Mold control

Very many do not think about such a problem as the destruction of mold in their apartment, in particular - in the bathroom. If you look closely at the walls of a bathroom that has not been repaired for a long time, you can often notice a small or already extensive fungus there. This short review will help you understand how to destroy mold in the bathroom, if it has settled thoroughly.

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What does the fungus look like?

Mold may look different, it depends on the surface that is affected by it:

  1. In the bathroom on the tile, it is usually white, yellowish.
  2. If the tree and wallpaper are damaged, then the fungus has shades of gray and black.
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What is mold harmful?

  • Destroys coatings and their structure. If you don’t take over the destruction of mold and fungus in time, then a small cosmetic repair will turn into a major one.
  • Causes diseases of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Take this item seriously because mold often contributes to tuberculosis. That is why prisoners in Soviet prisons were sick precisely for them - there was a lot of mold.
  • It spreads an unpleasant musty smell.
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How and why does a fungus arise in a house?

There are several reasons for the formation of this muck, but the main one remains - increased humidity, a lot of water, condensate.

The problem of old houses

Bathrooms that have not been repaired for a long time, or those where the repair was still under Stalin, have mold. Without exception, clean it up. Old pipes accumulate condensate, plumbing leaks and this causes constant humidity, a trickle of water constantly flows from the drain tank. All these are ideal conditions for the life and prosperity of the fungus on your walls.

The problem of new homes

But, oddly enough, mold can also occur in newly renovated apartments. The reason for the appearance is different, but again - causing moisture. These are plastic windows. They do not let air into the house at all, and the water that is in the apartment, including our breath, does not go anywhere. Add to this warmth and done - the fungus began to take on distinct forms, and you were puzzled by the search for a means to destroy the mold.

Speaking of a new repair. A fungus can also appear when the repair is carried out poorly:

  • delivered materials that accumulate moisture;
  • did the wrong waterproofing of the seams.

tumblr_mzdx5pAdrY1rije4ko1_500And if you are also a fan of fish or houseplants and there is all of this in your house, the fungus will definitely come to you. And then what you considered unrealistic will be the most relevant for you, namely, the thought of how to destroy mold.

Important! All these factors work in favor of mold mainly when the room is not ventilated. Mold does not like dry and fresh air, its element is stagnation.

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How to prevent the appearance of fungus?

As with any other problem, it would be better to avoid it by thinking about preventive measures in advance. What can you do to prevent mold from being destroyed? - Actions are simple:

  • Install ventilation in the bathroom.
  • Replace low-quality plumbing.
  • Ventilate your apartment regularly.
  • Do not keep things soaked in the bathroom for a long time.
  • After bathing, ventilate the bathroom.
  • Do wet cleaning in the apartment quickly.
  • In winter, put heaters that help air drying.
  • Make proper window sealing so that the windows do not fog up in winter.
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How to destroy mold?

First of all, I want to say for those who do not want to bother and spend their valuable time on it, and who is easier to entrust to the professionals. It is enough to find a good service on household issues, to call and order a brigade at home. Specially trained people will come to you who will quickly cope with this problem.

How to destroy mold on your own?

We remove the mold in a wooden house

To clean wooden surfaces, use building antiseptics for wooden surfaces. But do not use them in their pure form. Dilute with turpentine or white spirit, apply the resulting solution to a previously dried surface and repeat the procedure after a while.

To remove the fungus from the walls you have to shoot the wallpaper:

  1. Reduce humidity in the room.
  2. Take off the wallpaper.
  3. Dry the plaster and remove the loose metal brush.
  4. Treat the wall with an antiseptic.
  5. Apply primer and plaster.
  6. Dry and then apply a primer again.
  7. Dry and wallpaper the wall.

Kill mold and mildew in the bathroom

First you need to dry the bathroom, then determine the weaknesses - what is leaking or accumulating moisture. Once you find them - replace them with new ones. Do not spare money, let you spend now what you did not plan, but then you will have a fragrant, dry and beautiful bathroom.

Important! Be sure to install ventilation or check an existing one - you may be able to repair it or just clean the ventilation ducts.

Now the most nasty, but necessary:

  1. The affected walls must be completely dismantled: remove the tiles, plaster, remove the paint.
  2. It is advisable that during the repair, in the bathroom was a fan or a heat heater.
  3. After you have peeled off all the coatings from the affected areas, you need to dry them thoroughly, treat them with a clean antiseptic, leave them for a while and then cover everything again with tiles or whatever you want.
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Let what you read here help you keep your apartment dry and comfortable, and the thought of how to destroy mold will never arise again.

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