Parquet cleaner

Regardless of which particular parquet board you have chosen for laying, in order to maintain the attractiveness and durability of the finished coating for a long time, you need to know which parquet cleaner is suitable and which is better not to use. It is equally important to follow the rules of regular care and know how to wash the parquet. This is what we will talk about in this article.

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Modern means for washing parquet

Parquet cleanerIt is with the selection of suitable equipment and means for cleaning parquet that you need to start coating care. You may need to try out a few options first, before you finally conclude that it is better for you to wash the flooring. But all the efforts are worth it, because you are not going to block the floor again in a year or two and you probably would like the parquet to cause only amazement of the guests and always provide you with a feeling of comfort and coziness in your own home.

Important! Given the current variety of special chemistry for parquet, the choice is sometimes quite difficult to make. In this case, in order to solve the problem than washing the parquet, it is easiest to focus on the reviews and recommendations of customers and professional employees of cleaning companies.

We bring to your attention a list of the most popular means:

  1. Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner. Means for washing American-made parquet. One of the advantages is that it does not require rinsing after processing the coating. The drying process is fast enough, and you can apply it every day. The only caveat is the somewhat high price, so think about whether you can afford it for permanent use.
  2. Rubi Another effective tool for daily cleaning of natural wood coatings of various species, but from the Spanish manufacturer. In its characteristics, it is similar to the previous version, but it will be cheaper.
  3. Glutoclean Pufas. The optimum ratio of quality and price. This tool makes it easy to care for the parquet floor, including removing traces of grease, complex oil and polishing minor scratches. Flushing is not required subject to the instructions for use and the formulation. It will cost a lot of money, therefore it is quite appropriate for daily parquet care at home.
  4. Loba Parckett Care. A popular water-based parquet cleaner, which is recommended to be used to achieve the best result, along with the polish of this brand - Loba Parckett Wax. Among the main advantages are gentle removal of various types of contaminants and protection against moisture penetration for a long period.
  5. Concentrate Thomas Floor Pro. This tool is made on the basis of wax and surfactant. This formulation allows you to quickly get rid of any dirt on the floor and provide a dirt-repellent effect for the next few days. But, given the fact that there is a surfactant with a sufficiently large dosage in the composition, be very careful when using such a concentrate, in no case exceed the recommended proportion when preparing the solution and completely refrain from using it if there are small children in the house.
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Folk remedies for washing parquet

If you do not want to constantly spend money or do not welcome the use of special chemicals, you will come to the aid of a proven tool - a regular soap solution.The only thing you need to know before washing a parquet floor with such a tool are some recommendations regarding the choice of a suitable soap:

  • give preference to the one that contains the least amount of alkali in the composition;
  • liquid soap will be much easier to dissolve, create the desired concentration and easier to clean the floor, so that no stains form;
  • the use of mild shampoo with a neutral pH level is acceptable.

Important! Please note that regardless of the chosen product for cleaning parquet, you will need the right equipment. Best suited for this purpose:

  • mops with a soft sponge or nozzle for wooden coatings with a good extraction;
  • soft rags, for example from microfiber, perfectly absorbing moisture with the ability to unscrew the fabric well.

Compliance with this condition is extremely necessary, since it is unacceptable to plant puddles on a wooden floor or wash with a very wet rag.

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Parquet stain remover

Parquet cleanerEven with a very careful attitude to the coating, for the entire period of its use it is impossible to predict and prevent all problems. Therefore, take a note of the list of tools that are suitable for removing stains of various origin from the parquet floor:

  • nylon fabric - will help to cope with black stripes from shoes;
  • white spirit - useful for removing stains from a felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • ammonia - to remove various stains: blood, coffee, wine;
  • ice and a plastic spatula - suitable if you need to remove wax from the floor;
  • the solvent - acetone or nail polish remover - is useful to quickly flush paint or varnish from the coating.

Important! Never use:

This equipment can lead to swelling and deformation of the coating, as well as to the appearance of fungus, mold and complete destruction of the wood. The exception is only special models of washing vacuum cleaners - for parquet, but they are very expensive, so their use at home is not entirely advisable.

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Parquet Floor Care

Regardless of the method you used to install the parquet, varnish it or not, adhere to such cleaning recommendations so that the question of how to properly clean the parquet floor does not bother you anymore:

  1. Perform dry cleaning of the coating once every 1-2 days - it depends on the frequency and duration of the stay at home for all households.
  2. Carry out regular wet cleaning of the parquet at least 1 time per week.
  3. When washing the floor, use only warm water - in no case hot.
  4. Refrain from using caustic and aggressive chemicals, even if stubborn stains have formed on the surface. Spend a little more time, but clean them with suitable parquet cleaners.
  5. For cleaning, select only soft rags and twist them well before use.
  6. Wash all stains as soon as possible after their formation - do not wait until the substance penetrates deep into the structure of the wood.
  7. Use special polishes to renew the coating and give it a shine.
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Useful Tips

  • Perform the first wet cleaning no earlier than 2 weeks after laying the coating, if you applied varnish on top.
  • Do not walk on the floor in shoes with sharp heels.
  • Place special felt pads under the furniture legs.
  • Control the stability of the temperature regime in the room - the optimal indicator is 20-25C.
  • To restore the attractiveness of the coating, use putty, special repair paste, oils and wax - they will help to hide cracks, cracks and scratches.
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Stock footage

Now you know how to wash the parquet, and you have probably already chosen what means to wash the parquet with. Strictly adhere to the instructions for use and follow the general rules for how to clean the parquet floor. In this case, the need for a new repair will not arise soon, but the house will always be clean, cozy and comfortable.


