Floor mops - how to choose?

Despite the progress, people have not yet learned how to do without cleaning the apartment, but they have made this process less time-consuming. When the house requires wet cleaning, the best assistant to the hostess is a good mop. The modern market offers us various models made of plastic or aluminum, having various shapes and devices to facilitate the process of washing floors. What are modern mops for mopping, how to choose the right one - let's understand all this diversity.
to contents ↑Mop Selection Criteria
Choosing a mop for mopping is not an easy task: how not to be mistaken, according to what criteria to choose?
A good mop is a functional mop. And then everyone should determine for himself what exactly he needs:
- If your apartment is lined with furniture, then your assistant should get to all inaccessible places. Choose your triangular mop.
- If you have a small child at home who has begun to crawl, then you should consider buying a product with hot steam. Then you do not have to wash floors with chemicals.
- If you have back problems, you might want to pay attention to squeezed squeegees and a telescopic handle.
- In the house where the pet lives, it will best cope with cleaning the mop with a nozzle from a sponge.
Mop quality
Nobody plans to use the mop for decades and then pass it on to their grandchildren by inheritance, but I would like the purchase to serve long enough. A simple wooden mop will serve you for a long time, right, it will cost you inexpensively, but you do not expect any bells and whistles from it. A tree, it is a tree. When buying more functional and expensive products, try to buy products from well-established manufacturers.
Production material
Such products can be made of:
- a tree;
- plastic;
- aluminum;
- combinations of plastic and aluminum.
Nozzles are of the following types:
- rope
- microfiber;
- sponge nozzle;
- from viscose.
Important! When buying a product, you should be guided by the type of your flooring.
There are products of various shapes and colors on sale, and if you can simply choose a color you like, then it is better to choose a shape based on the tasks for which you purchase this product.
The size
You should also pay attention to this indicator - the larger the mop and its handle is thicker, the less mobile it is.
to contents ↑Types of Mops
Now let's plunge into the mysterious world of mops, find out what kinds of mops they are and which mop for mopping is better.
This is the oldest, unrefined model made of wood. But it is durable, suitable for washing any surfaces. It is just a wooden stick with a crossbeam around which a rag is wrapped.
Of the advantages, perhaps only low cost and durability. You can then pass it on to children, and if you are lucky, also to grandchildren. But everything needs to be done manually. In addition, due to its thick handle, it is practically impossible to reach hard-to-reach places.
With rope attachment
This design is represented by an aluminum or plastic stick with a round base to which cotton ropes are attached. The rope head is easy to remove. Most often, it comes complete with a bucket, which is equipped with a spin mechanism. But, despite this, it is not possible to squeeze out the water well, therefore it is not recommended to use this mop for surfaces that do not like high humidity.
Important! When cleaning the ceiling and walls, as well as inaccessible places, she is also not the best assistant.
With rubber roller sponge
Such an assistant is ideal for flat surfaces, it will easily wash linoleum, tile or vinyl for you, and will collect wool from your pets from the carpet and floor. It has a telescopic handle, an extraction system, the sponge is easy to change. But she does not cope with hard-to-reach areas and can leave stains.
If you decide to purchase this particular mop, then keep in mind the following nuances:
- Before the first use, it must be soaked in warm water for 10 minutes, otherwise you will break the mop.
- One of the disadvantages of this convenient squeegee mop is the need for some kind of container in which you need to wet the sponge. This container should match the size of the sponge.
- When washing floors, do not press too hard on the mop, otherwise the sponge may come off.
- If there are stains, rinse the sponge properly.
Important! There are also mops with a butterfly sponge on sale, they differ in that they are squeezed differently, squeezing from the sides. Thus, they can be soaked and squeezed in a bucket, which is much more convenient.
Butterfly Mop
When choosing a floor mop, pay attention to this model, especially if you have pets in your house. It has an original design that makes it easy to collect animal hair. It has a telescopic handle and a nozzle sponge with spin function. Thanks to its unusual shape, it easily removes dirt in hard to reach places. Suitable for cleaning different surfaces and copes well even with carpets.
Important! The main disadvantage is the high price.
Microfiber Mop
Suitable for all surfaces except parquet. It has a convenient spin by turning the handle. The cleaning surface of such a mop consists of microfiber - a new generation product. It absorbs water perfectly, does not leave stains, cleans even the smallest cracks. It copes well with cleaning in inaccessible places.
Mop Flounder
This design is a rectangular platform that attaches to the handle. A microfiber or cotton nozzle is worn on the platform. It has a swivel mechanism, which makes cleaning easy, the nozzle absorbs moisture well. Leaves no streaks, suitable for any surfaces. The design has a pedal for squeezing the nozzle.
Important! Such a mop can be washed not only horizontal, but also vertical surfaces.
This modern smart floor mop with a powerful steam jet will perfectly clean marble, tile, stone, linoleum, windows, and even steam your clothes. With such cleaning, the use of chemicals is no longer necessary. Therefore, it is ideal for those who have small children and people prone to allergies in the house.
Prevents the formation of fungus, mold, cleans without difficulty all inaccessible places. But for such an assistant you will have to pay a lot. In addition, during the cleaning you will have to make sure that your children or pets stay away from it during cleaning, because they can be scalded with hot steam.
to contents ↑Important! Laminate and other types of coatings that are assembled using castle or adhesive technologies cannot be cleaned in this way - they do not tolerate the effects of steam.
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In this article we told you about different types of modern mops, their features of application. We hope that now it will be easier for you to understand what kind of tool you need for cleaning your home so that it is always clean and tidy.
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