Digital photo frames - how to choose?

Digital technologies are developing more and more every day and gaining immense popularity. And now even people far from modern technology are acquiring digital photo frames. How to choose a similar device so that it is of high quality and fully lives up to expectations? This will be discussed in this article.

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What is a digital photo frame?

A digital photo frame is a device that was originally created to showcase digital images, that is, photographs taken with a digital camera. Modern devices, in addition to their direct functions, can also:

  • play sound and video;
  • Perform the functions of an organizer, calendar and alarm clock;
  • show the weather.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice and to get a truly stylish and useful device, you need to know about its characteristics. This will help the review of digital photo frames, as well as useful tips on how to choose them.

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When buying any product, people first of all look and evaluate its appearance. First of all, this concerns digital photo frames, as this item should decorate and complement the interior of the room. The difference between such a device can be as follows:

  • The standard design of such a frame is black or white. This allows you to fit into any environment and not violate its harmony. Manufacturers try to cater to all their customers, so the appearance of your framework will depend only on taste preferences.
  • There is a large selection of frames that can be placed on the table or hung, like a picture, on the wall. There are also so small devices that fit in a handbag.
  • The thickness and weight of the photo frame are of considerable importance, because the thinner and lighter it is, the more convenient it is to use. Of course, that a thin and light model will cost more.

Important! Modern digital photo frames can weigh from 22 to 3215 g and have a thickness of 1 to 15 cm.

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Such digital technology can be divided into three groups, depending on the device. It is advisable to know these differences if you are going to choose digital photo frames.

Photo frames

In appearance, this type of digital accessory is analogous to a conventional photo frame. In a place where there is glass and a photograph in an ordinary frame, a display is built into the digital device. Actually, he will demonstrate the photo of your choice.

Important! If you do needlework and love original exclusive things, you will be interested in our separate article“DIY photo frames from improvised materials on the wall”.

Photo albums

A digital photo album is the same frame, only with the ability to store and display not one photo, but several. This technique has a larger built-in memory, which allows you to do this.


A similar device looks like an ordinary key fob, but in the middle of it is a small display that allows you to view photos.

Digital photo frames have an LCD display, a plastic case, controls, as well as built-in speakers, a headphone jack and a battery. Some devices are equipped with a touch screen.

Important! Most experienced users find such a framework not very convenient, since the screen of such a technique strongly reflects glare. A big disadvantage of such a touch frame is its price. Therefore, if you decide to buy digital photo frames - how to choose them correctly and within the allocated budget, you need to know.

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Key specifications to watch out for

Before buying such a digital technology, you must familiarize yourself with its characteristics. The most important ones are described below.

The size

When it comes to the size of a digital photo frame, they mean the length of the diagonal of its screen. The device itself will be a bit larger due to the control panel. The standard sizes of the frame are 7, 8 and 10 inches, which is 17.8 cm, 20.3 and 25.4 cm, respectively.

Important! As the size of the diagonal diameter increases, so does the price of the device. Some manufacturers offer custom size frames with a screen of 5 or 17 inches. But it’s not easy to find them on sale, as the demand for them is small.


This setting directly affects image quality. It is measured in pixels and shows how many of them (in simple language - how many points) fit on the screen. The more pixels, the better the image quality.

The resolution of various photo frames ranges from 96x64 to 1440x1024. To choose digital photo frames, consider the optimal parameters - they make up a number of pixels of 480x234 and higher for a seven-inch photo frame.

Important! The larger the diagonal of the display, the larger the screen resolution should be. Otherwise, the image will be blurry. Sometimes it’s better to buy a frame with a smaller diagonal, but with a higher resolution.


When choosing a digital photo frame, pay attention that the screen has a large brightness parameter, because the higher the brightness, the better and more colorful the image.

Supported Image Formats

The most common format for digital frames is considered JPEG. However, some devices may work with GIF and BMP images. For a successful purchase of a digital device, you should find out in which format your camera saves pictures. Thus, the photo frame can read images directly from the camera’s memory card.

Important! Some models may support MP3 and WMA format. In this case, the device will allow you to not only view photos, but also listen to audio recordings, watch video clips.

Memory size

The amount of photos that you can store on your device depends on the amount of memory. The amount of internal memory in a digital framework can range from 16 MB to 2 GB.

Important! More than 500 high-quality photos can be stored on 2 gigabytes. The number of images depends on their quality, so the number of images is approximate.

To save more pictures, it is better to choose digital frames with internal and external memory. A very convenient option are those devices into which you can insert a memory card of the camera.

Important! When choosing a digital device in the store, be sure to bring a memory card with you from the camera. Thus, if you have a connector for it, you will see if this or that frame can read images.

Viewing angle

The larger the viewing angle, the better the frame. At the maximum possible value for you, the image will not be distorted if you look at it from the side. Otherwise, a clear picture can be seen by looking at it exclusively at right angles. Therefore, you should choose such a viewing angle of the photo frame, whatever you choose TV viewing angle.

Important! Try to choose a device that allows you to view photos from different positions without loss of image quality.


The display format of the frame should be matched to the format of your photos. The standard version of the photo frames has a 4: 3 format. But there are also:

  • wide-frame 16: 9 or 16:10;
  • non-standard devices with a 3: 2 or 17:10 format.

Important! It is better not to buy equipment with a non-standard format, since cameras in most cases take photos of the usual format. If the photo is not in the same format as the frame screen, black bars will appear at the edges of the display. It is also possible that the image loses its quality, becomes distorted, stretched, compressed or blurred.

USB port

This connector is available on all models of digital photo frames. It makes device management easier, as it allows you to record images on a frame directly from a computer.

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Additional features of digital photo frames

In addition to the main characteristics, it is also worth paying attention to additional parameters that some models possess. With this approach, resolving the issue, digital photo frames - how to choose, will not be difficult for you. You can immediately determine all the necessary parameters and give preference to the model that fully meets your requirements. In addition, the presence of additional features can turn a simple digital photo frame into a more functional device.

Play video and sound

Almost all modern models of digital photo frames have the ability to play sound and video. Thus, you can view photos while listening to your favorite music.

The presence of a headphone jack

If you have such a connector, you can listen to pleasant music without disturbing other people.


Manufacturers seek to provide all modern household appliances with such a useful function. The scope for digital photographs was no exception. This function allows you to download images directly from the Internet.

Useful features

Some models have in their functionality a calendar, organizer, alarm clock, thermometer and other useful programs. The presence of such tricks in the device increases its value. Therefore, choosing a digital photo frame, you should decide whether you need additional functions and whether it is worth overpaying for them.

Battery availability

All digital image demonstration devices are network powered. But some new models have batteries that allow you to work autonomously for from 45 minutes to 2 hours. The cost of such devices is usually higher.

Remote control

A similar accessory to a digital photo frame simplifies management. With it, you can remotely select the desired function, flip through photos, activate certain programs.

Photo frame mount

Pay particular attention to attaching the frame when choosing it in a store:

  1. If there is a wall mount, then it must be reliable. And using the advice of our separate post, you can beautifully decorate the wall with photos.
  2. If you are looking for a desktop photo frame, then check if it has a function for horizontal and vertical viewing of the image.

Important! At the desktop, people can spend quite a lot of time. Therefore, it is worth making sure that you are surrounded by a pleasant and beautiful environment. Follow the link and find out how to decorate the desktop.

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Digital photo frame. Browse Popular Models

For comparison, consider some models that are in great demand. Making a choice, having an idea of ​​the different products of this category in the review of digital photo frames, will be much easier.

Kodak EasyShare EX1011

This brand has declared itself for a long time and has shown itself as a reliable manufacturer of quality goods. His next miracle is the Kodak EasyShare EX1011 digital photo frame. So these digital photo frames are an overview. What to look for?


The design of the frame is discreet and pleasant. Such a device will fit into any interior without any problems. Depending on the mood and preferences, the front panels can be changed.


  • The diagonal of the display frame is 10 inches.Screen resolution 800x480 pixels.
  • The device has a built-in memory of 128 MB, as well as the ability to work with an external drive.
  • A high-quality display perfectly demonstrates contrasting images, preserving their color.
  • If you look at the image at an angle, it does not distort and does not change its colors.
  • The device has a Wi-Fi connection function. However, connecting a wireless network to it is not so simple. In addition, large images are displayed on the screen for a very long time, which makes this function not so attractive in this frame.
  • The built-in player allows you to listen to music while viewing images, and the video player allows you to watch videos.
  • The price of the product is quite high, although this does not stop many people from buying.

Kodak Easyshare EX811

A review of another digital photo frame from this manufacturer will help you understand the difference between the models.


Pleasant elegant design and intuitive interface attract buyers around the world to this device. The front panel can change with your mood. A beautiful device will complement any room.


  • The screen with a resolution of 800x400 has a 16: 9 aspect ratio. The diagonal of the display is 20.3 cm.
  • Due to the unique screen coating, color brightness and a wide viewing angle are ensured.
  • Built-in 128 MB memory makes it possible to store important moments of your life directly on the device. There is also a slot for an external memory card.
  • The photo frame has an option to connect to a wireless network. This makes it possible to watch and save photos to the device directly from the Internet.
  • The presence of the remote control greatly simplifies and makes this process more convenient.
  • There is a headphone jack.
  • This technique will allow you to enjoy not only pictures but also music with video clips.

Important! The device can be placed both on the table and attached to the wall. There is also a function of horizontal and vertical viewing of pictures. Therefore, if you are puzzled by how diverse digital photo frames can be, you know how to choose them, but you can’t finally decide on a model, this option will be optimal.

Philips 10FF2CMI

Under this brand, many diverse digital technologies are being produced today. You can choose digital photo frames from the series of this manufacturer very easily, because the range is amazing. This model has earned numerous positive reviews from consumers. What exactly do they mark?


The laconic and elegant design of this device will decorate any room. The white case in combination with a plastic baguette in dark wood and metal inserts look simply gorgeous. The attractiveness of this device will be a wonderful gift for a birthday or a wedding.


  • The screen diagonal of 10.2 inches has a 3: 2 format and a resolution of 800x480 pixels.
  • A sufficiently large viewing angle allows you to enjoy the picture from different sides of the frame.
  • The device has a built-in memory of 128 MB, and can also work with an external drive.
  • The frame works both from the network and autonomously.

Important! Of the additional features in the digital device there is a timer, clock and calendar.

Sony S-Frame DPF-HD800

Another brand that cannot be ignored when choosing a digital photo frame.


Black glossy plastic photo frame is a beautiful and exciting sight. At the bottom of the frame, the manufacturer’s logo glows softly, but quite clearly. When the frame is off, the letters are not visible, so this is a kind of surprise for the buyer.


  • The screen size is 8 inches. 800x480 pixels extension. Format 16:10.
  • The device has a slot for an external memory card, but the internal memory is impressive - 2 GB.
  • There are holes for wall mounting.
  • Managing a photo frame is quite simple. The control panel that comes with the device in the kit helps in this matter.
  • With this photo frame you can not only view photos, but also watch videos and listen to music.
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Stock footage

Choosing a digital photo frame is not as simple as it seems at first glance. But you should not take the first model that caught your eye, since a poor-quality device will not bring you pleasure when viewing the most vivid moments of life. Therefore, choose this device wisely, giving the process as much time as you need, and you will not regret it.

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