House Cleaning - Tips

A woman is the keeper of the hearth, which means that all household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, etc., fall on her. And all would be fine, but sometimes there are situations when the house is not at all in the form to receive guests, but there are only a few minutes to fix it. In this case, just the perfect way out is the option - quick cleaning. This, firstly, does not take much time, and guests who suddenly come to you will see a clean and well-kept house. Of course, this is convenient and such skills will be useful to everyone. So, let's start, in fact, cleaning the house - tips and rules that must be followed.
to contents ↑Cleaning products
Quick cleaning certainly requires a certain amount of detergent. In this article, cleaning methods will be presented not only with the help of technology, but also folk remedies - no less effective.
So, there are several types of tools.
Modern cleaning equipment:
- Vacuum cleaner, broom.
- Bucket and mop.
- Sponges and washcloths.
- Concentrates for floors.
- Furniture polish.
- Sprays for windows and mirrors.
- Cleaning products for sinks, stoves, etc.
- Means for disinfection and cleaning of the bathroom.
Natural Cleaning Products
Not everyone knows, but many contaminants that cannot be washed with a household detergent, you can try to wash with improvised means and alternative methods. What are the tips for cleaning the house in this case? - Here are the best options:
- Not many people know how really universal soap is. This is a natural product that can wash many different surfaces, remove dirt, and kill germs. Laundry soap is absolutely harmless, so you can use it with confidence.
- Also, soda is an equally useful substance. It will help you wash even the most severe and long-term soiling of dishes, cups and countertops, which is good news. But do not overdo it so that you do not accidentally scratch the furniture with it, otherwise it will lead to new problems.
- Many may not even think about how many beneficial properties citric acid has. But it is she who is able to whiten the tile and others that need this surface, after a long pollution. So, for example, a kitchen white tile, which turns yellow over time, with the help of citric acid dissolved in water, you will instantly wash off and return to it its former attractive appearance.
- If you need to clean any surfaces, countertops, dishes, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors, then table vinegar is exactly what you need. It must be used, previously diluted in water in a ratio of one to one.
Modern cleaning equipment
Quick cleaning of the apartment involves all kinds of cleaning methods. And also today there are many options that will not only speed up, but also simplify the process of cleaning your home.
In order to quickly remove dust from any surface, use microfiber. This is a specially developed material that allows you to easily and quickly clean the entire room from dirt and dust.
Modern mops
Buy modern mops. There are so many different types of mops, for example, foam rubber, ropes, microfiber and many others, which are a pleasure to use. And also, it saves a lot of time, which means quick cleaning of the house is a doable task.
Strong detergents
In order not to suffer for several hours, hoping to thoroughly wash the stoves, windows, and the bathroom, use strong detergents. This - certainly saves your time, which is important during the quick cleaning of the apartment.
Among the most popular are “Comet”, “Domestos”, “Cilit”.
to contents ↑Basic rules for quick cleaning
There are several ways to accomplish the fastest cleaning. If you know how to use them, you can always maintain cleanliness in the house or apartment, which will definitely please both your eye and your family.
So, quick cleaning of the apartment, the main thing to remember:
- One of the main rules is that you must learn to competently draw up a sequence of actions during restoring order. So, for example, start cleaning from the farthest room so that the dust and dirt that you clean are not spread throughout the apartment, including the cleaned rooms. After all, what will be the effect if you spread the dirt from one room to another?
- Learn to identify the places that attract attention and require perfect cleanliness. It is definitely glass, mirrors, sinks and furniture. Therefore, these places should be given their attention, because who will be interested in what order you have in the closet or under the bed, if the most prominent places seem to repel you with their unkempt nature?
- It is equally important to be able to see the order as a whole. That is, if you don’t have much time to clean up (and this is what quick cleaning means), you don’t have to wash all the nooks and crannies to clean up the dust, it’s better to visually remove what “cuts” the eye.
- Pay attention even to trifles. Agree, a fresh towel in the bathroom, the presence of well-groomed flowers in the rooms enliven your home. Therefore, try not to forget, and if possible, improve such details.
Quick Cleaning Tips
We also have some tips that you don’t have to follow, but they can help you spend such a short time in vigor and a pleasant feeling, because quick cleaning of an apartment does not always mean torment, as many say.
If you include an active, fun song, you will undoubtedly have enthusiasm and desire to move, or to do something. But in no case do not include slow and calm music, since under it your working capacity decreases, there is a huge desire to lie down and cleaning will not succeed at all.
Sunlight and fresh air
It has been checked and proved more than once that fresh clean air and sunlight can increase your ability to work and set up for work. It is also simply necessary to ventilate the house and not let the acrid smells of detergents soak the apartment.
This is probably one of the most useful tips. Remember the usual day when you clean. Isn't it dragging on all day? We are constantly distracted by something, for example, social networks, TV shows or just calls to friends.
And if you, for example, imagine that in 2 hours relatives or friends should come to you, it will make you move faster, motivates. And after reaching the goal, that is, when the quick cleaning is finished, you can reward yourself with some goodies, a walk, etc.
Daily plan
Make a daily plan. If you make a list of daily cleaning tasks that you’ll check off or something like that, you:
- firstly - you will see what you have left and be able to allocate time;
- secondly, to gradually approach the goal, in connection with which a quick cleaning of the apartment will be carried out daily.
According to one of the cleaning technologies - “Fly Lady”, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one housewife, it is proposed to devote a clear time to cleaning a particular area in the house.That is, you literally set a goal - to clean up the bathroom or clean the closet, set the timer for 15 minutes, and during this time bring this part of the house to a high gloss.
to contents ↑Stock footage
So, if you carefully read this article, you unequivocally learned something new for yourself, learned useful information on a topic that interests you, and also saw several methods of cleaning the house for a limited time. We hope that the above tips and recommendations will be useful to you the next time you have a few minutes to put things in order, you won’t have to look for “quick cleaning tips” on the Internet, because they already exist in your head. It remains only to wish you good luck, patience, as well as a well-groomed home and a pleasant life.
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