How to clean an Epson printer?

Any technique needs care. The expression: “We are responsible for those we tamed” is also applicable to electronic devices, which have become an integral part of our daily lives. Any competent owner will want to extend the life of the devices to the maximum and make the required effort.

This article will focus on the care of printers, in particular, how to clean the printer Epson, HP. Today we will discuss all the nuances of software and mechanical cleaning. It is no secret that timely care of the device is a guarantee of continuous operation. This rule also works with printers. Accumulations of dust can interfere with the operation of the machine mechanism and cause damage. Yes, most likely, you will not be denied repairs under warranty if this happens, but why bring the repair time closer?

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How to clean the printer?

There are two main ways to combat “pollution” inside the equipment:

  • Manual mechanical cleaning.
  • Software cleaning.

We will deal with both the one and the other, since these processes are aimed at restoring the functionality of various equipment elements.

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Let's not forget that the manufacturer has already taken care of the necessary software, which he carefully supplied with the installation disk with programs, drivers and useful information that comes with the unit itself.

These programs can help clean your device. To do this, run the software called “HP Solution Center”, go to the “Printer Toolbox” menu, and already there - a utility for cleaning cartridges. If you have not been involved in such procedures for a long time, you can run it several times.

Important! Unfortunately, the utility does not clean the print head nozzle. It remains only to get inside and carry out all the procedures with your own hand.

Important! We have not used an inkjet printer for a long time, as a result - did you find out that the cartridge has dried up? Don’t worry, there are several ways to solve this problem. Find out about them in our separate review,how to restore an inkjet printer cartridge.

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Hand cleaning

How to clean my HP printer? Nothing complicated here. Of course, it’s best to leave the case to specialists, but only if you have doubts about your abilities.

To clean the HP printer head, we need:

  1. Flat bottom cookware that you will not regret throwing away. Perfectly with this task, disposable plates and containers for food will cope.
  2. A rag or gauze with good absorbency.
  3. A special kit that is designed to clean the printer. Such kits are sold in specialized equipment stores and even have different purposes.

Important! We recommend contacting the manufacturer with the question: how to clean the printer head in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Getting started:

  • Fill the dish with liquid from the set and set aside.
  • We arm ourselves with a rag or gauze, which we moisten with water in advance. Wipe the bottom pad.

Important! Never touch the nozzle with a damp cloth. Such actions are fraught with damage.

  • We take another piece that needs to be moistened already in a special liquid.We clean the head along the contour. If necessary, a cloth can be changed to a new one.
  • The time of the procedure may vary depending on the degree of contamination.
  • Having finished with the head, remove the gum from it. They can simply be washed in warm water, wiped and returned to their place.
  • And here the most difficult begins. The print head needs to be cleaned from the inside. You will also have to deal with printer nozzles.
  • For this procedure, you need to put gauze on, warm the liquid to 55 degrees, put it in a special syringe and drip it onto the ink-intake fittings until ink remains on the gauze.
  • A clean rag suggests that the procedure can be completed.

Important! In the process of cleaning the printer, self-refilling the cartridge, etc. there is a high probability of hand contamination with paint, which is not so easy to wash. Read useful tips in our post. "How to wash ink from the printer with your hands?".

That's all for cleaning the HP printer. There is nothing complicated about it.

Important! For prevention, it is recommended that you wipe the case regularly with a slightly damp cloth.

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Continuous Ink Supply System

Cleaning such a mechanism must be done. Such measures warn you against drying out of the printer nozzles. To clean this fixture, you must have a cleaning fluid. Rinse all tanks, tubes and cartridges with liquid, empty the ink tank, and rinse openings with water. “Drive off” service fluid in the same way as ink during refueling.

These instructions demonstrate the simplicity of cleaning procedures with a proper knowledge base, but we will fix the material on other examples.

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How to clean the print head of an Epson printer?

Cleaning the Epson printer using software is not much different from the instructions above, and has the following sequence:

  1. Go to “Devices and Printers” using the “Start” menu.
  2. In the “Printers” section, select “Connected Printer”.
  3. In the next window, open the “Printing Preferences” section. This is done by clicking the right mouse button.
  4. Go to the “Tools” menu and look for the “Print Head Cleaning” function there. Confirm your actions by pressing the “OK” key.
  5. Perhaps the device “prompts” to conduct a test that can identify problems. Do not give up on him.

Important! Cleaning printers of the Canon model occurs in a similar way and has no significant differences.

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Is it necessary to clean?

There are a number of reasons why you should do electrical appliances more often:

  • If you do not pay attention to technology for a long time, ink may dry out.
  • The print head is a very vulnerable element to dust because it is “wet” all the time.
  • Jobs inside the printer become clogged with ink waste.


Important! Want to stand out in the crowd? Love exclusive things? Use our helpful tips and you can spend at home print t-shirts.

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When do you need to remember about dusting?

You should immediately get down to business if you find at least one of these defects:

  • Blots and stains from ink.
  • Some areas are hard to print.
  • Fuzzy lines.
  • Horizontal stripes on a printed image.

Important! We repeat that if one of the defects is found, you should clean the printer or contact your nearest service center.

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Stock footage

Following all the tips and tricks, as well as following the detailed instructions, you will save yourself the need to purchase a new printer. Timely cleaning of the printer cartridges and other components can extend the life of the device.


