House cleaning

Cleaning a house or apartment usually falls into the section of tedious, difficult and very unwanted things. Mistresses, as usual, do not like to clean houses, and especially if they rarely do this, and then they have to clean for a long time and a lot. Another thing is interesting. If you think logically, cleaning the house is physical labor, sometimes well, very difficult. What mood are you doing? Right, with sad. What happens to the mood when you go to the gym? Are you still sad? Here it became clear what was the matter - in motivation.
With the help of this article you will learn to think positively about cleaning and find out what you can do so that the general cleaning does not squeeze all the juices out of you.
to contents ↑How to learn to think positively about cleaning?
In fact, it will be much easier to clean up if you change your mind about it. And to change it is easier than simple, just imagine what muscle groups you work during the harvest, and that this is a free gym!
Now let's put the jokes aside, a little theory. The first thing to understand is that the mess in the apartment promotes the multiplication of all kinds of infections and harmful bacteria. Dust that accumulates on surfaces can lead a person with allergic reactions to insanity. Clothing that is never cleaned in a closet loses its beauty faster, and furniture that is not looked after becomes dull and old prematurely.
If the salary allows you, you can order the “house cleaning” service in a company engaged in such activities, good, now there are a lot of them. If you have a child for whom you are hiring a nanny, then you can negotiate and pay extra for her, then she will do the cleaning at home.
However, not everyone has the opportunity to hire people to clean their apartment or house because incomes do not allow it. There are also people who simply do not like the presence of strangers in the apartment when the owners are not there. Then we change our view of this process - cleaning the house! We clean with pleasure.
to contents ↑Regular activities to create comfort and cleanliness
You don’t have to be a superhero every day to keep order. It’s enough just to be a neat person. Since childhood, parents have taught each of us to order, but now almost all of us are parents who do the same.
There are several important rules to keep in mind:
- Everyday wear should not lie anywhere, but do not hide them far away. You need to get them easily.
- Always wipe your feet on the mat when entering the house.
- After you come from the street, be sure to wipe your shoes immediately. If the weather is rainy - immediately wash your shoes, dry them before putting them in place.
- If you spilled something on the floor or furniture - wipe it at that very moment.
- If you notice dust or dirt on the windows - do not be lazy, wipe the glass with the glass cleaner at the very moment you saw it.
- On all surfaces you just need to hold a very well wrung out damp cloth every day.
- Saw the trash on the floor - notice.
- Wipe the floor with a damp cloth every day. To do this, you do not need to be constantly bent into three dooms, there are very convenient inexpensive mops that have a washing nozzle and are easily wrung out. Literally 15 minutes is enough for you.
- Wash the bathtub and sink after yourself.
- Toilet bowl - flush.For daily cleaning of the toilet, there have long been special blocks that are attached under its rim and, washing off each time, you wash it lightly.
- Take out the bin without waiting for trash to be trampled in it. And wash the bucket inside every day if you don’t use special packages.
- Wash dishes immediately after cooking and eating, without leaving the fat to dry.
- Try not to smoke in the apartment - tar settles on the ceiling, the walls at the top with a yellow coating, which is then poorly rubbed. If there is no strength or desire to cope with this habit, set aside a separate smoking room or use a balcony for this.
- Do not dry your hands after eating on the curtains. Make it a rule to use napkins.
- Wipe all surfaces in the kitchen immediately after cooking, eating.
These basic actions will help you live in a comfortable apartment. Plant a love of cleanliness for your household and do these actions yourself. Then, when it comes to general cleaning in the house, you will have to do quite a bit.
to contents ↑Clear-out of houses and apartments
What we do so as not to immediately be upset by the abundance of work:
- We break the apartment into zones.
- We give instructions to the household - let them help. Each will carry out a certain amount of work, and all this will happen simultaneously. As a result, house cleaning will not last a day or two, but only a couple of hours.
- We establish our unconditional leadership in this process and begin cleaning.
Zones in an apartment or house
Each housewife prefers to clean more in one area of the house than in another, depending on individual character traits. Without delving into psychology, we note that most often women like to clean the kitchen, and cleaning the room is often limited to a vacuum cleaner and dust extraction. Therefore, the hostess usually assigns the unloved zones of the apartment to the home.
- Hallway area.
- Living sector.
- Bathroom and toilet.
- Kitchen.
- Storage room (if any).
Important! Entrust your family to clean where you think they can do the job well or where you don’t like to clean yourself, and get started.
Hallway Area:
- Remove from the floor everything that is on it, wash the floor with a good detergent for the floor. Do not forget about baseboards.
- Wash the chandelier or the lamps that you have there.
- Gently fold the outer clothing that you will no longer wear, put it where you usually put it.
- Clean carpets, vacuum, if necessary - wet the decor.
- Put the shoes in place, hang outerwear on the hooks.
Living sector:
- Remove the curtains, load them into the washing machine.
- Take away all the things that you regularly use: clean - in the closet, dirty - in the wash.
- Wash the windows well, including the windowsills.
- Sweep the cobwebs from the ceiling, if any. If not, brush it off anyway.
- Remove the carpets and move the furniture. Prepare the floor for washing.
- Move the removed carpets to another room where it has not yet been cleaned. Clean and vacuum them thoroughly there.
- Wash all furniture, as well as the chandelier, sconces, floor lamps and other interior details.
- Wash the floor with a good chemical detergent, emphasizing the corners and places where you usually don't get a mop every day.
- Carefully, so as not to spill dust, remove bedspreads from the beds and shake them well in the street.
- Slide the furniture into place and lay clean carpets.
- Re-lay the bedding and cover the bed with a bedspread.
- Hang the curtains. It is possible, and even necessary - wet. Then they do not have to be ironed, moreover, they evenly sag.
Important! Room cleaning should be done with maximum capture of the entire territory, this is the place where you sleep and breathe dust there is least desirable.
Bathroom and toilet:
- Remove all unnecessary items and throw them away: jars, bottles, pieces of paper, napkins, etc.
- Clean towels in the wash.
- Remove the lid from the toilet and clean it (you can in the bathroom, it’s convenient, anyway, then wash the bath).
- Fill your toilet bowl with toilet liquid.
- Remove the waterproof bath curtain and soak it with a strong detergent.
- Clean or place floor mats in the washing machine.
- Means for glasses wipe the mirror.
- Use a bath cleaner to clean the tub and sink, as well as their outer surfaces, including the top surface of the toilet.
- With a tool that removes limescale and rust, clean the faucets.
- Wash shelves, if any.
- Wash the tiles and the floor thoroughly.
- Flush the toilet.
- Lay out bottles and jars on shelves, lay dry and clean rugs, hang the curtain back.
Important! The bathroom and the toilet are places where it is always wet. Try to wash everything that you washed, then wipe it dry to prevent the formation of mold.
Cleaning houses, apartments is useless if the kitchen is left uncleaned. This is the biggest source of pollution in the house. Smells, fumes and fat make their way into the living room very easily, if the kitchen is not given due attention.
What you need to do in this room when cleaning the house:
- Unload and defrost the refrigerator by turning it off.
- Wash the gas stove from all sides.
- To clean and wash the hood, try inside too.
- Wash the refrigerator and leave open, dry.
- Wash the inside and outside of the microwave.
- Remove the curtains, load them into the washing machine.
- Wash the windows.
- Unload all of their lockers and wash them.
- Soak all dishes and appliances with detergent or, if there is a dishwasher, load them and wash all that is.
- Clean the kitchen table.
- Remove trash from the bin and wash the bucket thoroughly.
- Brush the cobwebs from the ceiling.
- If you smoke in the kitchen, you should wash the ceiling and walls at the top very carefully to wipe the yellow coating from tar.
- Clean the walls, chandelier and floor.
- Place clean dishes and utensils back in the cupboards.
- Return the refrigerator to its products, close it and plug it into the outlet.
- Hang the curtains back.
Just make sure not to litter it and regularly clean the floor there. The pantry is always closed, you do not visit there as often as in the kitchen. Therefore, we recommend that you leave poison from cockroaches in the corners in the pantry. Just in case.
to contents ↑Stock footage
At first glance, all this seems very laborious. However, after reading all the points, you will see that many are the same. Do not bother your brain with pondering your actions before cleaning, just grab and do. This is a simple physical work that does not require titanic reflection. We hope that cleaning the apartment, house after reading this article will become for you just a little fun game with the same win at the end!
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