Wool carpet brush

Carpet - not only a wonderful piece of furniture that can transform the room, but also a large collection of dirt, dust, wool and hair. Moreover, if small impurities are easily removed simply by sweeping, then small hairs or animal hair can be in the carpet for a very long time. Today we’ll figure out how to remove such dirt, which brush for cleaning carpets from wool is better, and what else can be used.

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Wool Removal Methods

The first thing that comes to mind when deciding how to clean the carpet from cat hair at home is to use a vacuum cleaner. But sometimes even after it, hair remains on the surface. Consider the most popular methods of dealing with such pollution.

Brush, broom and vacuum cleaner

With this method, you need to act in a certain sequence:

  1. The first thing we need is a brush for cleaning carpets from wool. It is tough enough, allows the fibers of the carpet to rise. For the best effect, the brush should be moistened in water.
  2. Start cleaning from one edge, moving to the other across the entire width of the coating. If wool adheres to the brush, rinse it. And do not forget to change the water as it becomes contaminated.
  3. Next, take a broom, moisten it with water a little, sweep the surface from those particles that are easily removed.
  4. Only after all the manipulations done can the carpet be vacuumed. A vacuum cleaner will allow you to collect the hair that remained in the raised bristles.

Important! As you work, the brush and broom need to be rinsed and the adhering dirt removed from them, otherwise, you just drag it from one place to another.

If there is no broom on hand - you can replace it with a mop or a wet rag.

Let's consider other options, how to remove wool from the carpet from the cat.


Cleaning the carpet with a sponge is very effective, but labor-intensive. You will have to moisten and clean the sponge every time your hair sticks to it, and you will have to do all the work manually by lifting the pile of the product.

Air conditioning

For this method you will need:

  • linen rinse;
  • water;
  • spray gun;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

How to act to clean the carpet from wool at home:

  • First, we make a solution of rinse aid and water, fill it with a spray bottle and apply it to the entire surface to be cleaned.

Important! The conditioner softens the pile and removes static electricity from its surface, so that the wool is much easier to separate, and vacuuming after applying such a tool becomes several times more effective.

  • For the preparation of cleaning products based on rinse aid there is another recipe: ⅔ Art. rinse is mixed with a tablespoon of ammonia and dilute this mixture with a liter of water. Then the solution is whipped until foam appears and applied to the carpet with a brush.
  • After using any of these products, the surface is cleaned manually and vacuum cleaned.


There are also completely improvised options for how to clean the carpet from cat hair at home:

  • Take tape or tape and wrap it on cardboard, roller, or hand. After - apply it to the carpet, as the hair sticks, change it to a new one.
  • Another option for using adhesive tape is to glue it over the entire surface and walk on it in such a way as to touch every area. After - the adhesive tape is removed along with the wool adhering to it.

Important! The sticky side of the adhesive tape should rest against the surface being cleaned. Otherwise, the method will be useless.

  • You can also remove carpet using sticky clothing rollers. You can buy them today without any problems in any large store.627667134_w640_h2048_personal_pedi___12498_63_b


This cleaning option is a little ridiculous, but very effective, because it is based on the laws of physics. Small debris and hair will stick well to the electrified ball, so rub it on the carpet and run it over its entire area.


  • In addition to the ball, in this case, you can use a rubber brush or gloves, which you need to clean the carpet by hand, and then vacuum.
  • Also today in pet stores you can find special gloves for combing animals. On the one hand, they are rubberized, and therefore are excellent for this type of carpet cleaning.

Important! This method is good for quick cleaning, but if the wool has already penetrated into the pile of the carpet, it will be useless, since they can collect only the upper dirt.


Oddly enough, but in order to tidy up the carpet well, you need to pollute it even more. But we will pollute correctly:

  1. We take large-leaf tea for these purposes and sprinkle it over the entire area.
  2. Next, you need to completely sweep the tea with a broom and vacuum the carpet.

Important! Small dirt clings well to tea leaves, and you can easily remove them.

Ordinary baking soda is also used for a similar effect. It is also scattered on the carpet and collected with a vacuum cleaner. Here, soda also acts as a kind of antistatic, due to which the hairs are separated from the surface much easier.

Important! Tea must be dry. You can use the old tea leaves, but before that, be sure to dry it. Instead of soda, you can use table salt. The principle of work will not change from this.

Winter way

In winter it is very convenient that the carpet can be cleaned with snow. But for this:

  1. It will have to be carried out into the street, tossed with pure snow, and after that - to sweep it.
  2. If necessary, the actions can be repeated.
  3. Next, the product is brought home and dried on the floor, in a well-ventilated area.

Important! If you decide to knock out the carpet - do it from the wrong side, and then clean the pile with a brush.

Vinegar and glycerin:

  • To remove dirt and update the appearance of the flooring will help a sponge dampened with vinegar. Just walk it on the carpet, lifting the pile.
  • The smallest particles of dirt can be removed with an old milestone or sponge with glycerin applied to it.

Important! Any of these methods will help you get rid of hair and wool on the carpet, but their effectiveness and long-term duration will directly depend on the type of coating and molt of the pet.

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Remember that proper carpet care is the key to your peace of mind and its cleanliness. Consider the advice of experienced housewives:

  1. Do not clean the carpet with hot water - this will damage its pile.
  2. Very stiff brushes can tear out part of the pile along with dirt. Therefore, be careful, use more sparing options.
  3. It is not recommended to clean the surface against pile, since the chance of formation of bald spots in this case is very high.
  4. Any method of cleaning will be much more effective if you do not wait until the hair goes deep into the pile and immediately begin cleaning.
  5. If you use special chemistry for carpets, first test its effect on a small area of ​​the product.
  6. The long-haired carpet should be cleaned in different directions to ensure maximum cleaning of all wool.
  7. Of course, it will not save you from problems, but it will greatly facilitate cleaning and timely care of the pet. Keep it clean and comb it as needed.
  8. If your pet sheds too much, most likely the reason is improper care. Perhaps this is an unhealthy diet or a symptom of a disease. You should not hesitate with this problem, and it is better to seek the advice of a veterinarian.
  9. It is better to comb out the animal outside the house, but if this is not possible, use the balcony, or remove the carpet for the duration of the procedure so that wool does not run over it.After - you just have to wash the floor, and this is much easier than cleaning the carpet.
  10. For pet care, use special shampoos to reduce shedding.
  11. If your pet has a particularly favorite place at home, put a stove bench there or cover it with bedding.
  12. You can also use a robot vacuum cleaner as an aid, which without your help will collect fine dirt and dust from the carpet, but you can’t count on hair already trampled into the carpet. They will have to be removed manually.
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If you clean the apartment on time and regularly vacuum the room, most of the dirt and dust will be removed. But wool is not an easy pollution. It quickly gets stuck between the fibers of the coating, and removing it from there with a vacuum cleaner is incredibly difficult. Long wool is easy to assemble, but short - quickly gets inside the carpet. Therefore, do not forget to vacuum the carpet at least once a week. If you are a pet owner, consider buying a washing vacuum cleaner. Such a device copes with wool much more effectively than models for dry cleaning. If the listed methods, how to clean the carpet from hair for some reason do not suit you, you can always seek help from cleaning specialists.


