How to choose speakers for laptop?

A laptop for every modern person is an absolutely indispensable device. Unfortunately, many users are not satisfied with the technical characteristics of sound quality, since most of these devices are equipped with a rather weak speaker. Because of this, especially in the case of home use, the process of listening to music and watching movies becomes difficult. Therefore, the issue of acquiring new speakers for this device is necessary for its full operation. Unfortunately, due to the large assortment of diverse models, manufacturers and price positions, many are lost in choice and can not pick up a quality accessory for their computer. We will tell you how to choose the right speaker for your laptop so that you are satisfied not only with the new acquisition, but also with the quality of the emitted sound.
to contents ↑Types of speakers for laptop
Speakers designed for laptops are significantly different from those equipped with home theaters and music centers. Their main difference lies in the dimensions, since the accessories that are designed for a laptop are much smaller. The difference also manifests itself in the sound quality, since it is much worse than in higher-class speakers.
There are two types of speakers for working with a laptop:
- Passive. Most often they are presented in the form of a single speaker, respectively - the sound quality wants to be the best. The main advantage of such speakers is a rather low price position.
- Active. They are equipped with several emitters at once, in which amplifiers and frequency filters are built-in, which makes it possible to adjust individual frequencies. Their main advantage is the presence of a wide range of reproducible frequencies, as well as the availability of volume, balance and equalizer controls.
to contents ↑Important! You should not buy an expensive speaker system, as the sound card built into the motherboard will not provide you with perfect sound quality.
Types of speakers
In order to understand which speakers for a laptop is better to choose, you should first decide on the technical parameters and equipment that you need. Depending on the operating conditions and purpose, the speakers can be divided into the following types of speakers.
Portable speakers
These are devices that are designed exclusively for listening on laptops or tablets. They are small in size and equipped with a single speaker. Connection to the device takes place directly via USB.
Important! We recommend that you pay attention toportable speaker rating.
System 2.0
This is a fairly budget option, which is widely used in offices and at home. Such a system consists of two columns. They have low technical characteristics and sound quality, therefore they are suitable exclusively for:
- Video chatting
- Listening to music in the background;
- View various content on the Internet;
- Play system sounds.
Important! Stereo speakers 2.0 or 2.1 allow you to play medium-quality sound due to the presence of a subwoofer in their configuration. Therefore, they can be used to watch various films and listen to audio tracks.
System 5.0
These speakers are ideal for gamers who are guided in the game due to high-quality sound. This is achieved by having a multi-channel system that emits surround sound as Dolby Digital, DTS or Dolby Pro Logic. The package for this speaker system includes one center, two rear and front speakers, as well as a subwoofer.
Important! Speakers 4.0 and 4.1 are budget analogs of 5.0 that are ideal for home use.
System 7.1 and 7.2
Such acoustics is a more advanced version of the 5.1 system. Their difference lies in the fact that two additional rear speakers are added to the 7.1 system, and a subwoofer is also added to the second option. Such equipment emits an audio signal over a wide frequency range, which further reveals the capabilities of technologies such as Dolby digital Surround EX or DTS Surround EX.
Important! A huge assortment of headphones is provided in the market of goods; choose the suitable option for yourself by clicking on the linktop earphone manufacturers.
Choosing a good size laptop speaker
When choosing acoustics for a laptop, it is very important to take into account the fact that there is a close relationship between the dimensions of the speakers and the quality of the emitted sound, since the larger the speakers, the better the sound.
Important! When purchasing a speaker system for a laptop, do not chase the dimensions, since the speakers should be freely placed on the working area and easily transported. In addition, the huge advantage of portable acoustics is the presence of a protective metal mesh.
Therefore, it is best to be guided by the budget that you have for the purchase of these devices, and their intended purpose. You can even use the cheapest speakers that connect to your desktop PC.
to contents ↑Important! Basically, the speakers are powered from the network, although sometimes there are options with a USB connection. There are also varieties of speakers that run on a built-in battery, the charge of which is enough for continuous operation for about 12 hours.
We select the columns according to the body material
The material from which the speaker systems are made affects not only their aesthetic appearance, but also the quality of the emitted sound. Today you can find the following column options:
- Plastic This is a fairly budget option. Such columns are characterized by small size and a variety of shape options. They are not able to reproduce bass sounds, and are also characterized by rattling if the volume increases above the average level.
- Wooden. Such speakers do an excellent job of transmitting high-quality sound, so they are favorite devices for gourmets and music lovers. Their only drawback is the rather high cost.
- Chipboard. In fact, they can be called the golden mean between plastic and wooden options. They have small dimensions, pretty good sound and lack of rattle.
Important! Wooden models should not be purchased for home use, but plastic and chipboard will be an excellent option for these purposes. In addition, negligent sellers, in order to profit, can sell you acoustics with a chipboard body instead of a device with a wooden case.
Choosing the best laptop speakers for power
First, the myth that power affects sound quality must be dispelled. This parameter, in fact, is responsible for the mechanical reliability of your chosen system - the higher the power, the more reliable the acoustics.Most often, in the technical description, the manufacturer indicates the total power of all the speakers included in the speaker system. Basically you can meet the following options:
- RMS This is the standard rated power that the speakers constantly work with.
- PMPO - maximum speaker power that turns on for a short period of time.
Important! Sometimes, to attract customers, the manufacturer in the technical specifications indicates the PMPO value. Unfortunately, it is uninformative and is not a valid argument for acquiring this speaker system.
The actual speaker power is determined solely by the RMS value.
Important! The minimum recommended indicator for each element of the speaker system is 4-6 watts. This power is enough to fully listen to music and even hold various presentations. As for more comfortable work with audio and video files, it is better to watch devices with a power of 14-15 watts.
If only PMPO value is indicated on the device, to determine the real power it is necessary to divide this rating by the number 10. Thus, you will get a more or less adequate indicator.
Important! Wireless headphones are becoming more popular, click on the link to find out toHow to connect wireless headphones to a computer?
Additional functionality
Sometimes speaker systems are able to work autonomously or as full-fledged media centers. They may include a USB connector with the ability to connect flash drives to it, as well as memory cards that will allow you to play music without first connecting to a laptop. There are also models that are additionally equipped with an informative display and an alarm clock, which makes them much more functional.
to contents ↑Important! There are small speakers for laptops with good sound, which are equipped with Bluetooth. This enables wireless sound transmission from a computer or smartphone on acoustics.
This is one of the main indicators that you should pay attention to when buying laptop speakers:
- As a rule, a high-quality speaker system very rarely fails, and its warranty period is 1-2 years.
- As for the inexpensive and budget options, they very rarely can last more than one year without breakdown, respectively - their warranty period is 3-6 months.
Important! Try to purchase models with a warranty period of at least one year.
When choosing a speaker for a laptop, first of all, give up unknown Chinese manufacturers, as well as little-known brands of other countries. Such models have a low price range, respectively - their sound quality is at the same level.
Important! As for the build quality, it is “lame” due to the use of cheap materials. This speaker option is suitable exclusively for an undemanding buyer.
As for more reliable and high-quality devices, today the following manufacturers are represented on the audio market, which produce high-quality acoustics both in the budget price range and quite expensive models:
- Bose, Yamaha, Bowers & Wilkins. Devices of these brands have high technical indicators, respectively - their price is high.
- Microlab, Edifier, Logitech, F&D, Jabra, Creative, Philips. Such devices are located in the middle price segment, however, they have proven themselves from the best side in terms of technical indicators and the quality of the emitted sound.
- Sven, Defender, Genius, A4Tech. These are quite budget brands, respectively - you should choose such devices after carefully familiarizing yourself with all the technical indicators.
Important! Do not always start from the big name of the brand.In order not to get into a mess, before buying, study all the technical characteristics of your chosen speakers, customer reviews, as well as preliminary (if possible) make sure the quality of their sound.
Do not forget to protect your computer from voltage surges, which can lead to its breakdown, readhow to choose a UPS for computer.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that our article will help you choose speakers for your laptop, taking into account all your requirements and wishes, because correctly selected acoustics can turn a simple laptop into a comfortable device for listening to music and watching movies, as well as creating your own unique works.
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