The glass on the tablet has cracked - what should I do?

Today, almost every family has such a multimedia gadget as a tablet. It is bought by children and adults for games, leisure and even work. But this wonderful device has one unpleasant feature - it is quite fragile. And its rather large screen is especially vulnerable. And since the tablet is a mobile device, it experiences vibrations, shaking, shock in public transport, on the street, shopping centers and other crowded places. Leaving the tablet on an armchair or sofa, there is a risk that someone will sit on it. Delicate microcircuits inside often suffer from falling onto the floor or when liquid gets on the tablet, if you or your household accidentally knocked juice, tea, etc. on the tablet. In general, there are a lot of breakdown options, but the most common is the problem with the screen glass. Cracked glass on the tablet - what to do and how to replace it at home? Let's get it right.

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Causes of Screen Problems

How to change or restore glass on the phone? In fact, the situation is quite common - the device is thin and light, and therefore fragile. Damaging your tablet’s screen is a snap in a variety of ways. Let's list the most common situations in which this occurs:

  • The fall. This is the most common option. You did not have time to get used to the size and weight of the device, and you let it go. Your relatives and friends can do the same, we’ll also add pets here.
  • Pressure. Also a fairly common cause of problems with the screen. There are many options - they can sit on the tablet, the screen can be broken, pushing into a tightly packed bag or backpack, when gathering somewhere, it can suffer in a bus full of people, etc.
  • Incorrect operation. A crack can appear from a sharp temperature drop, for example, you brought a tablet from a frosty street into a very warm room. In this case, not only the screen may suffer, electronic filling is also sensitive to temperature extremes. This also includes screens that were broken in a collision with heavy objects - it is unlikely that a dumbbell could fall on the screen and can be called its proper operation.

Important! This is not the whole list of reasons why the display of your device may crack or break. Nevertheless, these are the most frequent cases of the reasons for breaking the glass of the tablet, according to the data of service centers.

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Does it make sense to carry out repairs yourself?

How to remove a crack on the screen of a mobile phone? If you are not technically savvy and your tablet screen is cracked, what should I do? Take it to a service center! Especially if the device is still under warranty. If you try to repair it on your own, you will definitely lose the right to warranty repairs.

Of course, a broken display is rarely recognized as a warranty case, but you will at least have insurance against other breakdowns. The procedure for replacing a new display differs even within the range of one brand, not to mention the different ones. In addition, this process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

However, if you still dare to repair the broken screen of the tablet yourself, you can expect such main pitfalls:

  • Lack of experience in repairing a device of this class. The replacement process is quite complicated.
  • Spare parts availability. Especially if your device is not the most popular in the market and you are not in a large city.

Important! If it turns out that the repair is still impractical, then take temporary measures to maintain the working condition of your gadget in one of the following ways. At this time, pick up another model. Here our reviews will help you:

  1. Choosing a tablet for reading and watching movies.
  2. Graphics Tablet Selection.
  3. The best budget tablet for different tasks.

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So, is it possible to repair the tablet if the screen is cracked? To begin, let's figure out what the screen (display) of the tablet is and what it consists of.

A display is a component that receives a signal to display visual information, so it cannot be autonomous. And at the same time, it can work on its own, that is, it can be connected to a variety of other devices. Although, in some multimedia devices, the screen is a monoblock. In most other wearable devices, it is completely collapsible.

These are mainly the following components:

  • Protective glass or plastic.
  • Touch panel
  • Matrix, as well as the backlight panel.
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First you need to understand which of the above components has failed:

  • The easiest option - the glass burst, it is the cheapest.
  • Matrix issues are the most expensive option. You can order the desired component on a variety of resources, and even with the matrix and sensors there are no problems.

Important! On Chinese tablets, you can order not only identical matrices. As a rule, they are all universal, and differ only in the way of installation. It is necessary to glue the rubber seals, and also take into account the placement of the cable connectors.

When only glass is broken, the sensor usually works. Often people continue to use such a tablet until it is completely decommissioned. In a situation where the glass is whole, and the sensor does not work, everything is somewhat worse. Let's say you drop a gadget or something fell on it. It is not necessary to assume that the sensor is broken. Disassemble the tablet and check if the cable is pulled out.

Important! The matrix needs to be changed only if it is partially or completely out of order. But manufacturers often sell complete screens. To save money, we recommend that you go over the service centers or search on the popular Internet sites for the individual component you need.

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We figured out the diagnostics, now about how to fix the tablet screen.

Screen Protector and Ribbon

If you are unable to repair the damaged display glass immediately, there are some ways that you can use the tablet. In other words, if only glass is broken, the screen continues to display the image and the sensor is working, the following method will come in handy:

  1. Wipe the screen away from dust and dirt as much as possible.
  2. Place a sufficient piece of packing tape over the screen and cut off the excess around the tablet. This will allow you to operate the tablet with a broken screen further, slow down the development of cracks and the loss of pieces of glass.

Important! You can also purchase a screen protector to fix cracks in the display. Plastic or glass - it does not matter, both of them will help to keep the tablet in its current state. The selection criteria will be exactly the same as for the phone. For more information, see the publication. "How to choose a protective glass?".

Self-replacement screen

It is difficult but doable. The network has a lot of interactive manuals and materials on self-replacement of the display and its components. To do this, strictly follow their instructions. Find on the Internet how your device understands. This can be done intuitively, there is nothing complicated.

Important! Some devices have their own nuances and tricks, be careful.

For disassembly and repair, the following will be required:

  • To open the tablet - a pick, a plastic card or any thin, folding object made of plastic.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Tweezers.
  • New screen.
  • Technical hair dryer.
  • Stationery knife.
  • A piece of soft cloth to wipe the device.

Replacing the tablet display begins with removing the cover and disconnecting the cable, it contains all the information about the replacement part. Next, you should act in this order:

  1. If there are bolts at the ends of the tablet, unscrew them.
  2. We pick out the case with a plastic card and pass along the entire perimeter of the device, after which it will turn out to remove the cover.
  3. We rewrite the marking and all the data from the removed part, which will allow you to purchase a new part for replacement.

To fix the screen, you need to remove it and install new accessories. This is done as follows:

  • To remove cracked glass, warm the body of the device with a hairdryer.
  • With a knife, pry off the edge of the glass, simultaneously warming with a hairdryer, gradually move around the entire perimeter of the screen, peeling off the display.
  • Carefully remove the broken screen, make sure that small fragments do not remain on the surface of the matrix. Use a cloth or napkin to do this.
  • After removing the broken part, take a new screen, remove all protective films from it.
  • Try on the frame and stick a new display on it.

Important! Carefully check the evenness of the fit, because it is unlikely to be able to reinstall it.

  • After gluing, gently iron the glass with a cloth. After that, you just have to assemble the tablet.
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Now you know how to fix the tablet if the screen is broken. This will save you personal money and time on the services of a service center, which often cost immodestly expensive.


