How to connect headphones with a microphone to a computer?

If you are a fan of spending time behind the screen of a personal computer, call up regularly with friends or family using Skype, and also like to listen to the music of your favorite artists, then you just can not do without headphones with a microphone. Often among users, the question arises, how to connect headphones with a microphone to a computer? Inexperienced users will say that there is nothing complicated: just insert the plug into the connector and enjoy the operation. But not for everyone, everything looks as simple as there are different types of headsets. Some people incorrectly choose a device for their operating system and always forget to carry out manual settings that help to achieve better quality. Let's pay attention to the main points and together we will solve the question.
to contents ↑A little about the main thing
When connecting, you first need to determine if there is a sound card inside the case of your PC. Most often, it is located on the motherboard or taken out as a separate component in the system unit. In the absence of this detail, you will have to go shopping in search of it. If a sound processing device has been selected and purchased, the next step is to install the latest software.
Important! For communications, a budget model will fit, which has all the necessary connectors for establishing a connection.
Next, you need to carefully read the contents of the instructions that come with the device. The document should describe where exactly the interface for connecting headphones is located. Often, above each connector is a special icon that tells you about the purpose of the input. Also, the conclusions are colored: green is used to connect the headphones, and pink or red for the microphone. In order to connect headphones with a microphone to the computer, you should do the following:
- Install the special connectors from the headset into the appropriate jacks that are located on the rear or front panel. It is worth noting that all modern models have the ability to establish connections from the front.
Important! Perhaps right after these manipulations your device will work, but often manual settings are required.
- Next, you need to make sure that the latest drivers are installed on the operating system. The OS installs on its own, but it would be better if you put native software in your efforts.
- If the software is installed, but the headset still has not started to please you with its work, go to the tab with recording devices and set the model of your microphone as the default device. In cases where this column is not displayed, use the right mouse button and display the technique using the menu called “Show disabled devices”.
- It happens that even after these actions no reactions should be. In this case, try to get into the driver of your sound card and select the “Disable front panel input detection” function (for Realtec owners), or specify “AC97” in the front panel settings instead of “HD Audio” (for owners of software from VIA).
to contents ↑Important! Most often, connecting a microphone is not a problem at all, but sometimes you need to configure it correctly. To avoid sound issues, check out this article."How to set up a microphone on a computer?".
Different types of headphones
It makes no difference which type of headset you use, the main task is to find the right connector for the connection. If necessary, you can use a special adapter to help you avoid short-circuiting the device. We recommend taking a look at the nuances of establishing a connection for different types.
Headphone with microphone
Such devices are equipped with two outputs. To connect the component to the PC, you need to find the corresponding slots on the latter. You also need to check the availability of the necessary software. Just go to the control panel and open the “Sound” tab, and from it go to “Record”. In the window that opens, check the operability of the device.
Important! There are situations when, while watching a movie or listening to music on the computer, an echo appears that begins to annoy. It’s not so difficult to solve such a problem, just follow the link where it’s described in detail,how to remove echo on a computer.
Professional equipment
Here are those models that are used on TV and radio. Such headphones are distinguished by a plug, which has a larger diameter (6.5 mm). These gadgets can be used on a regular connector, if you buy a special adapter.
You can try to recreate such an adapter with your own efforts: take the classic 3.5 and connect it to the larger diameter jack with a wire.
Important! Experts say that such adapters significantly increase the load on the connector, which jeopardizes the duration of its service life.
Old models
Such devices have a very old output such as ONC-VG, which without the necessary adapter you can’t connect by any means. The latter can be created independently for this case.
Important! Inexperienced radio engineers are aware that similar connectors were placed on an old TDS brand headset. Perhaps these gadgets are outdated for a long time, but they do not lag behind in the quality of sound reproduction.
To carry out such work, an ohmmeter is useful, which is often installed in the “classic set” of any multimeter:
- Using a meter, check the pinout of all contacts on the connectors: if it is connected between the terminal and the common channel of one of the two contacts, characteristic clicks will be heard. If these sounds are heard in two channels, then such a connection is suitable.
- After identifying the channels, start making the adapter using the same “Jack” type plug.
Stock footage
If you are interested in answering the question of how to connect headphones with a microphone with one plug to a computer, then you should know that such problems can be solved using a conventional splitter. This useful component costs no more than $ 5 and is sold in almost all electronics stores. Now you can solve the problem in different ways and enjoy the sound quality of your headset in any situation.
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