What foods are good for your health?

For good health and excellent health, you need to eat properly. Eat only natural, healthy products are recommended by both representatives of traditional medicine and doctors. A practitioner of a healthy lifestyle needs to know what constitutes the basics of proper nutrition. Consider what foods are good for health, what their value for the body, their quality characteristics, especially consumption. And also dwell on harmful products for human health.
to contents ↑Healthy foods
Answering the question of which foods are good for health, we dwell on the main ones in more detail.
Vegetables are necessarily included in any list of healthy foods for proper nutrition. Vegetables grown in a natural way are vital for all organs, cells, tissues of the human body to function fully.
They consist of:
- Fiber.
- Vegetable protein in a small amount.
- Vitamin.
- Trace elements.
- Minerals
Important! Fiber does not carry any nutritional value, but it is necessary for man to naturally cleanse his body. If this component in the intestine is not enough, then the decomposition products and toxins accumulate in all other organs.
The most useful and affordable vegetables that grow in our latitudes are:
- Carrots are a source of carotene (vitamin A), as well as a product that has nutritious, antioxidant properties. Along the way, improves blood composition, stabilizes digestion. With this vegetable you can cook different salads, main dishes. It’s also very useful to drink natural juices. If the latter idea is acceptable to you, find out which juicer is better for carrots.
- Cabbage of all sorts, especially white cabbage or broccoli, contains dozens of vitamins and minerals, as well as a large amount of fiber. Cabbage boosts immunity, cleanses the blood of cholesterol compounds, and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Cabbage is one of the favorite foods of doctors and nutritionists.
- Garlic and onions are leaders in the content of volatile, which have a beneficial effect on strengthening human immunity. Increase the body's resistance to bacteria, viruses, toxins.
- Tomatoes are a source of lycopene, lutein and other very useful ingredients. They have antioxidant properties, positively affect vision.
Important! Useful properties of plant-derived products are used in the treatment of various diseases, dysfunctions and disorders of organs and systems. Regular consumption of vegetables is an excellent prevention of vascular, digestive, and oncological diseases.
Grown in a natural way, undercooked and fresh vegetables - these are products for proper nutrition, which are useful for blood vessels, heart, endocrine system, digestive organs. They, like vegetables, contain fiber, and also are very similar in composition to them, and are one of the most important parts of human nutrition.
The most healthy fruits:
- Apples are a source of pectin, fiber, and iron compounds. They stimulate the natural cleansing of the human body of cholesterol, toxins, and have beneficial effects on intestinal motility. Eating apples regularly helps reduce weight. By the way, you can prepare healthy juice from these fruits for the winter.To make the process easier, make it less time consuming, check out our tips, how to make an apple press.
- Avocado - very rich in vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fats. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, has anticarcinogenic properties.
- Bananas - contain large amounts of potassium, fructose, and other natural carbohydrates.
Important! Remember that, in addition to organizing a proper diet, physical activity is also important for health. If going to the gym is not your option, then our will be useful to you. a selection of exercises for the press for a month at home.
Nutritionists and doctors recommend consuming fruits daily, because it contributes to the full functioning of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and prevents the appearance of many diseases.
Important! Fruits should be grown in environmentally friendly regions without the use of chemical and other stimulants. Plus, when compiling a diet, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body, because some products fasten a chair.
By their properties, berries are close to vegetables and fruits, but they contain less fiber, but a high content of trace elements, vitamins, and nutrients. Berries are natural antioxidants that regulate metabolic processes. These products are delicious sweet treats that can be used as an independent dish, or as an additive to various desserts, even meat dishes.
There are a large number of useful berries for health - these are blueberries, sea-buckthorn, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, black currants, raspberries, cloudberries, shrimp, bird cherry, grapes.
Important! Some of them are ready-made medicine and raw materials for its manufacture. Berry pharmaceutical companies are preparing effective herbal preparations.
Beans are a source of vitamins, vegetable protein, fiber, trace elements, antioxidants. There are no harmful fats in peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, and other legumes, but there are substances that prevent the appearance of abnormal cells, from which cancerous tumors subsequently form.
The fiber, which is part of the legumes, performs the function of cleaning the digestive tract from undigested food residues, toxins.
Important! Beans are “complex” carbohydrates, they are absorbed slowly, but at the same time provide the body with a supply of energy and nutrients for a long time.
Nuts are a source of carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements (chromium, zinc, iron) and vitamins C, E, group B. They are fruits that are covered with hard peels. Nuts can be consumed as part of various dishes, or separately. They are also a source of energy, while they have a great taste, and also saturate the body in a few minutes.
Important! The most useful nuts are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, chestnuts. They are used not only for food, but also for the treatment of various diseases.
Eggs are also a healthy food. There is an opinion that only the protein in them is useful, but this is not so. Yolk contains cholesterol, which is not directly related to an increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.
Eggs are an excellent source of lung for the absorption of animal protein by the body, which is very important for muscle growth during training or during weight loss. Eggs can be eaten both in the form of scrambled eggs, and in the form of an omelet, as well as a snack, making a delicious sandwich.
Important! So that you can easily diversify your diet with this product, we suggest that you keep yourself omelet recipes.
Honey is the main beekeeping product, a source of a huge amount of beneficial components and glucose. Honey collected in clean areas and prepared without using heat treatment is a medicine that has antibacterial, tonic, immunostimulating and general strengthening properties.It is used for anemia, all types of digestive colds and vascular ailments.
Important! In order not to be mistaken when buying such a product, find out how to choose honey.
Health foods include fish. Especially valuable is the fish from the salmon family - pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, grayling. It is a source of protein, phosphorus, and omega fatty acids.
A beneficial effect on the body is expressed by an improvement in blood circulation, an increased amount of useful cholesterol compounds, and strengthening immunity. Also, fish has a high nutritional value and is excellent as a main product for various diets and a healthy lifestyle.
Important! In order to always have a few ideas for cooking tasty and healthy food, save yourself a selection of fish recipes.
Olive oil
A great way to combat excess cholesterol is to use this product. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, including D, E, K, oleic and linoleic acids, useful trace elements.
Important! Oleic acid is a scientifically recognized tool for the prevention of malignant tumors.
Coarse flour products
Bread made from wholemeal flour contains complex carbohydrates, which, unlike rich bakery products, do not contribute to weight gain. When using such flour in products, most of the useful components and vitamins that cereals are rich in are preserved.
Eating bread made from unprocessed flour reduces the risk of diabetes, vascular pathologies and digestive diseases. But if you from time to time like to treat yourself to delicious pastries, try our recipes make a delicious homemade baguette.
Green tea
Such a drink is obtained by brewing leaves from a tea bush. Contains Vitamin C, Polyphenols, Carotenoids, and Minerals. It is a natural antioxidant that positively affects all organs and systems in the human body. Regular use of it reduces the risk of strokes, cardiac abnormalities, caries, liver diseases, stone formation and cancer. But all this is subject to a good quality product, so check out our rated best teas.
to contents ↑Important! Healthy food for proper nutrition - one that contains the optimal combination of plant foods, fats in the form of healthy acids and dietary protein.
Harmful food
The most delicious is often junk food. The human body gets used to it very quickly.
Consider which products are harmful to human health:
- Fast food - it includes french fries, hamburgers, noodles and other instant food.
- Rusks and chips - contain a huge amount of chemical additives that adversely affect the health of the body.
- Ketchup and industrial mayonnaise - they contain trans fats, flavors, dyes and other harmful chemical additives.
- Sugar and salt. Sugar raises blood glucose dramatically. It also causes many diseases and pathological conditions, among which are weakened immunity, obesity, caries, osteoporosis. Salt can be used, but only in acceptable standards. Excessive use of it leads to heart attacks, renal failure, strokes, impaired vision.
- White bread is a representative of “fast” carbohydrates, which are harmful to human life. It leads to the intake of a large number of calories, which the body stores in the form of fats.
- Canned foods - do not contain anything useful in their composition, and their composition also includes food additives, chemicals.
- Confectionery - contain a huge amount of sugar, palm oil and other additives that harm the body.
- Carbonated drinks - have an excessive amount of “chemistry” in the composition. Their regular use leaches calcium from the body, and also leads to digestive problems.
- Alcohol.Everyone knows that it adversely affects the heart, kidneys, digestive system, strikes the cells of the nervous system, liver. Its regular use leads to psychological, and after - physical and chemical dependence.
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Today, even children are aware of the importance of good nutrition. But theoretical awareness is one thing, and practice is another. We examined above which foods are good for health, as well as the most harmful ones that should be reduced to a minimum in your diet. Eat right, exercise and be healthy!
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