How to remove the noise in the microphone?

Programs for online communication today are more than enough. They are used both for informal conversations, and for the organization of the work process. According to statistics, every second user has encountered extraneous noise in the microphone. This is not the most pleasant phenomenon, since it impedes high-quality sound recording, conversations over the Internet. How to remove excess noise in the microphone, fix hissing, and what are the reasons for its appearance? This problem can easily be fixed if you have at hand the instructions that are described below.
to contents ↑The microphone is noisy
Many users complain about the performance of the microphone, which interferes with the normal process of communication through it. If the microphone is noisy and hissing, there can be a lot of reasons - starting with incorrect settings in the system, ending with external noise, eliminating which will be harder. What to do? Let's look at the main methods of dealing with this phenomenon and get acquainted with the causes of its occurrence.
Why did the noise appear?
How to remove microphone noise? Let's not rush, but look right at the root of the problem. Interference may occur for the following reasons:
- You have purchased a cheap and low-quality device that buzzes and phonites. The use of such equipment for working with sound results in dubious playback quality. In this case, it is best to think about replacing the old gadget with a new one. Carefully study the specifications when choosing a new accessory.
- The second reason is the incorrect system settings of the sound recorder. If the parameters are not set correctly, then this can dramatically change the sound quality, adding to it a number of unpleasant and undesirable extraneous sounds.
- Also, the problem may lie in the drivers. If there are none or do not fit your sound card, then there can be no question of working correctly with the gadget.
- The Internet directly affects the performance. People who use popular instant messengers may encounter such a problem if their Internet connection does not meet the minimum requirements for working with similar software.
- Do not exclude the possibility that the microphone itself may be malfunctioning. If the device was damaged mechanically, we recommend that you pay attention to the first item on this list again.
Important! Before taking any measures to eliminate noise, once again make sure that your previous actions are correct. To eliminate the non-compliance factor, use our instructions:
We figured out the reasons, but how to remove the background of the microphone during a conversation, if the device is not damaged, its characteristics at the proper level?
to contents ↑Troubleshooting instructions
To get rid of the background once and for all, we recommend that you follow these instructions:
- Once again, make sure that your device is working, working correctly. Otherwise, you will have to replace the device with a model with a higher quality.
- Left-click on the “Start” shortcut, open the “Control Panel”, go to “Hardware and Sound”. Find the “Sound” sub-item, open it, go to “Manage sound devices”.
- On the “Record” tab, you will need to find the model of your device, double-click its icon with the left mouse button and go to its properties. A context menu will open before you, in which you need to find the “Advanced” line, click on it and set the two-channel sound with the following parameters: 16 bit, 44100 Hz. ”
Important! You can also try to set the recommended gain level for the device:
- We must go along the same path as you see above, but in the properties you will have to go to the “Levels” tab and set the values somewhere to 8-14 Decibels.
- The sound level of the device itself should be set somewhere between 60-70%.
- In the same window, you can activate the noise reduction function.
- In the same properties of the device model, go to the improvements window and check the box next to “Noise reduction”.
Important! In addition to noise, there may also be an echo effect, you will be heard badly. If you experience this phenomenon when connecting a different headset, read our separate articles on this topic with instructions for troubleshooting:
Find out the model of your sound card and download the necessary software for it from the official website of the developer. It is also recommended to install the latest drivers for correct operation.
to contents ↑Important! If you still need to reduce noise and noise, you can use the balanced connection of audio and shielded wires. Working with a microphone should become better after these steps.
Helpful hints:
- Do not use the speakers when talking on Skype or other programs. Such actions and lead to a variety of unpleasant sound phenomena.
- Sound recording devices are recommended to be used away from PCs and laptops (unless of course the microphone is not built-in). Extraneous noise from the operation of the components of the device can adversely affect your sound.
- It is not recommended to use a microphone near mobile devices and other equipment that is capable of emitting waves.
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Now the answer to the question of how to remove extraneous sounds in the microphone seems easier than school arithmetic. You have become familiar with the causes of the problems and are able to resolve them yourself. Use your equipment with care and it will answer you with a long and high-quality service.