Acrylic Bath Care - Tools

According to many modern housewives, care for acrylic surfaces is possible only with the help of specially designed detergents. But in reality - this is a huge misconception and the most ordinary machinations of the manufacturers of those very special compounds that are trying to earn as much as possible on consumers. Of course, they cope well with pollution, but without them you can easily do. Today we will try to answer the question that worries consumers: what should be the proper care for an acrylic bath? The funds that we will consider can be found in any home or very inexpensively purchased in a hardware store.

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What is forbidden to clean acrylic bathtubs?

The biggest drawback of acrylic bathtubs is that their external coating cannot be called reliable: it is quite easy to scratch, it dims quite quickly when using improperly selected detergents. The abrasive that is part of many cleaning powders turns the acrylic surface into a matte finish.

If you do not yet know how to remove scratches from an acrylic bath and are in search of a suitable method and remedy, then pay attention to the list of the following compounds that should be avoided:

  • Washing powders and cleaning products that contain fine abrasive particles. Of course, you can polish the bath yourself, but if the treatment is carried out over the entire surface, you will have to spend a lot of time.
  • Chlorine. Never listen to people who advise you to disinfect the bathroom with this particular product, because the only thing you can get is a muddy surface. And if you use bleach repeatedly, then the bath can generally become covered with small pores, in which dirt will even clog and accumulate.
  • Solvents and acetone. The use of these products also results in a cloudy surface. But this is the least damage that the use of these compounds can cause. But it often happens that solvents and acetone corrode acrylic.
  • Ammonia. It gives the same effect as acetone, only to a less aggressive degree.
  • Formaldehydes. In fact, almost no one uses them in everyday life, but you need to remember that they are absolutely incompatible with acrylic.

Important! As you can see, almost all modern cleaning products are not suitable for the care of acrylic bathtubs. Therefore, even if you decide to use household chemicals, you need to at least understand what you can use and what not.

Specially designed, tested products of such brands are perfect:

  • "Triton";
  • “Acrylan”;
  • "Cinderella";
  • "Seth."
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Features for the care of acrylic bathtubs

If you analyze the previous section, then many will have the opinion that it is generally unrealistic to clean such a bath on your own. But even despite the fact that acrylic is so much afraid of the most popular detergents and cleaners, there are still safe options, so you should not despair right away.

You can wash the acrylic bath in the following ways:

  • To begin with, remember that it is not worthwhile to tolerate too much pollution, it is better to wash the bathroom in a timely manner. For example, you can rinse it with hot water after each bath, then no problems will arise with it. Occasionally, you can wash the surface with a sponge with ordinary soap.

Important! Due to the constant rinsing of the surface with hot water, it will always shine beautifully, as if it had just been polished.

  • If, on the surface, pollution such as calcareous deposits and rust nevertheless appeared, then they will have to be removed with non-abrasive products sold in construction and hardware stores. The main thing - when choosing such a composition, pay attention to the fact that its direct purpose should be to care for the bathroom with an acrylic coating. Then the spots and plaque will go away without any problems, and the bath will remain safe and sound.
  • If you are a supporter of the use of folk remedies, then with ordinary impurities on acrylic surfaces the most ordinary table vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon juice are perfectly able to cope.

Important! Remember, no matter what means you use, always apply them only with a soft rag or a foam sponge that do not have abrasive particles. If for the first time you decide to use some new cleaning agent, you should not immediately apply it to the entire surface - it is better to try its effect on a small area of ​​the bath. If there are no changes, then you can safely use it.

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How to fix damage in an acrylic bath?

Unfortunately, like other plumbing in the house, the bathtub can also not only get dirty, but also get damaged, as a result of which it becomes covered with deep and small scratches. Nothing can be done with this, because such troubles occur more often due to careless handling of things.

Acrylic can be called a unique material, because it is very easy to scratch, but it is also easy to remove such damage from it. And now we will learn how to remove scratches on an acrylic bath at home:

  • Small scratches with a depth of not more than half a millimeter can easily be polished with a piece of ordinary felt. Moreover, to cope with the problem, it is enough only for him, you do not need to use any additional devices and pastes. It is necessary to rub the surface in the area of ​​damage with light circular motions until it disappears completely.
  • Deep scratches can only be removed with liquid acrylic. It is not necessary to call a specialist for this - just buy a tube with liquid acrylic and a special plastic spatula for applying it. With a spatula, acrylic is applied to the scratch and polished with felt after the surface has completely dried. This method is ideal, no one will even notice any difference in structure and color.

Important! Using liquid acrylic, you can even close through holes in the bathroom. Outside, tape is attached, and then liquid acrylic is poured onto the damage site. In an extreme case, when a thorough restoration of such a font is needed, an acrylic insert suitable in size and shape is used. There is nothing complicated in installing it either.

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So we found out how to care for a bathtub covered with liquid acrylic, nothing really difficult in this. And do not forget that any damage and severe pollution do not happen on their own, the human factor plays the main role here. Therefore, it is much easier to predict than to eliminate such unpleasant consequences. Use things neatly and correctly!

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