How to disable power-saving mode on a 🥝 Windows monitor

All Windows operating systems, without exception, are equipped with a function to adjust the power of the gadget. And each of them has an energy-saving mode, whether it is a personal computer or laptop. If everything is clear with laptops, then why do we need this function on a PC? Today we will learn how to remove and turn off the power-saving mode on the monitor.

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We make the screen go blank on older PC models

To disable this feature, you need to get acquainted with the process itself closer. Usually, the “Power Management” tab is responsible for turning different modifications on and off, but does it have any OS? Let’s sequentially understand why the monitor on lg turns on.

Old operating systems

Now we will talk about Windows 98, the Millenium operating system and Windows 2000. In order to exit the sleep function on devices with these operating systems, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the “Start” menu with the mouse cursor and go to the “Control Panel” tab.
  2. A context menu should open in front of you, in which you need to double-click the left mouse button on the shortcut with the name “Power Management”.
  3. You will again see a tab in which you need to set the optimal parameters for adjusting the power.
  4. Next, go to “Turn off the monitor” and set the setting to “Never”.
  5. It remains to click “Apply” and “Ok” so that your actions are saved and take effect.


Windows xp

What to do if the monitor writes an energy-saving mode? Here the settings will be slightly different and look like this:

  1. Here, you also need to get to the control panel similar to the previous method.
  2. Then we look for the word "Power". On some versions, this tab can be accessed through the maintenance and performance section.
  3. Find the window called “Power Schemes” and set it to “Home” or “Desktop” mode.
  4. Here, you will also need to select the option “Never”, which is located in “Turn off the display”.
  5. Click “Apply” and confirm “OK”.

Done! How to remove power-saving mode on a computer on which a newer version of the OS is installed? We read about this further.

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Operating Systems Windows Vista, 7, 8

The first steps are not much different from the previous ones. First you need to go to the “Control Panel” and find there a familiar section called “Power Options”. Now you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Find and expand the “Change plan settings” tab.
  2. Now you need to expand the tab “Put the computer into sleep mode” and select “Never” in the settings for the transition time.
  3. Do not forget to save the changes using the same two familiar keys.

Important! If you often have to wait for the system to boot when there is no time for this, you need to change the PC settings. Read how to make sure that the laptop does not turn off when the lid is closed.

Alternative way

This method is relevant for laptop owners:

  1. Click on the indicator icon with the battery image.
  2. In the next window, you need to go into the power settings of the device.
  3. You will see a window in front of you with different PC work plans.
  4. In the same window, directly opposite the selected plan, click on the link for the settings of power plans.
  5. Set the display to dim and select “Never” in the section that is responsible for turning off the monitor.

Important! On a personal stationary device, there will be no battery icon on the desktop.

Some portable devices have a built-in panel on which all the most important functions of the device are shared. It happens that you can turn off energy saving right there.

Important! Surely you use not only a PC, but also various gadgets. To charge your device less often, find out a few ways how to extend battery life.

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Now you know how to remove the energy-saving mode on the monitor. It doesn’t matter which operating system is installed on your gadget, since the path for parameterization everywhere looks almost the same. Every modern device has a function that is responsible for the power settings. This feature allows you to customize your device to your individual preferences.

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