How to make columns?

The sound quality in a car entirely depends on the location of the device in the cabin. It is also necessary to take into account all the technical parameters and the resonance index of the “boxes”. The body of the sound reproducing device to be used in a particular case is ideally made of suitable materials capable of providing the necessary resonance. For this reason, the most productive work is do-it-yourself work. But how to make columns if you have never done this before? To fully understand the matter and find the answer to this question, you need to understand all the nuances of creating acoustic devices. Today you will get acquainted with information that will help you create a building yourself, which will positively affect the budget and give you a lot of useful experience.

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What is important for speakers?

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the size of the equipment. And to determine the size, you should choose a location:

  • The most popular place is the trunk, because there is enough space. Also in this compartment there are all conditions for creating a certain resonance, which makes the sound a little different.
  • You can carry out installation near the rear windows, but then you have to reduce the size of the cases, as large devices simply will not fit.

How to make do-it-yourself speakers at home? To do this, you need to get acquainted with the four stages of creation.


To determine the dimensions of the case you need:

  • Choose a place.
  • Estimate the occupied space.
  • Measure the allocated area.

Important! If the trunk is selected as the location, then 30 centimeters is quite enough, and for location in the rear seats - at least 15 centimeters.


What are we building from?

In order to assemble the columns, the following materials should be selected:

  • Chipboard. It will be very easy to find such material, and a democratic price tag contributes. The main advantage of chipboard is a good return, which will save the motorist from listening to distortions. Also, the weight of the structure made of chipboard will be almost imperceptible.
  • Ebonite. Solid rubber products look good, but the muffled sound is a little frustrating. In addition, it will be very difficult for you to find a piece in the shape of a rectangle.

Important! Also, some buyers complain of an unpleasant smell, but ebonite is more flame-resistant, unlike chipboard, so short circuit (short circuits) are not afraid of it.

  • Wood. You can use any tree as a case, but seasoned experts recommend giving preference to oak or pine, as their structure affects the sound well. In addition, no one forgets about the appearance, which in this case can be made very attractive.

Important! Wooden structures can be covered with a layer of paint, which will positively affect the aesthetics of your invention.

Getting to work

How to make a column at home? The case is the most important component, so let's consider its creation.

The most common and convenient option looks like this:

  • Using a hacksaw, you procure future parts from the selected material.
  • Select the components on which the speakers will be fixed and make holes in the center of the hole.

Important! The diameter of the holes must be chosen so that it matches the diameter of the bottom of the device.

  • Next, cut out the small rings that fasten to the holes made. This will help to fix the speaker well.Create a shape that resembles a plate with an embossed bottom. Glue these rings to the finished components.
  • Create a few more holes, just in the shape of a triangle. You need to make them around the above rings. These actions will help to achieve optimal sound reproduction, in which all the waves will penetrate the body.
  • Take care of the inside of the structure and make small partitions. Choose a length that is identical to the length of the housing. These details will be needed to fix the bass reflex.
  • Make compact ports that later need to be routed through the terminals.

What to do next? Perhaps the best design of homemade speakers will help you, according to many users of online forums.

Important! If you are a music lover and the sound quality from the standard speaker does not suit you, we recommend that you find outhow to do subwoofer from a regular speaker.

Assembly stage

To connect the housing together you will need:

  • Fasten all parts using glue and screws.
  • Fill the structure with a synthetic winterizer.
  • Position the speaker in its place.

Important! It is recommended that all wiring be pulled through any available hole.

  • Apply varnish to the invention in order to protect the material and give a decent appearance.

Important! For painting, you can use special paint on wood, and some of the components can generally be done in any other color scheme.

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Sound systems

In fact, speakers are not always required. You can create acoustics in a car in another way:

  • Make foam podiums. To do this, create a cardboard template and put it on the place where the presence of the podium is supposed.
  • Cut a solid base. A plywood sheet or reinforcement can help you with this.
  • Create a base of two rings. The radius of the first should be identical to the radius of the grid, which is intended for protection. The diameter of the second ring must be observed in accordance with the size of the column.
  • Connect the rings using self-tapping screws.
  • Make 6 bars in order to recreate the slope. All parts will need to be fastened together with glue.
  • Pour foam into the structure and leave to dry completely.

Important! Instead of sheets of plywood, you can take parts of different wood. For such a task, it is worth choosing only dry materials that do not have visible defects and cracks. The entire structure, in this case, it is also recommended to cover the varnishes in order to give it reliability. If you pursue greater efficiency, then fix all the components using 2 rails.

At the last stage, the speakers are in their places and the podiums are mounted.

Important! If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel and like to listen to music, while sound quality plays an important role for you, follow the link in which it is described in detail,how to connect an active subwoofer in a car.

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Making columns with your own hands is very simple if you have the proper instructions at hand. Be guided by the advice of experienced people and your wit, and then you will succeed.

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