How to choose a phone?

Mobile phone - today it is a trivial norm. Few people today do not have constant access to communications and Internet access. But there are people who have not parted with a push-button telephone for a long time, and now can’t pick up any of the new products. How to choose a phone? This is precisely the question that requires an urgent answer to it, and you will find it in this article. In order to make the most competent choice, it is worth deciding on the characteristics of the device. You do not want yourself a smartphone that will hang during operation? To do this, you should carefully read the technical parameters of the device in its description.
to contents ↑Power
If you intend to purchase a smartphone, then pay attention only to those models of devices that have the following minimum parameters:
- CPU (processor). It is desirable that the device has four cores or more with a clock frequency of 1.3 GHz (minimum). It is such a processor that can provide you with the proper working capacity for our time.
- GPU (video processor). If your “candidate” proudly carries Android OS (operating system) on his firmware, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the models that Mali launches. The minimum recommended graphics card is the T720. It is better, of course, to pay attention to newer components.
- RAM (random access memory). Best of all, this indicator should be at least 1 GB.
Important! This parameter directly affects the number of processes that can be started simultaneously.
You have learned how to choose a mobile phone according to the parameters, but what else should you pay attention to, because the choice of device must meet all your individual needs?
to contents ↑Display type
Today, there are two areas in display technology: LCD (LCD) and LED-based screens (OLED).
The former are much more widespread and popular, and are classified by three more types:
- TN.
- Pls.
Most often, TN-matrices are installed in mobile devices, which have a low cost and a very fast response speed.
Important! Response time is the time it takes for each pixel to respond when voltage is applied.
If we talk about the shortcomings, we can complain about the quality of color reproduction and small viewing angles.
This is the next step in development. Production costs a lot, and before IPS was used only in expensive monitors, but today this type of gadget has reached smartphones.
Here you can highlight the quality of color reproduction and a good viewing angle, also praising high definition and balanced contrast. Once again, the only drawback is the cost. If you look at the current state of things, you can see that smartphones with IPS screens cost about $ 200.
Once Samsung decided to eliminate the shortcomings of TN-matrices and created PLS. This technology is a merger of the two previous ones. The price of such mobile phones will be lower, and the image quality is pretty good.
These screens do not require additional illumination, which positively affects the energy consumption, and, accordingly, the duration of the active operation of the device. These technologies are not much inferior to LCDs, but it is not always possible to achieve the desired image.
Important! If we talk about the shortcomings, then there is one - this is low reliability.If you drop such a phone on asphalt, then be prepared for the costs of replacing the entire module.
How to choose a cell phone with a touch screen? It is worth remembering that there are two types of sensors:
- Capacitive. Capacitive is now used everywhere. Some old-timers find only one “drawback” - this is the ability to press the screen only with the fingers.
- Resistive. They are almost never used, since they are extremely unreliable and do not provide the user with the required image quality.
to contents ↑Important! The selection criteria and goals are different for everyone, therefore, in addition to theoretical information, we separately prepared reviews of the best models that may be useful to you:
When choosing a device, one should not forget about such a parameter as the battery capacity.
Important! It is the values of the capacity of this component that determine the duration of the operation of your device without recharging.
Before choosing, you need to evaluate your requirements for the device and look at the following list:
- If you occasionally write SMS messages and make calls almost without going online, then a device with 2000 mAh is enough for you with a display with a diagonal of 4.7 inches or more.
- Do you often look at social networks and chat with friends? Then you are advised to purchase a device with 3000 mAh at 4.7 inches of screen.
- But if you love to play powerful games or watch your favorite series directly from a mobile device, then pay attention to those devices whose batteries have a capacity of 5000 mAh or more with 5 inches of display.
Important! If you already more or less imagine yourself why, when and how you will use the new gadget, check out our reviewtop phones with good battery.
Built-in memory and flash drive connectors
In order to choose a phone, you need to determine the amount of internal memory and the presence of connectors for microSD:
- For the average user, those gadgets that have at least 8 GB of internal memory and about 64 GB for a flash card are suitable.
- But for a variety of geeks or hard workers, whose area of work requires the constant operation of mobile technologies, devices with 32 GB of internal memory and above are suitable, microSD for such cases also does not hurt.
to contents ↑Important! Do not give preference to obscure manufacturing companies that do not have any reputation in the mobile technology market. Such a mistake can make you the owner of a marriage or fake. Depending on how much you are willing to pay for a brand new device, you can choose a very decent option from a reputable brand or a more budget, but no less reliable, Chinese-made phone. We suggest you view information from the following articles:
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The most important thing when buying is to be firmly aware of your requirements for the device. If you know what the device is purchased for, then it will be very simple to determine the parameters.
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