DIY photo frames from improvised materials on the wall

Photos give the interior not only a special charm and charm, but also evoke pleasant memories of spending time together with loved ones. Accordingly, I don’t want to enclose my memories in template frames at all, so we suggest you make your own photo frames from improvised materials on the wall. This is absolutely easy, and the process itself will bring you a lot of pleasure.
to contents ↑General manufacturing recommendations
In order to make a photo frame on your own, you do not need to purchase expensive materials. So that you get an original and creative product, you can use improvised materials for its manufacture. Before you begin to work, first you need to decide what material you plan to make the basis for the framework. Most often for these purposes use:
- Paper;
- Cardboard;
- Wood or fiberboard.
Important! Experienced craftsmen no longer make the basis of standard materials. Such things as matchboxes, cases from old watches, disks, rods, plastic dishes, twigs are used.
The most important thing is that the greater the variety of improvised materials used for the manufacture of photo frames, the more interesting the manufacturing process will go through, and the work will be pleased with its design.
to contents ↑Types of Decor
In order for the frames with your own hands from improvised materials on the wall to be complete and have an original design, after you make the basis, they can be decorated. Most often, finished products are decorated in the following ways:
- Pasting with a variety of accessories, sewing accessories, small toys or figures;
- Decorating using decoupage technique;
- Staining using a variety of types of techniques;
- Tight fit;
- Wrap with twine, twine or cord.
Basic materials for decorating photo frames
The materials that are used to decorate photo frames are incredible, so they can be classified according to this principle.
Glued decor
You can stick a lot on the photo frame. In this case, everything is determined by your imagination and taste preferences. Very often, craftswomen use the following options:
- Buttons The frames on the wall in the interior, decorated with buttons, look quite interesting, especially if they are designed in the same color scheme. If this is not possible, you can give a solid color using acrylic paint.
- Rhinestones and beads. So cute little things accumulate in almost every woman. Nevertheless, all this abundance can be an excellent material for decorating the base of the photo frame. To do this, you just need to glue the beads or rhinestones of your choice on the previously outlined pattern.
Important! In addition to beads and rhinestones, you can also use pearls, glass with broken dishes, whole brooches, beads, as well as mosaic elements.
Natural materials
Tastefully decorated photo frame with natural materials has never been left without attention and has always attracted enthusiastic looks. For these purposes, you can use the following materials:
- Coffee beans, acorns and lentils. In this case, absolutely everything can go into business. The grain needs only to be glued to the base, if desired, coated with paint.Believe that such a decorative element will be the main highlight of the interior.
Important! If you want your finished photo frame to be even more fragrant, it can be supplemented with star anise or anise.
- Seashells. It is one of the most commonly used natural materials. To decorate the photo frame, you will need different sized shells that have different shapes. You can supplement the entire composition with colored glass.
- Paper. Here the flight of fancy is simply unlimited. It can be glued in the form of flowers made using the quilling technique, twist the tubes, cut a variety of patterns, or decorate using the decoupage technique.
- Puff pastry. Thanks to such a non-standard material, you can create designer, incomparable products. First you need to cook the dough. You need to mix 2 cups of water and flour with one cup of salt. Next, knead the dough so that it resembles plasticine in consistency. Now blind the conceived decor elements, place them for 20 minutes in a preheated oven and glue to the base of the frame.
to contents ↑Important! When deciding on materials suitable for your work, be sure to consider the plot of the images, the number of paintings or photos, and the style of the interior. Correctly decorating a room with such a decor will help you with our tips from the following articles:
Workshops on making wall frames
We bring to your attention several master classes, thanks to which you can personally make photo frames on the wall from improvised materials.
Cardboard photo frames
This is the easiest way. Nevertheless, if you approach the process creatively, you can make quite creative and unique products in your copy from the simple.
To make such a framework, you will need the following tools and materials:
- Color dense cardboard;
- Scissors;
- Ruler;
- Pencil;
- PVA glue;
- Decorative fittings.
The manufacturing process consists of the following actions:
- Cut a rectangle of any size from a sheet of cardboard.
- In the middle of an already cut rectangle, cut another one. Its size should be a few centimeters smaller than the size of the photograph itself.
- Decorate the frame as you wish.
- From the cardboard cut out the third rectangle, which will be equal to the size of the photo.
- Glue the third rectangle to the back of the frame, so that one side is not glued.
That's all, the photo frame is ready. Now it remains only to insert a photograph.
Photo frame from magazine pages
In addition to the fact that in the end you get a stylish product, you do not have to pay for it, since all materials are in use.
For manufacturing you will need:
- Old and unnecessary glossy magazines;
- Cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- Thread for sewing;
- Scissors;
- Pencil;
- Ruler;
- Stationery knife.
The course of work consists of the following actions:
- Take a sheet of cardboard measuring 20x25 centimeters.
- From each side, measure 5-6 centimeters, make notes and cut a rectangle inside.
- Twist the pages of the magazines into small tubes, fix them in this position with glue.
- Take a colored thread for sewing, wind it on curled magazine pages.
- Glue curled magazine pages to the finished frame with glue.
- If you wish, you can, as in the previous method, make a rectangle equal to the size of the photo, or simply stick the image to the finished base of the photo frame.
Dough photo frame
In addition to decor, the base for the frame can also be made from puff pastry. You will need:
- 250 grams of flour;
- 125 grams of finely ground salt;
Important! Pay attention to the fact that salt should be taken not iodized.
- 100 milliliters of water;
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- Food colorings set.
The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:
- Combine all dry ingredients, then add water to them with dissolved dyes. Knead the elastic dough.
- Leave the finished dough alone for 2-3 hours.
Important! If you wish, you can not knead food colors in the dough, and the finished product is simply beautifully painted with gouache or acrylic paints.
- Form the base of the frame from the dough and put it in the oven for several hours at a temperature of 80-100 degrees.
Important! In the process of drying, the product must be turned over several times so that it is dried evenly.
- After the photo frame has cooled, cover it with varnish.
to contents ↑Important! Perhaps, after the work done and the achievement of an interesting interior result, you will want to diversify the design of other rooms. And in this you can succeed without much investment and a guide to standards, if you look at our interesting master classes:
How to hang photo frames on a wall?
Equally important is the correct arrangement of photos on the wall:
- The most popular and interesting option is to create a collage from photo frames. This is when several compositions of different sizes and the same size of frames with different images, but with the same theme, are placed in the same composition. Such products can be supplemented with various inscriptions and a variety of accessories.
- Another original option is neon lights. There is never much light in a house. Therefore, equipping photo frames in this way, you will get not only an original, but also a very functional accent that will brighten up any room design.
Stock footage
Self-production of photo frames is not only a great solution to update and complement the interior of the room, but also an activity that relaxes and brings pleasure. Therefore, armed with the above ideas, you can safely get to work and decorate your favorite photos with beautiful and bright frames.
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