Computer keyboard issues

Connecting a PC information input device is not enough, because the user still needs to figure out how to configure this device. In order to achieve maximum comfort during work, you should understand what problems there may be with the keyboard on the computer. Let's look at the basics when working with an input device.

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Device settings - basic settings

Most of the instructions that you can find on the Internet do not contain enough information about the keyboard's operating parameters. All manuals only in passing affect the main points of operation. Let's focus on those things that every novice user should understand.

In order to solve problems with the keyboard on the computer, you need to bring to the surface the main parameters that can be seen on the tab called “Keyboard”. It, in turn, is located in the “Control Panel” menu. In order to get there, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to “Control Panel”. Set the display of large icons and find the “Keyboard” tab.
  2. When choosing, a new menu with two tabs should open: “Speed”, “Equipment”.
    • The first tab contains several sliders that allow you to adjust the speed of entering characters and the frequency of the flicker of the computer mouse cursor. You can set the input speed of the same character while holding the key. All settings can be seen in a special line. The flicker frequency is also displayed on the same line.
    • In the second tab, you can see the devices that are connected to your computer. In these settings, you can look at the properties of devices or change them.

Important! If you look at the keyboard, you can see the following:

  • The current status of the device (working fine).
  • Information about installed drivers.
  • Power Settings

You are unlikely to find the latter function on all versions of Windows, but it does not really matter that much.

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Language settings

By clicking on the buttons, we simply transmit the signal to our computer. The main job is the hardware driver. For this reason, it is very important to correctly configure the layout, which is just a set of different rules for interpreting the signals that a computer device receives.

In the notification panel there are layouts that correspond to any language. Often, users are faced with the fact that this information is lost. To restore the panel, do the following:

  1. Click on the PCM panel (right-click) and select the tab with the name “Options”.
  2. In the “Language and Regional Standards” window, use the “Change” button.
  3. Three tabs will appear in the new dialog box, which are worth considering in more detail.


How to configure and can there be problems with the keyboard on the computer with incorrect settings?

  • The “Input Language” parameter implies the layout that is installed immediately at the first start of the computer. Here you can choose any language from the database.
  • Here you can add a new layout. Just use the “Add” key and select the language you are interested in. You can also expand it by specifying an input method.
  • The “Show” key allows you to expand the virtual display of the input device with a new layout. This function allows you to familiarize yourself with the location of the keys. If you select a new value, then the system will use three layouts at once. You can regularly switch between them or get rid of the one that you do not need: just click on the “Delete” button.

Important! Do not forget to click on “Apply” to save the changes.


Keyboard switch

In this window, you can parameterize the keystroke functionality. Here you set the settings for Caps Lock, Shift, etc.

If you don’t like the keyboard shortcut for switching the language, change it. To do this, just use the button with the name “Change” and choose a convenient combination. Click “OK” and save the changes.

Important! Remember that the layout and language settings do not always coincide, since several languages ​​can be on the same layout at once. It is best to choose a combination for all cases at once, so that later there are no problems with the keyboard when working on a computer.

Language bar

This panel renders the layout that is currently being used. In fact, there are not many options for customizing this menu. The panel can be hidden, docked or moved.

The most comfortable thing is to make the settings on the taskbar.

Other parameters characterize additional display features. You can leave them unchanged or contribute to them, because in general, nothing will change.

Important! Beginners when working with a computer are faced with some questions. You will find answers to some of the popular ones in our articles:

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What could be the problem?

Problems with the keyboard on your computer may be as follows:

  1. The operating system refuses to work with the equipment.
  2. Invalid character set.
  3. Violation of the functionality of individual buttons or their combinations.

Important! Very often there are power surges, which can cause serious harm to technology. To protect yourself, read the informationhow to choose a UPS for computer.

These are the most common problems that we will get to know better now.

Important! In the process of working on a PC, you save many bookmarks, which after a while become useless for you. Find out,how to remove bookmarks on a computer.

System errors

If the OS does not respond to keystrokes in any way, then the device is most likely not connected correctly:

  • Make sure that the device is connected to the PC through the working connector. Try using a different device with the same interface.
  • Look at the plug of the device. If it is not fully inserted into the connector or is damaged, the performance will be impaired.

Important! You can also use a TV or tablet. If the keyboard shows normal operation when connected, the problem is most likely the computer’s operation.

If the device worked for some time, and then the OS stopped seeing it, then you should use a system reboot. Then install the drivers for normal operation. To do this, you need:

  1. Go to the “Control Panel” and find the tab “Device Manager”.
  2. Find your equipment and click on “Delete” on it.
  3. Reboot the system.

During the next launch, the OS will independently determine the presence of the keyboard and install the necessary drivers for it.

Important! If none of the methods help, we recommend checking your PC for virus software.


Keyboard shortcut

If on the computer screen you see not the characters that you enter, but some other ones, then the device is dirty or has been exposed to liquid:

  • For cleaning it is recommended to use a small vacuum cleaner or a cylinder of compressed air.
  • You can also simply flip the equipment over the table and gently shake out the entire rubbish. If this is your first time doing this procedure, you will be surprised at so much litter.
  • You can also evaluate the performance of the gadget using a third-party service - Key Test.

Important! In case of incorrect operation of some combinations, you should make sure that the software is installed correctly for working with input devices. Often, users install such software in order to assign new combinations, and then simply forget about it or perform an incorrect uninstall.

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Stock footage

Now you yourself can solve some problems with the keyboard on your computer. The most important thing is to monitor the purity of this component. To be careful in handling, you will never have to experience great hassles in cleaning equipment.

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