How to connect an active subwoofer in a car?

Are you a car owner and a lover of sound? Agree that car audio is part of the art? Then this article is for you. Many car owners equip their car with a good sound system, because on the road it is very important to feel comfortable. And since many entertainments are not available on the way, only music remains, and I want to listen to it in good quality. But not everyone does the audio system with their own hands because it seems like a very difficult task. Let's figure out all the nuances of how to connect an active subwoofer in a car.
to contents ↑How to install a subwoofer in a car?
First, let's talk a little about the “rolls” themselves. Any such innovation entails an undeniable plus. The subwoofer can play at least some sounds from the low frequency range, which allows you to enjoy sound in a completely different spectrum. Standard speakers with a radio tape recorder are not capable of such “witchcraft”, so such an acquisition will be a great addition to them.
Important! If you are just building an acoustic system from scratch in your car, you may also need some tips, how to make a radio antenna.
But let's not rush to proceed with the installation and dwell on the choice of the candidate.
There are active and passive devices. They are distinguished by the presence of a built-in power amplifier in the device itself. The installation of each of them has its own characteristics.
The choice
First of all, you need to pay attention to the type of body:
- Owners of minivans and hatchbacks will not experience problems with this. Such cars expand the search for a suitable subwoofer.
- But with car owners having a sedan body type, things are a little different. Installation is reduced to the installation of a rear shelf, armrests or the invention of a special ski hatch.
- The wiring diagram for the subwoofer and amplifier can be found even for convertibles.
Important! Every car owner seeks to monitor the cleanliness of the car. Of course, you can regularly call in a car wash, buy more and more expensive tools to solve every minor problem. And you can go the other way - to use the experience of experienced drivers. Many useful tips that are likely to be useful to you at different times of the year, read in our articles:
Yes, and connecting to a computer will not cause any difficulty. How to connect an active subwoofer in a car? You will learn the answer to this question later.
to contents ↑Important! Before any manipulations with the electronics in the car, turn off the power from the battery by removing the terminal from it.
Connecting an active subwoofer:
- It is necessary to draw a power wire along the entire cabin to the place where the subwoofer itself will be installed. The length of the wire depends on its position.
Important! The wire must not bend or twist.
- Now you need to remove the radio, using special grooves for this. The process should be led by a person with knowledge of the matter, because breaking a car radio is not the best solution.
- The very connection of the sub to the radio is quite a delicate process. It is worth asking that they can interact with each other.
- The subwoofer is undemanding to a large number of connectors and you can limit yourself to tulips.
- Connecting speakers implies the presence of 4 more outputs.
Now we will turn on the on / off control so that the amplifier inside the sub does not always work, but can somehow be regulated.
Installing a Passive Subwoofer
Now you know how to work with an active sub. Let's talk about the second type.
Placing such a device involves connecting an additional amplifier. The whole problem is that the subwoofer must be connected to the “amp” with a separate acoustic cable, having determined before that the polarity on the speaker. The rest of the process differs little from the previous one.
Important! Now it remains only to restore order inside the car. Our tips will help you with this. how to clean car seats.
All installation and placement may seem commonplace, but it should be taken seriously if the amplifier is not built-in. For such cases, a connection diagram is simply necessary, because there will be much more wires with connectors. Connecting an amplifier to your car is as much a serious step as the whole installation.
to contents ↑Important! We do not recommend installing the subwoofer in the car yourself if you do not have the proper knowledge base in the field of such issues. We advise you to contact the service or a specialist in “car audio” for help. Remember the basic safety rules when working with electronics.
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Now you know what you need to install the subwoofer in the car. Self-installation of a subwoofer in a car will no longer cause you questions. Always approach with due attention to the choice of devices that you want to install in your car and follow the detailed instructions, because they are always included.