether it is an apartment or a house, many outsiders enter. These can be work colleagues, neighbors, controllers of meters, plumbers and electricians. If they crossed the threshold of your home, then these people should feel more or less comfortable. It does not depend on the time spent in your home.

crazy-house1-1024x708Nobody says that you always have the perfect order, but you should keep clean. Try to hide all your personal items in cabinets and chests of drawers. Agree, it is not very pleasant when your underwear is hanging and drying on the heated towel rail in the bathroom. That is why, so that there are no such incidents, it is worth putting your things away from prying eyes.

Important! Many people may not agree with this point. However, try to put yourself in the place of these people, and then everything will become clear to you. After the second or third such cleaning, you will get used to it and begin to do it constantly.

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Cleanliness in the kitchen is the key to a pleasant conversation

If guests come to you, then they will directly go to the kitchen. That is why it is very important that this part of your home is in order.

A few rules for restoring order in the kitchen:

  • after each meal and cooking, immediately wash the dishes;
  • the stove should be instantly cleaned of contaminants;
  • ventilate the room;
  • when cooking, make sure that the hood, if any, is included;
  • work surfaces and kitchen table should always be clean;
  • The cleanliness of the microwave oven deserves special attention;
  • daily clean on the floor;
  • regularly clean the refrigerator, wipe it with a cloth moistened with soapy water;
  • Keep all handles in the kitchen clean.

Adhering to these rules above, which do not take much time, and your kitchen will always have the perfect order.

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We clean the bathroom

In the bathroom, regardless of whether you have it combined or not, there must always be cleanliness and order. This should be accompanied by a pleasant aroma. It is also worth paying attention to the cleanliness of the soap dish, the presence of fresh and clean towels, detergents and hygiene products.

Important! Cleaning the bathroom does not take more than ten minutes, so when deciding on how to quickly clean up your apartment, you will not have a snag at this point.

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We clean the bedroom

Cleaning in this part of the house will also not take much time. All you need is just:

  • remove from the coffee table and dressing table;
  • wipe off the dust;
  • vacuum and mop the floor;
  • it is worth arranging all the books and magazines in their places;
  • the mirror should also be always clean - with the help of modern means, cleaning this item will take no more than two to three minutes.

Adhering to all the above rules, the house will always be in perfect order.

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A few tips for cleaning your home:

  • If you can’t remember the cleaning sequence, get a notepad. In a few days, you yourself will remember everything.
  • Spend cleaning daily for about 20 minutes. Then you will always have order in the house.
  • Throw away at least one thing you don’t need every month.Believe me, they are in every house.
  • With a to do list, cleaning will go much faster. Surprisingly, the daily routine is in great demand among many people, regardless of age. Get it and you! He will be for your good.
  • The greatest amount of dust is collected on horizontal surfaces, so pay more attention to them.
  • While cleaning, listen to your favorite music. Then you will not get tired, but on the contrary, cleaning will be a joy.
  • Never hang clothes on chairs and cabinets.
  • Make or buy room flavors for yourself. Let the house always smells good.
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Guests on the doorstep

What should I do if guests should come to you in twenty minutes and you have a mess? To solve the question of how to quickly clean up your apartment, you need to rationalize all your actions and adhere to certain instructions.

Operational cleaning instructions:

  1. At the initial stage, run to the bathroom. Fill the washbasin and toilet bowl with “duckling”. Throw dirty laundry into the basket, wipe the mirror. Remove excess items.
  2. Open all windows and move the curtains.
  3. With the trash in your hands, go around the house, collecting all the garbage.
  4. Put all dirty dishes in the sink. It is also worth collecting it from around the house.
  5. Take a clean bag or immediately a basket of children's toys, put there the objects of your child from all rooms and take them to the nursery. At this point, the child can help you.
  6. Fold all clothes on a shelf.
  7. Run back to the bathroom in order to clean the plumbing. Hang new fresh towels at the same time.
  8. Quickly but thoroughly clean the kitchen - wash the dishes, wipe the countertops and sink.
  9. Close the window.

Important! At this point, you will already be shining with cleanliness throughout the house. This cleaning takes 15 minutes. Now you have five minutes to put yourself in order.

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As you can see, it will not take a lot of time and effort to maintain and make perfect order. The habit of cleaning is the key to a good mood at any time of the day or year!

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