Antenna for gardening with an amplifier - which one to choose?

Every day a person receives information and exchanges it. It is very difficult to imagine life without the main sources of information - television, the Internet. While in the city or in the country, we need to learn the news and share them. Today, most of the information we learn is thanks to the TV. But do not forget that this is just a broadcast device. The main thing is a television antenna, it is it that picks up information signals and turns it into sounds and an image. Many people wonder if you need an antenna for giving with an amplifier - which one to choose? Not so difficult, given the disadvantages, advantages and technical characteristics of different types and models. This is discussed in the article below.

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Types of Signals and Antennas

Before choosing an antenna for a TV in the country, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties. Each of them has its own characteristics of functioning. Let's consider several options:

  • Satellite is one of the most popular television antennas. It gained popularity due to its price and signal quality. Despite the roughness of the terrain in which you are located, it will catch all your favorite and necessary channels for viewing.

Important! The diameter of the satellite “dish” depends on the terrain: the worse it is, the wider the dish, respectively. You will find detailed information about this type of antenna in our separate article. "What plate to choose for the TV?".

  • Polish is the most common television antenna that is placed in the country. Catches all channels without interference if the tower is no further than 30 kilometers. If there are obstacles in the form of forests or mountains, a special amplifier is built in, which removes all kinds of interference. Now on the market you can find this model with a built-in amplifier.
  • Running wave - all its elements are fixed on a special arrow. It is very compact in size and picks up signals well. Considered a good option for the countryside.
  • Double square is a modern version that works without interruptions and malfunctions. Managing such an antenna is very simple, there are no complicated settings. Perfectly catches Wi-Fi signals.
  • Digital - very similar to the on-air version of the antennas. Easy to use.

Important! At the expense of the signals, we can say that they fully correspond to the television antenna. That is, how many types of antennas, as many types of signals.

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We choose an antenna for giving

Having familiarized yourself with the types of antennas, you must, first of all, answer yourself several key questions that will affect the purchase:

  1. How far is your cottage from the city?
  2. What is the distance to the nearest tower?
  3. How many channels do you want?
  4. Which terrain is flat or mountainous?
  5. How much are you willing to spend on this?

Important! Have you decided to buy a satellite dish? Which model is better to choose? The principle of her work? How to setup? You will find answers to these and other questions on our website in a post “Installing a satellite dish”.

If it is difficult for you to answer at least one of these questions, then experts recommend the following:

  • Try to catch the signal with a room antenna.
  • Install it on a summer cottage.

Important! If you fundamentally need a lot of channels, then it is recommended to choose the simplest antenna with an amplifier to the cottage. Also, when choosing, you should take into account all the advantages and possible malfunctions of the device.

Factors Affecting Choice

Not always the price of equipment affects its quality. In order to choose a reliable and high-quality television device, several important factors should be considered:

  1. Type of terrain.
  2. The distance to the tower and the city.
  3. The presence of a signal amplifier.
  4. Price.

If you take into account all of the above factors, then you can buy a good device with which your TV will broadcast a vivid picture and clear sound. And you can make the antenna yourself. Follow the link and find outhow to make a TV antenna.

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Active and passive analog antennas

Teleantennas are distinguished by two types - active and passive, that is, with and without an amplifier. Many would choose the active option, but paradoxically - this is the wrong choice:

  • The main disadvantage of active television antennas is that the amplifiers break very quickly and often as a result of adverse weather conditions (thunderstorm, rain).
  • When moisture gets on the amplifier board, its performance decreases sharply, since all components are oxidized.

Important! When buying such a device, you can fill its board with silicone - this will slow down the oxidation process.

Passive antennas are much more expensive, because the amplifier is a separate part. That is, the television antenna is installed on the roof, and the signal amplifier in the attic, thereby protecting it from adverse conditions.

Important! The disadvantage of such devices is that they catch a small number of channels. But the picture and sound are at a very high level. Therefore, for giving the most acceptable option would be a passive television antenna.

Important! You can receive television channels from the antenna using a TV tuner. Read our walkthrough in our separate review,how to set up a TV tuner on a TV.

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Which antennas are better?

You can choose the best antenna for a summer residence by the following criteria:

  • Powerful amplifier.
  • It catches a signal for more than 30 kilometers.
  • Captures about 8 video and audio signals.
  • Made of aluminum, as the metal is resistant to moisture.

Important! If you purchased television equipment taking into account these criteria, but as a result there is interference or malfunction, it is recommended to contact a special service or a qualified specialist. A wizard will advise you and help you resolve any problems.

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Rating of the best models

It is very difficult to advise a suitable model for your area. But to simplify this issue, a rating of the best models of such television equipment was created. Consider the popular version of television antennas:

  1. “Delta” - the range of such devices is very wide. There are both narrowband and broadband. Captures a signal at large distances. Using the device is very easy, just insert the wire into the connector.
  2. “Locus” - popular due to reasonable prices and good quality. They have a very simple design, do not require much effort during installation. They work on three televisions.
  3. Harpoon is one of the leaders in the market of television devices. Typically, such devices are installed in uneven terrain (mountains, forests, hills).
  4. “GoldMaster” - such a device is very often installed in a rural area remote from the city. Despite this, the device picks up the signal very well and the TV broadcasts the image without distortion, and the sound - without interference. Weather conditions generally do not affect the performance of the device.

Important! If the TV tower is very close to your cottage, you can make a television antenna yourself. First, watch the workshops and video tutorials.

In the country, most of the time passes on the street, and watching TV is not very convenient. There is a way out - you can turn on the radio and listen to music. Our best one will help you choose the best model. radio rating.

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We hope that now, even away from the city on vacation, you are not “cut off” from civilization, but continue to receive news in your usual mode and do not miss new episodes of your favorite films.

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