Rating of the best home cleaning products

Cleaning is a primordially feminine duty. Whether it be daily or general, everything falls on fragile girlish shoulders, regardless of whether she sits at home or goes to work on a par with a man. Of course, some ladies can afford the services of a cleaning company or a professional cleaning lady, but this is not available to everyone. Therefore, various household cleaning products come to the aid of modern housewives. They greatly facilitate the cleaning of surfaces, accelerate the process, prevent the rapid accumulation of dirt and dust settling, and also fill the space with shine and cleanliness. The name of the next miracle remedy, which "really removes fat in minutes," is passed from mouth to mouth, like some super-valuable information. But, unfortunately, such reviews are not always true. Therefore, so that you do not have to independently experience the diversity of household chemicals from stores, we have compiled a rating and a list of the best home cleaning products based on customer reviews.

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What are the cleaning products?

What is the best professional disinfectant and antibacterial agent for home? First, let's look at the existing variety of household chemicals, because each of them has its own purpose, and choosing the best tool for the home, comparing, for example, toilet liquid and bath cream, is fundamentally wrong.


Universal cleaners

This type of household chemicals for the home is widespread in stores. It is designed for quick cleaning or for the maintenance of small rooms, the owners of which do not want to clutter up an already limited space. However, it should be understood that such tools, as a rule, are still less effective than options that are designed for specific types of contaminants or surfaces. Universal household chemicals are available in the form of liquids and powders.


Glass care products

Such cleaning products are designed to care for windows, mirrors, glass furniture and various glass baubles. Available in the form of a spray or liquid. Some products can even be used for glasses and other utensils. Household chemicals for glass greatly simplifies cleaning, does not require repeated washing or rubbing, does not leave streaks.

Girl preparing to spring clean kitchen

Floor Cleaners

Such household chemicals are available in the form of a liquid, ready for use, or a concentrate that still needs to be diluted before work. The advantage of using in comparison with ordinary water is the ease in cleaning up any contaminants, the absence of spots and stains on the surface, further dust settling is reduced, it dries faster, has a refreshing effect.

Important! There are universal tools for the floor, and there are designed specifically for parquet, tile, linoleum. Therefore, carefully read the label in the store.


Remedies for carbon and fat

Such tools allow you to easily and quickly clean the microwave, oven, hob, kitchen apron, range hood and other surfaces. Available in the form of powder, liquid, gel and spray. The last two forms are most convenient for use. The powder must be used carefully, as it can scratch the surface.

Important! Some grease and carbon products are not designed to clean pots and pans. Residues on the dishes may cause poisoning. Read the instructions carefully.


Furniture Care

Household chemicals for furniture called polish. It is primarily intended for the care of varnished surfaces. This tool gives the furniture shine, reduces dust settling and removes stains from other cleaning products.

Important! Polishing makes the treated surface very slippery. Therefore, do not use it for processing floors and be careful with the placement of dishes and other items.


Toilet Cleaners

The best tools for cleaning the toilet quickly cope with pollution, disinfect, bleach. Household chemicals for plumbing, perhaps, has the largest variation in the form of release - these are gels, liquids, powders, sprays, creams, blocks, tablets. The most popular gel products and tablets.


Remedies for limescale and rust

Similar means allow your bathtub and kitchen to look brilliantly, irrespective of quality of water in a water supply system. With their help they clean bathtubs, showers, sinks, taps, tiles. Experts recommend purchasing chemistry from limescale and rust in the form of a spray, gel or liquid, since they do not scratch the surface.

Important! For acrylic baths, you can not use products that have abrasive particles, and also contain acids and alcohol. To clean acrylic release special foams or sprays.


Based on customer reviews, expert opinions, and considering the cost of the products, we have compiled for you an independent rating of the best household cleaning products for home cleaning.

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Best universal cleaning products

During daily cleaning, you can easily do with universal cleaners. But to combat specific pollution, such as rust or carbon deposits, they are rather weak - it is better to purchase specialized chemistry.

Important! When choosing a widespread use, take creamy or pasty options - they are more versatile.


Universal remedy Tyron Effect “Citrus effect cleaning cream”

The first place in our ranking of the best universal cleaning products for the home is occupied by a cleaning cream with an excellent price-quality ratio.

Important! For little money, he copes with various types of pollution on a solid four plus.



  1. Low price.
  2. Eliminates oily stains well.
  3. Soft soot removes with little physical zeal.
  4. Convenient to use.
  5. Gentle on the skin.
  6. Removes fresh rust deposits.



  1. Poorly removes heavy soot.
  2. May scratch lacquered and glass surfaces.
  3. It removes limescale only due to abrasive particles.


Frosch Universal Cleansing Milk Lemon

Although this milk, in comparison with the previous one, better copes with pollution in the kitchen, but due to an overestimated pricing policy, it fell into second place in the rating of good cleaning products.


  1. Excellent, almost without zeal, removes fat from the surface.
  2. It eliminates soft soot well, does a little weaker with the old.
  3. Convenient to dose.
  4. Gently affects the skin, but still desirable to carry out cleaning with gloves.



  1. It does not cope well with rust and limescale.
  2. Overcharge.

Important! Due to the presence of abrasive particles, such a tool should not be used on glass, induction and acrylic surfaces.


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The best glass cleaner

More recently, our grandmothers and mothers washed glass ammonia and rubbed with newspapers. Thanks to modern means, now this process is greatly simplified.

Young Happy Female Worker With Cleaning Equipments And Wet Floor Sign On Floor

Clin Windows & Glass Tool

The Clin brand is one of the most common and popular on the market. Many housewives choose it, especially when it comes to glasses and mirrors. It is pleasant that the company not only improves the composition of funds, but also thinks about economical consumption.

Important! The bottle has a special mesh on the spray, which converts the liquid into foam. However, the latter quickly “slides” along vertical surfaces. Therefore, the “foam” mode is more suitable for cleaning local contaminants. If desired, the mesh can be opened and work in the usual spray mode.



  1. Affordable price.
  2. Leaves no stains.
  3. It dries quickly.
  4. You can work in the “foam” mode for economical use.
  5. Two spray modes.
  6. There are replaceable bottles on sale - this allows you to save the family budget.



  1. Poorly removes greasy stains.
  2. Due to the presence of alcohol in the composition, it dries the skin.

Important! According to customer reviews, products with aromas of lemon, apple and orange have a pungent odor. Therefore, it is better to purchase odorless options.

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HG window and frame cleaner

Since window cleaning takes a lot of time, it is very important that the product is safe and does not have a choking smell. That is why the second place in the ranking of the best glass washing products is occupied by products from the IVF category. Due to its neutral pH, it does not dry out the skin of the hands, nor does it corrode the varnish and paint on the frames.

Important! To use, you need to dilute 3 ml in 1 liter of water. For heavily soiled surfaces, dilute in less water or use a concentrate.



  1. Available in concentrated form.
  2. It is economically consumed.
  3. Environmentally friendly.
  4. Removes greasy stains on glass surfaces.
  5. Leaves no stains.
  6. Long shelf life - 7 years.
  7. Antistatic effect.
  8. You can work without gloves.



  1. No spray gun included.
  2. High price.
  3. Sold not in all stores.
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The best floor cleaning products

All cleaning companies use special products for mopping. Now only some housewives use such household chemicals. But every day they become more and more, because the result immediately catches the eye.


Detergent for floors and walls Proper

Who hasn’t seen Mr. Floor Cleaner ads Proper? - Undoubtedly, even a child knows her. But in that, this washing liquid has become so popular, the merit of not only advertising.

Important! Due to their high quality, housewives and professional cleaners recognize Mr. fluid Proper is the best floor cleaner on the market.



  1. Perfectly launders the floor.
  2. Removes greasy stains.
  3. It is economically consumed due to the fact that it forms a dense foam. In fact, this tool is a concentrate that is diluted when used.
  4. Does not require rinsing.
  5. Leaves no stains.
  6. Nice smell.
  7. Suitable for most surfaces, including laminate and parquet.



  1. A bit overpriced. Optimal to purchase a stock.
  2. It does not cope well with old mud - you will need to rub it hard.

Means for mopping Glorix

An honorable second place in the ranking of the best home cleaning products is held by Russian products.

Important! This liquid allows you to disinfect surfaces, but it does not contain chlorine.



  1. Affordable price.
  2. Disinfects surfaces.
  3. Does not contain chlorine.
  4. It copes with old spots.
  5. Environmentally friendly for animals and children. They can even handle children's toys.
  6. Does not require rinsing.



  1. Disinfect only in concentrated form.
  2. Not everyone likes aroma.
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The best remedies for carbon deposits and fat

What women just do not use in order to clean old fat in the kitchen is metal brushes, cleaning powders, detergents, soda and even vinegar. But the use of all these tools requires remarkable efforts in the style of Hercules, moreover, spoils the appearance of the technique. It is much easier and safer to use special tools.


Spray Cilit Bang Anti Fat

According to users, Cilit Bang spray is the best tool for cleaning fat and soot in the house.

Important! The most important advantage of Cilit Bang spray is the absence of a pungent odor.



  1. Quickly dissolves fat.
  2. Cope with any level of pollution.
  3. No need to rub further.
  4. Excellent value for money.
  5. There is no unpleasant smell.
  6. Can be used to clean dishes.
  7. Convenient spray gun.



  1. Be sure to work with gloves.
  2. Drains from vertical surfaces.

Spray Sanita "1 minute"

The second place in the ranking is occupied by a very powerful tool that can really deal with fat and soot in one minute. Another advantage is its affordable price.

Important! Please note that the Sanita “1 minute” spray has a strong odor. Before using it, it is advisable to remove all household members from the house.



  1. Very old and fast dissolves even obsolete fat.
  2. It has antiseptic properties, but it is still recommended to use gloves.
  3. According to the instructions, it does not require rinsing with water.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. Economical consumption due to the presence of a spray.



  1. Not suitable for cleaning dishes.
  2. It has a persistent chemical smell.
  3. Drains from vertical surfaces.


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The best furniture care products

Over time, any furniture loses its original appearance, it loses its luster, scratches and scuffs appear. The polish copes with these problems perfectly. It fills microcracks, smoothes the surface of the furniture and gives shine.


Furniture polish Pronto Classic 5 in 1

Pronto is one of the first brands to enter the post-Soviet markets, and still holds leadership with confidence. Naturally, the first place in the ranking of the best means for cleaning furniture at home is the tool of this brand.


  1. Affordable price.
  2. Convenient packaging - spray.
  3. It removes dust well and prevents settling.
  4. Perfectly looks after dark furniture.
  5. Eliminates fingerprints.
  6. Gives shine and polishes.
  7. It is economically consumed.

Cleaning equipment


  1. If the cylinder is not sufficiently shaken, the liquid simply leaks out and does not spray.
  2. It is advisable to ventilate the room after use.

Emsal Wood Surface Lotion

Second place in the ranking of polishes is lotion from a German manufacturer.

Important! Emsal differs from other polishes in the presence of natural beeswax. It is this component that carefully cares for furniture, creates a protective coating, and also fills and evens out scratches.

Home Cleaning Products


  • Contains natural beeswax.
  • Has a pleasant not sharp “honey” aroma.
  • It is economically consumed.
  • Creates an antistatic effect.
  • It does not require additional polishing.
  • It removes dust and grease well.


  1. High price.
  2. Allergic reactions to bee products are possible.


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The best toilet cleaners

Washing the toilet is not a very pleasant procedure. Therefore, every housewife is looking for the best tool for plumbing, which will facilitate the procedure and will minimize the time of work.

A cute woman maid cleaner with sponge and spray

Cillit Bang Lime and Rust Toilet Gel

If you're looking for the best toilet cleaner, then be sure to try Cillit Bang household cleaning products. Due to the content of hydrochloric acid, it has a high efficiency.

Important! Cillit Bang toilet gel copes with rust and limescale - you don’t have to use extra tools during cleaning.



  1. Convenient packaging.
  2. Effectively copes with its task.
  3. Thanks to its thick consistency, it is economically consumed.
  4. Removes fresh rust and limescale.
  5. Convenient nose shape.


  1. Overcharge.
  2. Chemical smell.
  3. There is no protection from children.


Gel for toilet Domestos

The second place in our rating of the best household cleaning toilets is occupied by household chemicals, which according to customer reviews has the best price-quality ratio.

Important! The concentrated structure of the gel allows it to “work” even under water.



  1. Excellent value for money.
  2. It has a concentrated form, due to which it is economically consumed.
  3. The sprayer allows you to maximize the distribution of the product under the rim.
  4. Convenient curved shape of the nose of the bottle.
  5. There is a protective cap for children.


  1. Strong odor that resembles bleach.
  2. Slightly weaker than the leading means, removes rust and limescale - you need to wait a bit.

house cleaning title

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The best remedies for limescale and rust

Limescale and rust have already ruined the appearance of more than one snow-white plumbing. Every housewife knows that to fight without special means with this disaster is almost impossible.

Cillit Bang plaque and rust cleaner

This is the best universal anti-plaque and rust remedy that can be used on most surfaces in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Important! Due to the presence of oxalic acid, it is advisable not to use such household chemicals often.



  1. It copes well with rust and limescale.
  2. Additionally gives the surface smoothness and luster.
  3. On sale there is a replaceable cylinder without a spray.
  4. Easily copes even with old plaque.


  1. A sharp chemical smell.
  2. Use only with gloves.


Gel for plumbing Stork Sanox

According to the manufacturer, this tool has a reinforced formula for removing rust.

Important! According to the hostesses, the gel is able to corrode not only rust, but even sponges. Therefore, the remedy from “Stork Sanox” is best used only as an emergency measure, and always with gloves.


  1. Damaging to rust.
  2. Low price.
  3. Large volume.
  4. It is sold in almost all household chemical stores.



  1. The bottle does not have a spray bottle.
  2. If used continuously, it can damage plumbing.
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Stock footage

As you can see, the best tool for daily cleaning of the house is a universal creamy household cleaning product. But for general or emergency cleaning up, specialized options are already needed that are designed to deal with specific types of pollution. So that you can avoid buying an ineffective or too aggressive spray, gel, etc., we have compiled a rating of the best cleaning products in the opinion of housewives and experts. We hope that now, thanks to modern means, your home will always shine, and the work of putting things in order will turn into a pleasant process of sanctifying your possessions with cleanliness.


