Columns 13 cm - which ones to choose?

Many motorists are puzzled by the same question: 13 cm speakers - which ones to choose? And this is not at all surprising, because every car lover wants to provide his “temple on wheels” with high-quality sound. The main thing is to understand that the selection criteria depend only on the requirements for the sound system and the technical features of the car. Let's delve into all the nuances of this matter.

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How does the size of the speakers affect the sound?

Sound depends on a huge number of factors. It’s involved and radio model, and the geometric dimensions, and the location of the devices themselves. Remember that you must comply with all the main requirements in order to achieve the highest quality sound in the cabin of your vehicle.

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Sound Classification

Before you find out the answer to the 13 column in the car - which are better, you should get acquainted with the classification of devices according to several types. Today, there are three main types:

  • Broadband
  • Coaxial.
  • Component

The order of the names in this list is not accidental, since it is he who characterizes the quality of reproduction, the difficulty of installation and its cost. The first type is enough only to listen to the news, and in most cases such devices are mounted at the factory.

To connoisseurs of good sound

If you are a lover of quality, then it is worth replacing factory standards with a coaxial sound system. You will need to use several columns of 13, 10 or 16 cm. The range will be divided into low, medium and high. For good sound you will need to use different devices:

  1. In general, you will need about five speakers 13 cm each, but for some cases (domestic cars) a simple three-way system is used. If the size of the playback device is 13 centimeters and it is at the same time the largest, then this is a low-frequency device.
  2. Before the diffuser of such an apparatus, it will be necessary to establish the dynamics of medium and high frequencies. Just this division in frequency characteristics leads to a high-quality sound.
  3. Keep in mind that proper channel separation and the absence of distortion is the key to success. For this reason, you need to get acquainted with the “crossover” device, which is a special filter with 1-4 steps.

Important! A simple acoustics is not so demanding, so for budget options you can install the crossover straight into the speakers. For high-quality systems, an external type of device is required.

Now it’s worth moving the conversation in a different direction and discuss component options. Here, the sound row is also divided by frequency, only the spread of gadgets will be in space (separate installation). Of course, everyone understands that this dramatically increases the complexity and cost of installation, but the result should please you. Component systems are the most popular among connoisseurs of their craft.

Important! To ensure the playback volume and its frequency, it will be difficult to choose an option from the above examples. To achieve the desired goal, you will need to acquire a subwoofer, but this is a topic for another conversation, which is discussed in detail in other articles:

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What else do you need to know?

Speakers in a car 13 cm - which are better? Many go in the wrong direction - immediately pay attention to the form, although this makes no sense.

Important! The shape of the speakers for the machine does not determine the level of quality. This indicator is affected only by the dimensions of the devices.

Modern equipment has the following dimensions: 10 cm, 13 cm or 16 cm. To install this whole thing, many cars are equipped with special connectors that match the size of the equipment.

Can I put 4 columns of different diameters?

To play low frequencies, you need a higher diagonal speaker. In fact, the size of the speaker system largely depends on the size of the speaker, which is responsible for low frequencies. We repeat that it should be the largest in the entire system.

Let's deal with the frequencies a bit:

  • Loudspeakers that are 10 centimeters in size can handle a sound frequency of 120 hertz.
  • If the dimensions of the speakers are 13 centimeters, then the best playback quality will be from 100 Hz.
  • For 16 cm - somewhere around 80 Hz.

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Top Five Inch Sound Devices

In order to find 13 cm speakers with good sound, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the five most popular devices:

  1. Pioneer TS-1339. Coaxial “three-strip” with a rated power of 35 watts. Has a sensitivity of 91 dB and a maximum power of 150 watts. The maximum cost is $ 65.
  2. Pioneer TS-R1350S. Coaxial three-way speaker system with an impedance of 4 ohms. It has a maximum power of 250 watts and a nominal power of 35. Such a device will cost $ 50.
  3. Pioneer TS-G1331i. A leader among budget technology with a broadband type of speaker system. It has a sensitivity of 88 dB and a nominal power value of 35 watts. The maximum power values ​​are 230 watts. The average cost is $ 33.
  4. Pioneer TS-G1332i. The younger brother of the previous candidate with even better quality and even lower price. It has almost the same parameters and is famous for its build quality. Such a purchase would cost about $ 25.
  5. Pioneer TS-G133Ci. Component speaker system with sensitivity - 87 dB. It has a maximum power of 250 watts and a nominal power of 40. Such a device will cost $ 45.
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As you can see, there is plenty to choose from, and it’s not difficult. The main thing is to clearly understand what exactly you want from the speaker system, which one will most often listen to music.

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