Cleaning the bathroom and toilet - save time

Cleaning the bathroom is what has always been, is and will be relevant, people use these amenities several times every day and this will never stop. Every housewife knows that the bathroom should not only be clean, but as sterile as possible, because this is the place where a person watches his own hygiene. Microbes and bacteria that accumulate in the toilet and drain holes are far from our best friends. We will talk about cleaning both the bathroom and the toilet, because the combined and separate bathrooms are issued equally often today.
to contents ↑Daily bathroom and toilet cleaning activities
To begin with, everyone who visits the bathroom and toilet must observe certain body movements. Compliance with simple rules is necessary in order not to cause inconvenience to other people living in the same house, including yourself, as well as to make cleaning of the toilet or bathtub a lot easier.
- Flush the toilet immediately after using it.
- Make sure that you always have a brush for cleaning the toilet, preferably stored in an antiseptic solution, and use it for its intended purpose.
- Wash the bath and / or shower, as well as the sink immediately after taking any water procedures. It will be just fine if you can collect the hair and throw it away, and not rinse it into a drain pipe.
- Make sure that no water remains on the floor.
- Do not crumple or throw towels that you wiped, but hang carefully to dry.
to contents ↑Important! It is necessary to flush the toilet with the lid closed so that bacteria do not “scatter” around the toilet.
Overhaul in the bathroom
This cleaning should be done once a week. If all family members are neat, then you can once every two weeks, but at least.
Means and devices
In order to restore perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, specific tools and equipment are required:
- Brush for cleaning the toilet.
- A special brush that passes under the curving edge of the toilet.
- Detergent that corrodes limescale, rust and other deposits.
- Special powder for pipe cleaning.
- Tile disinfectant.
- Detergent for rust.
- Glass / mirror cleaning fluid.
- Latex gloves.
- Rags and disposable towels.
Important! Powder for cleaning pipes must be used no more than once a month. And the products of which brand to give preference to - decide for yourself, given your confidence in a particular brand, financial capabilities and the desired result. We hope you can cope with this task yourself so that cleaning the toilet does not take you much time.
Toilet cleaning
To simplify your task and spend a minimum of time cleaning the toilet, proceed according to this algorithm:
- First remove the lid from the toilet and clean it with a disinfectant, then wipe it with a disposable towel.
- The flanges of the toilet, its outer surface and the drain tank are also to be cleaned.
- To process the bowl inside, you will need a powerful corroding agent, a brush for the curving edge of the toilet bowl and a brush. Pour over the entire inner surface of the toilet, starting from the top under the bent edge, and wait 5-10 minutes.
- To save time while waiting for this time, you can wipe the mirrors and glass surfaces, as well as remove dirty towels and unnecessary empty cans from gel, shampoo and other body care products.
- Clean under the edge with a special brush and brush - the entire remaining surface.
- Wash it off a few times.
Attach the lid back and your toilet shines clean!
to contents ↑Cleaning the toilets should only be done with rubber gloves!
Bath cleaning
Cleaning the bath consists in cleaning plumbing, walls, floors, which are most often decorated with tiles, as well as textile devices to protect against splashes and simply decorative elements.
Plumbing Cleaning
To clean the bath, you need to use a more gentle means than to clean the toilet. This is necessary for the reason that the enamel on the bowl of the bath is less durable, which means it can be damaged when exposed to active-aggressive chemistry.
Important! Wear gloves at will, but if you have sensitive skin - a must.
Method of using any cleaning agent for cleaning the bathroom:
- Apply detergent to a damp cloth, wipe the surface of the bath.
- Wait 5-10 minutes, rinse with running water.
- Wipe with disposable towels.
- Repeat the same procedure with the sink.
- Then clean the faucets with a rust cleaner.
Important! Depending on whether you decide to use household chemicals such as “Comet”, “Domestos”, “Sanklin” or ordinary soda, vinegar, the time for cleaning plumbing from plaque will be different. Carefully read the instructions for the selected remedy, and give the safe folk substances more time - up to 30 minutes.
Tiles must also be cleaned regularly, since an invisible plaque forms in the form of a thin film on it. It is formed by bacteria that have accumulated and multiplied under conditions of such favorable increased humidity. So - in order not to become their victim, cleaning the bathroom must necessarily include cleaning tiles on the walls, floors.
- Apply tile cleaner to a damp cloth, wipe all surfaces trimmed with tiles.
- Wait a moment, then wipe with disposable napkins, paper towels or a clean, dry, moisture-absorbing cloth. Be sure to dry.
Important! If your bathroom does not have tiles, for example, PVC panels, you can wipe them with an ordinary soap solution or with a solution with natural citric acid.
Cleaning the bathroom also involves cleaning the rugs and curtains when they are. Everything is very simple here:
- If they are made from natural materials, then they must be washed in a washing machine and then dried.
- If the composition includes rubber, plastic or cellophane - the task is a little more complicated. First, they need to be cleaned with gentle detergents, then rinse them with water, dry in the open air.
Stock footage
That's all - cleaning the bathroom has been successfully completed. We hope that following our advice, this procedure did not take you much time, effort, so you still have time to enjoy your free time on your day off. It remains only to re-arrange everything in its place, hang the curtain and put mats on the floor and enjoy the result of their labors.
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