Pellet Removal Machine - How to choose and how to use?

Almost everyone in the wardrobe has knitwear or wool. Such clothes look beautiful, soft and pleasant to the touch, and a woolen coat or sweater perfectly protects from the cold in winter. The only drawback of such fabrics is their susceptibility to stretching and rolling of individual fibers, due to which unsightly, not aesthetic spools are formed on the surface. Of course, you can remove them with a razor or scotch tape, but if there are a lot of such products in your everyday life, it’s better not to torture yourself - the spool remover will be a great purchase.

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Advantages of Spool Remover

To understand how necessary such a device is in your home, you need to know about its beneficial aspects and the benefits that it promises you. The advantages of the device include:

  • high speed of work;
  • cloth cleaning effective and safe for fabric;
  • no risk of damage to the skin of the hands;
  • minimum effort to process even a large product.

Important! A machine for removing spools of clothing may have different costs. It depends on its technical structure, the principle of operation, the quality of the materials at the base, and of course, the degree of brand awareness. The choice must be made carefully so that the device really provides you with a quick solution to the problem of fabric wear and is not difficult to maintain.

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Instrument selection criteria

There are no secrets regarding the selection of a suitable device. There is a list of clear parameters that you need to pay attention to. These include:

  • device dimensions
  • possible processing area in 1 pass;
  • volume of the container for collecting cut fibers;
  • quality materials at the core;
  • method of energy consumption;
  • equipment;
  • device.

Important! The spool remover can greatly facilitate the care of your clothes. Therefore, take a responsible approach to the choice of device, then you will have more time to relax, and not to perform the routine work of cleaning the fabric from threads that have fallen from socks.

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Learning to distinguish between machines for cutting spools

To make it easier for you to purchase the device that is right for you, we’ll outline some useful recommendations regarding all of the above options.


Here, focus on the amount of proposed work. If you often have to remove fallen threads from large items, it is better to give preference to a more bulky tool. For single periodic work, a compact machine for removing spools is quite suitable.

Important! A smaller machine will be more comfortable for the hand and will require a minimum of effort during processing.

Energy consumption

The machine for removing spools is an electrical device that can operate on mains or on batteries. When choosing, consider the duration of the proposed work:

  1. For a large number of things, a device for removing pellets is best suited, the power of which involves connecting to an electrical outlet. But here it must be taken into account that you will be “chained” to a certain space during work.
  2. For a rare one-time processing of one or another thing, it is excellent to cope with its purpose with a battery tool.

Important! Depending on the composition of the fabric of your belongings, there may be another problem with not very pleasant consequences - static electricity, because of which the sweater or dress sticks to the body, hair shaggy. Special or made from improvised tools will help you solve this problem. antistatic for clothes.


The system of such a device includes an internal rotating knife, through which the fallen fibers are cut. To make the work safe for the user, manufacturers cover the main work item with a special mesh. It is precisely on it that one should pay attention and note for oneself:

  1. Cell sizes - they should not be too small and not too large. In small ones, the threads will quickly become stuck, large ones will not provide as effective removal as you would like.
  2. Mesh material - ideally, this should be metal, although some models with a plastic mesh have good durability.

Important! Pay attention to the functionality of the device. Some machines for removing spools from clothes have the option of adjusting the height of the knives, which makes the device universal for fabrics of various densities and thicknesses.

Capture area

This parameter closely echoes the dimensions of the entire machine to remove spools from clothing. The principle of choice here is very simple - the device should be convenient for you to use and ensure that you spend a minimum of time. That is, the capture area should be optimal: not too large and not too small.

Important! Until you have acquired such a convenient device, you can tidy your clothes in other ways. What is useful to you and how to use various means correctly, read in our separate article "How to remove the spools without a typewriter?".


In order for the spool remover to serve you as long as possible, give preference to those products whose producer quality is not in doubt. This may indicate a complete set of the device.

Good, conscientious manufacturers in the kit with the tool itself include immediately:

  • mesh cleaning brushes;
  • storage tank for collecting cut threads - it must be of sufficient volume so that it is not necessary to stop the process too often for disassembling and cleaning the device;
  • case for storing the device;
  • protective cover for the mesh - to prevent accidental mechanical damage during storage;
  • oil for cutting blade lubrication.

Important! The assembly should also be of high quality. This can be easily verified by noting the absence of visible defects and defects on the surface.

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How to use a spool remover?

The method of using such a device is extremely simple and will not cause you any difficulties. As soon as it becomes necessary to clean the fabric from fallen threads, proceed as follows:

  1. Take out the tool and check the cleanliness of the mesh, storage capacity, battery charge.
  2. Choose a flat hard surface on which it will be convenient to lay the product. If you bought a device that works from the network, provide yourself convenient access to the connection.
  3. Turn on the device and sequentially, with medium speed, walk the tool with strips over the entire surface.
  4. If necessary, adjust the height of the knives.
  5. If there are too many spools, periodically clean the net and the waste container.
  6. Clean the net and knives from the spools upon completion of work.
  7. Lubricate the cutting elements with oil.

Important! On knitted and woolen things often appear not only spools, but also puffs. In order not to spoil the clothes, use only suitable methods, which we described in detail in the publication "How to remove the puff on a sweater?".

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Now you know everything about what a machine for removing spools from clothes can be, how to choose and apply it correctly. Make your life easier by using a special device to restore the beauty of your woolen and knitwear and always look attractive and neat with a minimum of time and effort!


