How to set up electronic scales?

The first thing you should pay attention to with any diet is weight tracking. And what helps us with this most of all? Right! - This is the scales. But it would be very embarrassing if such a “simple” modern device showed a figure that in reality cannot correspond to your result. Most often, the essence of this problem lies in the incorrect calibration of the device. How to set up electronic scales? This article will help you find the answer to this question, and not only to it.

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Electronic balance

We turn to the description of the burning problem, because most owners of electronic scales begin to massively get rid of devices when they are “incorrect”. Is it worth throwing such a technique? Not always. First you should get acquainted with the basics.


First you need to understand what we are dealing with. If we are talking about scales, then we may encounter different types of them:

  • Board. We often see such scales at retail outlets of markets and stores. Small dimensions are an advantage, and a limited limit for weighing is not such a big minus, given the scope of use.
  • Floor scales. The “talking” name suggests that such devices are used at bases and wholesale points. They are intended for weighing large loads.
  • Floor electronic scales. The most common. Without them, not a single complete physical examination. A person who cares about his health must have such a device.

Important! Have you decided to change your diet and eat only healthy food? We have prepared a separate review in which you will find outwhat foods are good for health.

Recent devices can be classified into several groups:

  • Lever The principle of leverage that Archimedes described a long time ago works here.
  • Spring loaded. The principle of operation is Hooke's law.
  • Hydrostatic. And here, the basis of the mechanism is the measurement of the density of a substance.
  • Strain gauge. In such a balance, the deformation is converted into electrical impulses, which, after processing, enter the display in the form of numerical values.

This, as you have already been able to understand, is about the latter.

Principle of operation

The device of the scale consists in the banal placement of goods on a flat surface of the platform of the device, which provokes the deformation of the elastic elements under the action of the arising forces. The “strain value” is measured using special strain gauge sensors and characterizes the mass that can be observed on the information output device. At the end of mechanical procedures, a current is supplied to the unit with a certain force, which cunning electronics turns into digits on the display.

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How to set up electronic floor scales?

You got acquainted with the main nuances of work and the scope of application. By acquiring such a technique, it is worth knowing how to check the electronic balance for accuracy.


Do you want to know only the truth about your weight? Then you should remember the following information:

  1. Place the appliance on a smooth and strong surface, giving it a stable position.
  2. Turn on the scale. This is done in completely different ways and depends only on the model.

No more specific steps are required to set up an electronic scale.If you want to use the wide functionality of your chosen model in full - remembering previous indicators, obtaining data on the composition of muscle, fat mass, etc., use the instructions from the manufacturer of the device.

Important! Remember that the first inclusion is the key, so you need to choose the correct location.

Important! In most cases, floor scales are purchased to control body weight. If you want to lose weight, diets will not be enough, more exercise will be required. Read the set of recommendationshow to remove fat from the press.

Check for accuracy

Body weight tends to change, it is always worth considering.

Important! Floor scales are intended for human use. Checking the correct operation of the balance with various objects can cause damage.

When buying, you should check with the sales assistant where the reading sensors are located. Usually they are installed in each of the legs, which ensures maximum measurement accuracy.

And now the main “secret." Obtaining accurate readings does not require cunning tuning and the work of a team of programmers. Enough "multiple" weighing. For example, five times. The data you receive will help to find out the error of the device.

Important! It is believed that the permissible error should not exceed 400 grams. If the figure exceeds the permissible values, the problem may lie in the malfunctioning of sensors that take readings.

Usually the whole struggle with such a problem ends with pressing the reset button, but if this does not return the balance to a healthy state, contact the wizard or look for new ones.

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Rating models

Well. If you understand how to configure a floor electronic scale, you can safely proceed to the choice of model. Here is a small rating:

  1. Medisana 40419 TargetScale. The small size of the display and the biting price are compensated by the “crazy” functionality: working with mobile devices, measuring body temperature and blood sugar.
  2. SUPRA BSS-6600 is a simple device with a corresponding low price. Able to measure the content of fat, water, muscle and bone mass, but do not have a backlight.
  3. TANITA BC-587. Unjustified cost, but a wide range of functions. In this regard, the first model is much better.

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Operating Rules:

  • Install the appliance only on a firm, level surface.
  • Never jump on the device. Scales are not a toy.
  • Do not weigh anything other than the mass of the human body using the technique.
  • Treat the equipment with care if you want a long service.

Important! Everyone has heard that steamed dishes are especially good for your health. If you do not have a double boiler - do not be discouraged. Follow the link to choose the best way for yourself.steaming without a double boiler.

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This article should help you “squeeze” the most accurate information from the device and extend the life of the device. With each use, remember the simplest operating rules, then you will not be disappointed with the results.


