What should I do if the phone falls into the water and does not turn on?

The impact of water on a mobile phone leads to unpleasant consequences, so you need to strive to avoid this by all means. But in life there is always room for surprises, no matter how neat the owner may be. Your young children or your own distraction can help you with this. The appliance may fall out of the pocket and fall into the water or accidentally get into the washing machine. But you never know what can happen. Of course, there are many types of different protective covers, but they will not help you very much from water. Moreover, it is not necessary to drop the phone in water or wash it in a typewriter, sometimes it is enough to get into the rain, and minor troubles are guaranteed to you. So what to do if the phone falls into the water and does not turn on. Consider in this article what you can do yourself if you don’t have the opportunity to go to a service center or repair shop right now.

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Save the wet phone

People often ask: is phone repair necessary after water? Let's decide what actions should be taken in case of such unpleasant surprises:

  • If the device is recharging when it enters the water, the first thing you need to do is remove the charge from the outlet. Then you need to remove the battery from the device to prevent oxidation, since in this case you will have to change the battery. And only then get a SIM card and a memory card, if any.
  • When all available items are removed, you can try to disassemble the phone. If you have never done this and are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact the service center. Experienced craftsmen will help you in this matter. Repairing the phone after water is a very real thing, especially if it is an expensive model. Of course, it is necessary to deliver the “victim” to the specialist as soon as possible so that the water does not finish him off completely.
  • If you still decide to disassemble it yourself, then act as carefully as possible so as not to damage the screen or other details. Use the video tutorial to disassemble this or a similar model.
  • After all actions, gently shake the liquid out of the apparatus.
  • Now you need to dry the phone properly.

Important! If you did not succeed in saving the wet smartphone, in this case the only way out of this situation will be to acquire a new one. In order to facilitate your task and speed up your searches, we have given you the comparative characteristics of gadgets in another our article “Which smartphone is better - Asus or Lenovo?”


Important! Categorically it is impossible to warm the phone so that it dries faster. Any attempts to blow dry it or put it on the battery can only permanently disable it.

Also, do not try to thoroughly wipe the smartphone and its internal details. Such procedures should be done carefully, with soaking movements. Otherwise, you just “push” the water even deeper into the device.

Important! Are you tired of small-sized smartphones that are rather inconvenient to work with? We suggest that you think about purchasing a new functional gadget with a large screen. Browse nowrating of the best big screen smartphones.

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Drying Tips:

  • It is best to put it on a napkin. The gadget should be disassembled to the maximum, the place of drying must be dry, warm. Do not touch it for several days.
  • Some advise putting the machine temporarily in uncooked rice. Rice absorbs moisture well, and there is a high probability that it will help your phone.
  • Small bags with a special substance, which they put in shoes, wallets and other products, so that they do not get wet, absorb moisture well. If you were prudent enough and collected these bags, then your phone will have a better chance.
  • Some experts advise wiping the parts of the mobile phone after getting wet with alcohol so that the contacts do not oxidize.

When all the parts dry out, you need to carefully assemble your device and try to turn it on. If he didn’t work, then you still have to go to the specialists - they will determine exactly whether it is possible to repair the phone after water.

Important! The faster you start the rehabilitation process, the more chances your mobile friend has.If the purchase of a new gadget is inevitable, do everything to understand the nuances and buy a reliable model.

Our selection of practical tips on the topic will help you.“How to choose a smartphone?”.

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How to avoid a similar situation?

  • Do not carry your smartphone inside your trouser pockets.
  • Do not take the phone with you to the bathroom, even if you are waiting for a very important call. 5 minutes will not be critical.
  • If you are in bad weather, immediately put the phone in the farthest corner of your bag, backpack, or at least just in the inside pocket of your outerwear.
  • If the phone does fall into the water, turn it off as soon as possible and disassemble as much as possible.

Important! If you dream of a cool smartphone with many different functions, with a stylish design, and you don’t have much money to buy a new one, follow the link toranking of the best budget smartphones.

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We hope you managed to restore the working state of your gadget, and you did not lose valuable information from it. From now on, be more careful!

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