Floor cleaning

Every housewife regularly faces the issue of maintaining comfort and cleanliness in the house. Floor cleaning takes an important position in this action, but knowing certain secrets, you do not have to spend a lot of time and energy to achieve the desired result. In this article, we will tell you about methods for quickly and efficiently cleaning various floor coverings.
to contents ↑The importance of floor cleaning
Everyone understands the need for wet cleaning in the house. However, few of us think about why this should be done.
The main reasons that floor cleaning should be regular are as follows:
- First of all, the cleanliness of the room helps to maintain human health and comfort.
- Timely cleaning not only saves our home from debris and dust, but also helps to protect against allergic diseases.
- After wet cleaning, the number of microorganisms harmful to humans is significantly reduced and unacceptable conditions are created for their reproduction.
What is needed for cleaning the floor?
To date, people have invented many specialized devices, the main purpose of which is to help us and make cleaning the floor as convenient and quick as possible.
To carry out thorough measures to clean the room from garbage, you will need:
- broom;
- mop;
- rag;
- washing or steam cleaner.
to contents ↑Important! Hardware stores also offer housewives a wide variety of floor cleaning products. It is the correct use of household chemicals that will help significantly reduce the time for cleaning floors. In addition, you will get an antistatic effect, which will give you the opportunity to carry out wet cleaning of the floor much less often - dust simply will not appear and accumulate.
Features of floor cleaning
Today in the house you can find absolutely various floor coverings, most often among which are:
- parquet;
- linoleum;
- tile;
- carpet covering.
Important! For each of these surfaces, special cleaning agents are required, as well as a variety of approaches to the floor cleaning process itself.
Linoleum washing
Like cleaning the floor with any other coating, washing linoleum has its own characteristics and secrets. To make your floor look perfect, use the following:
- To shine linoleum, as well as to give it newness, it is recommended to lubricate the coating with varnish once a season. After applying the substance, rub the floor with a piece of soft cloth.
- To remove stains from the surface of the floor covered with linoleum, wash the contaminated area with a sponge dampened in soapy water. After that, soak the sponge in alcohol or vodka and repeat rubbing.
- When cleaning the floor from linoleum, it is not recommended to use soapy water with salt, because it can lead to unpleasant stains. To achieve purity, it is best to add a little ammonia or glycerin to warm water.
Parquet washing
It is worth remembering several basic rules regarding varnished parquet - it is categorically not recommended to wash it with hot water.
A classic floor cleaning with this decor will include:
- Wet cleaning of a varnish parquet. It must be carried out with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of table vinegar. You can create an acetic solution by observing the following recipe - 2-3 tablespoons of acetic acid are added to a bucket of water.
- Removing stains and dirt.If the parquet is heavily soiled, it can be cleaned using a rough floor brush or a piece of burlap. In this case, it is advisable to use 1 cup of washing powder diluted with a bucket of water. You can also use a special detergent for parquet coatings.
Important! Natural parquet - coating without varnish, washed with only a small amount of cool water. If the wooden coating is saturated with moisture, then it can swell and become completely unattractive. Cleaning the floor with such a coating should also not include waxing.
Carpet Floor Cleaning
The main problem of such floors is difficult to remove, but at the same time spots that easily appear on the surface.
Important! It is worth removing stains from the carpet immediately after the appearance, since only fresh pollution can be removed without a trace.
You can clean a stain on a carpet in the following ways:
- Ink from a ballpoint pen, paint and grease can be removed from the carpet with alcohol or turpentine.
- Traces of blood can be removed according to the following scheme - gently wipe the stain with a cloth, then wash the contamination with soapy water with the addition of soda ash. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 10 to 1. After that, rinse off the remaining blood with acetic water.
- Stains from coffee and chocolate are removed using an alcohol solution of vinegar, then wipe the carpet with a cloth moistened with warm water.
Important! In the same way, contaminants from fruit juice, including cherries, can be removed.
- If paraffin has dripped onto your carpet, first crack it with a knife or blade. Put a dry napkin on the remaining stain and iron it with an iron. Under the influence of temperature, paraffin will melt and soak into the paper surface. The procedure should be repeated until the traces of contamination are completely destroyed.
to contents ↑Important! If you encounter drops of colored paraffin, you will have to use gasoline for cleaning - only it will completely remove chemical dyes.
Choosing a Floor Detergent
The products of detergent compositions presented in hardware stores make it possible to ensure that floor cleaning does not take up much time. In addition, such products well remove various kinds of contaminants and conduct thorough disinsection of surfaces. An additional plus - such compositions leave an attractive aroma and a fresh look in the room.
The composition of all industrial detergents with which the floor is cleaned includes the following components:
- active substances that are directly responsible for the removal of contamination;
- fragrances giving pleasant aromas;
- antibacterial substances;
- dyes;
- stain removers.
Important! It is undesirable to use products containing chlorine for cleaning in small areas. The use of such detergents is justified only in the territory of a hospital, a large office or a shopping center.
Before choosing a detergent in a store, pay attention to the following points:
- Familiarize yourself with the composition, undesirably high content of surfactants and fragrances.
- It is best to use universal floor cleaning products that are suitable for any surface and do not spoil linoleum or parquet. If you have such an opportunity and you are ready to invest, then you can purchase a separate detergent for each surface in your house, thus you will achieve a greater effect when the floor is being cleaned.
- When buying several detergent compositions at the same time, give preference to a line of products from a common manufacturer.
to contents ↑Important! Even if the condition of your floors is quite depressing and has a large amount of contamination, use the recommended active substance standards recommended by the manufacturer. Otherwise, you risk damaging the coating.
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We hope that our tips will help you greatly facilitate the cleaning process, and the room will delight with its cleanliness and comfort.
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