Laptop care

Today it is difficult to imagine the life of most people without a computer, especially since it can be used to find any information on the Internet, as well as communicate on social networks with relatives and friends from other cities. With the advent of low-cost laptops on the market, people began to buy them more and more, mainly due to space saving and mobility. Its small dimensions and the presence of a battery make it possible to work at it not only at the table, but also to transfer it to more convenient places for you. But because of such frequent movements, frequent breakdowns just happen. Therefore, to extend the life of your mobile computer, you need to know how to care for your laptop.
to contents ↑Only flat and hard surface
Surely, everyone was visited by thoughts of putting their laptop on a bed or on their lap, and many do just that. In principle, nothing bad will happen right away, but when you install this device on a soft surface, the hole in the bottom of the case that is intended for ventilation is blocked.
With a serious overload, for example, during the launch of the game, not only the central processor will overheat, but also all the boards inside, which can damage some parts. In addition, various fibers and dust will enter the holes, clogging the radiator and significantly impairing the efficiency of the cooling system. If even this does not bother you and does not cause you to abandon the habit of using a PC, there is another solution to this problem - choose a good laptop stand.
to contents ↑Mains connection
A laptop can be used in many ways. Someone plugs it into a power outlet only for recharging and carries it with them all the time, while someone uses it as a stationary computer. In any case, do not constantly leave the power supply plugged in. This is completely unrelated to the safety of the battery, since modern devices have a protection that turns off the voltage supply to it when it is 100% charged.
Important! The principle of operation of the power supply for a laptop is somewhat different from the work of the power supply for a stationary PC, which turns off after turning off the computer. When you turn off the laptop, its power supply does not turn off, but continues to work, which eventually reduces its useful life. To prevent this from happening:
- The way out of the situation could be surge protector with switch.
- It will not be superfluous to choose and good laptop ups.
Safe storage
Some accidental damage to a mobile computer occurs even when not in use. This can be attributed to an uncomfortable laptop power cord lying in the wrong place, which, when passing by, can be easily hooked with your foot. The consequences can be different - from a torn power cord, but a completely broken device - depending on how high it falls.
to contents ↑Important! When storing the laptop for a long time, in order to ensure proper care, it is also advisable to remove the almost fully charged battery and store it separately in a cool place. Otherwise, you may need to buy a new battery, as its characteristics will decrease significantly if stored under normal conditions.
Even with normal use of a mobile computer, a fairly large amount of dust accumulates in it over time, which clogs the ventilation system and prevents air circulation. Therefore caring for a laptop
with respect to cleaning, it is simply obligatory:
- The speed of rotation of the laptop cooler is automatically adjusted depending on the load of the processor. Many laptop users after some time may notice that they had not heard it before, and now it is buzzing much louder. To remove accumulated dust, you can use a can of compressed air by simply blowing it out of the radiator.
Important! Using a vacuum cleaner in this case is quite risky, since it produces a large amount of static electricity - even one unsuccessful spark can cause damage to some microcircuits.
- Also, do not forget about the keyboard, in which not only dust can get stuck, but also crumbs from your cookies and sandwiches. They can be eliminated in the same way using a can of compressed air.
- Special care must be taken in the screen. When wiping fingerprints and dust from it, do not put the detergent directly on the screen, in addition, not every tool is suitable for these purposes. We have separately considered this topic in full detail in the publication. "How to wipe a laptop screen?".
to contents ↑Important! Too hard a rag can permanently ruin the screen, leaving scratches on it, which will be especially noticeable on the glossy screen.
Stock footage
Modern laptops are wonderful devices with which we can work, watch movies, search for information on the Internet, communicate on social networks. And for your mobile computer to serve you for many years, you need to know how to care for your laptop. Only following all the above tips will your laptop express its “gratitude” to you in the form of a long and uninterrupted operation.
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