Wet house cleaning is a must for cleanliness.

Wet cleaning the house, the procedure for which is covered with a kind of fog. Many people think that such an action is only one time to mop the floor and enough, but it's not so simple. We will serve as a fan for you to disperse the entire fog, and will reveal to you all the secrets of wet cleaning the house. to contents ↑
Preparing to start wet cleaning
In order for the wet cleaning of the apartment not to occupy a large amount of time, but at the same time to be effective, it is necessary to prepare for it correctly.
For the process you will need:
- different parameters of the napkin, which are made of microfiber;
- a cleaning agent;
- mop;
- washing vacuum cleaner;
- deep bucket for mopping;
- a small basin for washing a variety of surfaces, such as:
- shelves;
- window sills;
- tables.
Important! When cleaning the room, immediately bring everything you need. Running back and forth for every little thing means spending extra time and energy.
Wet cleaning mop
Forever abandon the use of outdated pieces of wood. Innovative plastic mops are incredibly light and very comfortable. In addition, they allow you to carry out wet cleaning at home quickly and very simply. Now in absolutely any store with household goods you can buy a set that consists of a mop, as well as a bucket, which has a special niche to wring rags.
There are mops, the rag ends of which can be squeezed out by simply turning the handle slightly along its axis or pressing the special pedal. You will not be forced to bend to a bucket in which water is poured every time you need to rinse or squeeze a rag - save your time and effort.
Important! When planning to wash the floor while using a disinfectant, make sure that they are completely safe for you and your household, especially given the delicacy of children's organisms and the characteristics of animals.
Strangely enough, the mop is an old assistant to absolutely all housewives, but she will not be able to cope with washing any carpeting. A washing vacuum cleaner is perfect for these purposes.
Special wet vacuum cleaner
In the event that your budget allows you, without fail purchase this marvel of technology. A washing vacuum cleaner, as well as its type - a robot vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning at home, will relieve you of the obligation to carry buckets with water and then rub the floor with a rag.
Innovative washing vacuum cleaners allow you to clean almost every surface in any home from dust and dirt:
- laminate;
- floors made of natural wood;
- carpet;
- tile
- furniture;
- woolen carpets.
Important! A variety of brushes that are included in the kit allow you to penetrate the most inaccessible corners of any apartment. Brushes of such equipment are made taking into account the features of a variety of surfaces.
Using a washing vacuum cleaner will reduce the time wet house cleaning at least two or even three times.
Special Carpet Products
In the event that you have not yet purchased a washing vacuum cleaner, cleaning products will help eliminate dust and dirt from the surface of carpets.For example, the well-known “Vanish” and an ordinary, well-absorbing sponge. Follow the instructions exactly as on the package, and you will succeed. True, such a wet cleaning of woven products can take a fairly large amount of time and effort.
Important! If your house does not have enough heat, do not venture to wet the carpet or furniture. Dampness may occur due to the furniture or carpet drying for too long, and it is much more dangerous than dust.
Mold releases toxins into the air, which literally poison the entire human body, causing frequent headaches, nausea, and dizziness.
After wet cleaning, furniture and carpets must be completely dry throughout the day.
to contents ↑Find an alternative to wet cleaning
In the event that you do not have the desire to run around the apartment every day with a damp cloth, you can use a humidifier for air, which significantly reduces the amount of dust in your apartment.
The most modern type of humidifier is air washing. This is an interesting modern device that moisturizes dry air, as well as clean it from all dust. A good helper for mothers who take care of their babies.
Important! If it’s cool in your apartment, do not use this unit because dampness can cause mold. Also, change the water as often as possible.
A small plastic box in which the fan and the container are located will perfectly cope with the task in a few hours.
to contents ↑Important! The sink draws in all the contaminated air, passes it through the fan, which rotates continuously, being wetted in water. Hair, dust and various particles settle on the surface of the fan, and then washed off with water. After that, clean, humidified air is directed into the room through the outlet of the device.
How often is it necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment?
Someone carries out wet cleaning of the house quite rarely, someone much more often, here everything is determined specifically by the individual living environment. But in fact, experts recommend cleaning every day in this way.
When exactly do you need to clean?
- If any of your family has an allergy or some problems with the respiratory system, this is especially true, especially when the flowering season of all plants or the period of molting of animals has begun.
- If someone gets sick at home, as humidification of air and getting rid of dirt and dust positively affect the rate of recovery of a person.
- In the event that the house is located near a busy highway, directly onto which your windows face.
Cleaning plan
Let’s figure out how to properly wet the apartment. It is imperative to act sequentially, otherwise you will still walk in circles, chasing dust from place to place and processing, as it would seem, already removed places several times. An approximate sequence to be followed:
- First you need to clean the farthest rooms. As a rule, these are bedrooms or children's rooms, but in each case, start with what is further from the door. Gradually begin to move around the rooms, closer and closer to the doors.
- Next, go to the kitchen. First, remove all unnecessary from the surface of the tables and so on, then start wiping everything, starting from window sills and countertops, ending with household appliances.
- Bathroom. Without fail, clean the bathroom as thoroughly as possible, disinfecting absolutely all the sanitary equipment located there.
- Hallway and pantry. It is not necessary to clean very carefully too often. As a rule, a simple wet cleaning once a month is more than enough for such rooms.
to contents ↑Important! Also, do not forget to wipe upholstered furniture, bedspreads, carpets, wash curtains, as well as soft toys and other similar things once a month that collect dust quite actively. And it’s better to throw out unnecessary dust collectors altogether. For example, get rid of old newspapers and magazines if you do not need them, and the air in your apartment will become much cleaner. And that means - wet house cleaningbut it will be required much less often.
We make wet cleaning extremely effective:
- There is an opinion that it is necessary to add a disinfectant solution to the washing water. But such a rule is not necessary to observe, because ordinary tap water is also good. Any such solution can be used if someone is sick in your home. And prophylaxis can be performed with a usual acetic-aqueous solution once a month. For 1 bucket of water, 1 cup of table vinegar is enough.
- To optimize your work while wet-cleaning your home, always move from top to bottom. Otherwise, you will have to wipe one dust 2-3 times in a row. Start with lamps or the top of the furniture, then all sorts of shelves, window sills and more, and right at the very end of the floors.
- Many people think that the robot vacuum cleaner makes it easier to carry out wet general cleaning. In fact, he will be able to thoroughly clean only recent pollution. Clear-out nobody cancels. But if you purchase it not as a fixed asset, but as an additional inventory, then why not - it will help make the cleaning process much easier.
- In order to wash the tiles, we recommend using the gum nozzle of the washing vacuum cleaner. You can dilute a small amount of vinegar in the water, and then wash the tile, as well as the seams between it with your own hands.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that after reading this article you learned that wet cleaning is not so difficult. We wish you and your loved ones good health and utmost purity in the house with minimal efforts to achieve comfort and coziness.
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