The phone does not charge by charging - what should I do?

It often happens that you urgently need to leave the house, and your mobile phone has been charging for several hours without much progress - here anyone can lose his temper. At such moments, the question arises especially sharply, why the phone does not charge by charging, what should I do? Especially if before such problems did not arise, but here - at the most inopportune moment, the correct device failed you. Consider the causes of this problem and ways to solve it in this article.

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Why is my mobile phone not charging by charging?

Before blaming the malfunction of the phone itself, it is worth checking the following:

  • Battery Charger Performance
  • Outlet serviceability.
  • Matching charging to mobile device.
  • Connector Status
  • Serviceability of the cable itself and the plug.

In modern homes, problems with electrical wiring are quite rare, except due to design errors. But if the wiring has not been changed in the last 20-30 years, then from time to time the sockets may fail.

It is quite simple to verify their serviceability - it is enough to have a voltmeter on hand, which will show both the presence of current in the network and its voltage level. However, not all people are well versed in technical nuances, and electricity scares someone at all. But even in such a situation, there is a way out - it is necessary to check whether the lamps work in the room. If not, this is already sufficient reason to think that the problem is not with the mobile phone, but with your electric network.

Important! Even if the lamps are on, use some kind of electrical device to check, of which you are 100% sure that it is working. If problems arose with him, then certainly wiring. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

  1. Replace wiring in the apartment.
  2. To put surge protector for household appliances.
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Inattention is a common cause of lack of charge.

It’s very rare to put the blame on the electric network - much more often the malfunction lies in the charger itself. Often the situation is in the banal carelessness of the user, and then the question of how to fix the phone if it does not charge, disappears by itself.

Today, each of us in the house has a bunch of different devices, so the connectors of modern devices are practically brought to the same standard (microUSB), but sometimes there are exotic options. Yes, and a mobile phone 5-6 years ago, most likely, will have a unique connector, for which only a certain charge is suitable.

Some people on the shelf with exercises have a whole bunch of wires from a variety of wires, which are very easy to mix up in a hurry. Therefore, if there is a problem with the charge, be sure to check whether you took the charger.

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Charger and cable

Also, the problem may be related to the wire or to the connector itself. Each of the things has its own margin of safety, especially with regard to wires, which can wear out and tear not only for breaking, but also for twisting.

Each time you wrap something around or twist a USB cable, its life is reduced. So think a couple of times, is it worth saving those crumbs of space this way?

Important! If during charging you put the device on the edge of the table, the wire is compressed on its surface, which also does not extend its life.

As a rule, the degree of deterioration can be estimated by cable, but it happens that even wires looking like rags can work quite well. At the same time, a completely intact cable may stop charging the mobile phone, so you won’t really guess.

Important! The connector may “junk” due to the departure of one of the contacts. In the rarest cases - rust coating, moisture on the contacts or their deformation. Also, the child can bend or squeeze the contacts without even noticing it.

If you are absolutely convinced that the problem is in the cable, then you can understand - the problem is in the wire or connector, only by eye. And from a practical point of view, this does not play a significant role, since everything will have to be changed all at once.

If the matter is in the connector of your device, then read about repair the charging jack on the phone.

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Why does the charge go, but the phone does not charge?

But the most annoying option is when the screen displays that charging is in progress, but in fact there is no result. As a result, you remove the device in a few hours, and there is only a couple of percent or one strip. There are three main reasons for this:

  • Wrong charge again. In this case, the mobile phone still detects the charger, but cannot use it normally due to a technical discrepancy.

Important! This often happens with iPhones when using a non-original cable. To check it, you should connect another cable and look at the result.

  • Battery problems. Everything is much more complicated here. Today, their cost is not very high and the repair will not cost too much, but you definitely have to go to the store and look for the right model. Yes, and every smartphone can be disassembled at home.
  • Too many applications and services running. This is an extremely rare occurrence. With it, try disabling Wi-Fi, all games, mobile Internet and all other applications. If, after this, charging goes much faster, the problem was precisely that.

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Why does the device take a long time to charge?

We will look the problem in the eye - most of the troubles with charging are connected with the battery. On each of them, capacity is necessarily indicated, the laws of physics and time work against the user. No matter how carefully you use your mobile phone, over time, its battery begins to lose the ability to hold a charge. And it won’t get any better - every day the device will work less and less without charging, and more and more will lie next to the charger.

Do not delay the solution to this problem. If you understand that the problem is with the battery, replace it at your nearest mobile phone store.

Important! Recommendations for smartphone users are walking on the Internet - put the device or its battery in the microwave, turn it on and wait a minute. If you ever stumble upon something similar, then do not take it seriously, because it is a wicked and stupid joke that cost many not too smart users of their favorite phones.

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Contact Issues

Here's another recommendation for the connector. In some cases, the connection between it and the USB port is broken. To fix the problem, just pull out the battery, clean it and inspect it well.

If it is clearly visible that the “teeth” are rejected from the bottom near the entrance, correct this with a toothpick or match. It is only necessary to smoothly and easily push up. At the same time, count your strengths so as not to make things worse and not bend the contacts completely.

Important! In most cases, an elementary cleaning of dust, dirt and dried garbage will be sufficient.

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Thus, answering the question, if the phone does not charge from charging - what to do, do not immediately go to the service center. There can be many reasons for this, and most of them can be solved at home, without any special knowledge and skills.

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