CPU rating for smartphones

What should I look for when choosing a mobile device? An important component is the mobile processor, which contributes greatly to the overall performance of the device. But how to choose the component model? To answer this question, we recommend that you take a look at the processor rating for smartphones offered in this article. The information will help you to correctly understand the features of different devices and choose a gadget with which you will always be happy to be in touch.
to contents ↑Processing chip
The mobile processor has few differences with its stationary relative - it is only the dimensions, power and clock frequency.
Important! Work modern smartphones based on SOC (system on a chip). This database includes not only the CPU, but also the modem, video cards and other important components located in the space of the chip. Also, a new standard for RAM has recently appeared, which also affected the development of technology.
But which chip can be considered the fastest and most productive? Which processor is better for a smartphone on Android? It is customary to highlight the following five giant companies that are developing the best chips:
- Qualcomm.
- MediaTek
- Apple
- Intel
- Nvidia
All companies have tremendous success in their field, but the most fierce struggle is between the first two manufacturing companies.
to contents ↑Important! While you are deciding on the choice of processor in your smartphone, we recommend that you familiarize yourself,which Internet is better to connect for the phone.
TOP 5 manufacturers
For a competent choice, it is worth knowing each manufacturer "in person." Qualcomm will open the ranking of mobile processors for smartphones.
This giant appeared back in the 85th year. The company was focused on the production of mobile devices, GPS-modules and wireless devices. Now we will consider the company as the largest manufacturer of mobile processors. Since 2005, Qualcomm has licensed ARM technology, acquiring rights to create a new Cortex A8 core. It was on its basis that the first own chip was created.
The best line of devices is called Snapdragon. These processors are put in the latest flagship models that appear on the modern market.
Important! The same Snapdragon 810 chip caused a huge amount of controversy and discussion. Some claimed that it was very hot during operation, others said that 8 cores, an LTE chip, tremendous speed and support for the highest resolution formats are the top of perfection.
The review of processors for smartphones will be continued by the main competitor of the company we just reviewed.
Chinese manufacturers almost never lagged behind their competitors, and sometimes ahead of them. It is this company that worthily tops the ranking of ARM mobile processors. The birth of the company occurred in 1997.
MediaTech started with wireless technologies and storage modules. The company takes not only its high quality, but also its extensive distribution in the global market.
Important! The most popular chip is the MT6592, which is installed in low-cost mobile devices such as the Lenovo s860. It was MediaTech that first developed the ten-core processor, which is called the “Xelio X20”. Today it is a powerful system based on a single crystal, which is gaining more than 70,000 in the same Antutu. True, serial production has not yet begun.
Many users of online communities claim that these are the best processors for a smartphone. The only catch is that Apple does not have the same technological coverage and installs chips only in its own products. The most interesting thing is that all the technology of the apple producer has always been famous for its closeness.
The user is unlikely to be able to find detailed information about the insides and will be forced to simply use the product without further questions. But the quality here, it is worth noting, is on top. It is unlikely that you will find a device that will slow down on the basis of such a “stone."
Important! Whichever chip you choose, do not forget that while buying a smartphone you will worry about its protection, both inside and out, read the article:
Only the one who lives in the forest does not know about this manufacturer. Intel has long established itself as a manufacturer of spare parts for computers and laptops. Unfortunately, this company does not have the same popularity among mobile devices, but one can often see an Intel Atom chip in some Asus Zenfone.
If you familiarize yourself with analytics, you can conclude that the company is making good progress and there is an increased demand for its products.
Important! The most powerful chip from Intel has the number Z3580. The quad-core processor with a clock speed of 2.33 Hertz will suit the most advanced player and is able to compete with companies such as Qualcomm and MediaTek. But if in general, then the ratings of this company of mobile device lovers are not particularly impressive.
If you are wondering with which processor to choose a smartphone for gaming, we recommend that you take a look at Nvidia.
Any gamer knows about products from this company. Nvidia has always been able to cope with the production of top-end computer graphics cards, but they haven’t grown together with the mobile segment.
Previously, one could often encounter devices based on Tegra chips, which, in fact, have good potential, but for some reason, mobile device manufacturers are in no hurry to buy this hardware. Without a doubt, players will appreciate such products, but the task of the manufacturer of the mobile device is to reach the largest audience. The bottom line is that some businessman is unlikely to want to play Need For Speed at the highest level of graphics. And the cost, unfortunately, is very high for such devices, which immediately crosses out this processor from the budget line.
to contents ↑Important! If you like listening to music or watching videos or movies and don’t want to disturb others, find outwhich headphones are better to choose for the phone.
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There are also little-known manufacturers, but they do not belong in the ranking of processors for smartphones, since dubious reputation and reviews are a negative indicator. When choosing a CPU, select a chip with such characteristics that will satisfy your particular needs.
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