Utilities for cleaning your computer from viruses

If a lot of unnecessary advertising materials appeared in your browser, files from the desktop disappear somewhere or some other obscure things happen, and the antivirus does not cope with them, utilities for cleaning your computer from viruses will come to the rescue. This concept refers to small programs that simply find and remove viruses along with their remnants.
This is not a full-fledged antivirus like, for example, Kaspersky or Doctor Web, but a small part of them that only scans the system and removes all malware. Such utilities do not need to be installed and, as a rule, are distributed completely free of charge. Let's look at a few of these utilities that work effectively against virus advertising and other unnecessary programs.
to contents ↑Dr.Web CureIt
Dr.Web CureIt does not need to be installed. In order to use this utility, you just need to go to the official website of this antivirus and download it. Using it is quite simple. It all comes down to such actions:
- Run the downloaded file.
- Click on the “Start Scan” button.
- In the next window, check the boxes next to the threats that the program will look for on your computer.
- Click the large “Run Test” button.
- After that, just wait until the end of the check.
- At the end of this, you will see a report in which the detected viruses or the files in which they are listed will be indicated.
- Use the buttons at the bottom of the window to delete or quarantine them.
to contents ↑Important! Power surges can occur during computer operation, which can lead to PC malfunction. To avoid this problem, find outtoHow to choose a UPS for your computer.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
Using Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is very similar to what we examined in the previous version. In principle, the same applies to other utilities for treating PC.
Important! As for the utility from Kaspersky, I would like to believe that it is really effective and can qualitatively find all viruses. However, judging by the user reviews, everything is not as rosy as you might initially think. Moreover, it seems that the developers of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool decided not to strain too much on their product. This confirms that the latest version of this program was released already in September 2015. Since that time, Kaspersky Lab experts have not dealt with this utility. This can be found on the official website of the program. By the way, you can also download it there.
On many forums you can find reviews that Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool does not find many adware viruses, which Dr.Web CureIt does very well. Also, some say that it works for too long and seriously loads the computer's memory.
Important! Often other programs in parallel with this one simply cannot be launched, although this problem is inherent in all Kaspersky products.
In any case, although this utility is the brainchild of one of the best modern anti-virus products, it does not have even a quarter of the power that Kaspersky Anti-Viruses install. That is why it is better to use one of the following utilities.
Important! If you have a stationary PC, and you installed it not so long ago, you may not have fully thought out the organization of the workplace. Or did not pay due attention to this moment.
Check out some interesting ideas that will make your computer work safer and more comfortable in an article."How to remove the wires from the computer under the table?".
In any of the topics on the forum, where we are talking about free utilities for cleaning your computer from viruses, AdwCleaner will appear. And this is not at all surprising, since many users choose this program as an alternative to the well-developed Dr.Web CureIt and Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.Although, if you take all the many posts and reviews, it can hardly be considered the most powerful of its kind, but AdwCleaner was created, as they say, for people and with soul.
Important! After a standard and similar process for removing viruses, the utility shows recommendations on how to avoid problems in the future.
Regarding its use, AdwCleaner is practically no different from the programs described above:
- To start using, click the “Scan” button, and then wait for the end of the scan.
- In the “Results” section (immediately below the “Actions” section) you will see a scan report - there you can highlight all detected threats or some specific ones, and then click the “Delete” button.
Important! Of course, the verification and removal algorithms for all these similar programs are different, however, the way they are used is very similar in itself.
Judging by the user reviews that they left on social networks and forums, AdwCleaner works much better than the products of Doctor Web and Kaspersky. There were times when Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool could not find anything, and AdwCleaner detected dozens of viruses and easily removed them from the computer. Although it can not be called the best of its kind.
Important! Additionally, we have prepared life hacks that will be useful to you while working with a computer:
Anti-Malware is one of the most popular utilities for cleaning your computer from viruses. You can say almost the same about it as about AdwCleaner - in any topic about utilities, at least someone will write about it.
Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is already a full-fledged software with wide settings for customization, several tabs in the main window, several test modes and many different functions. Thus, the user has the opportunity to insert exceptions for checking, restrict access to the program to other users, set the scheduled checks and do a lot more.
In general, we can say that Anti-Malware is much more than all the utilities described above combined. Moreover, this software is distributed free of charge. It has only Premium mode, in which there is the aforementioned scheduler, quick check, real-time protection and many other additional options. However, the main Anti-Malware package should be enough to find and permanently remove viruses.
Important! In some cases, users use it as a replacement for the antivirus, occasionally checking it. Although, doing so is highly undesirable.
Anti-Malware has some disadvantages, but they are insignificant. For example, one of the users found this utility Conduit and Webalta, however, did not respond to Mobogenie, which is also an advertising program.
Important! Anti-Malware has full Russian language. But for this it must be downloaded from the official site.
Spybot search & destroy
This software differs from the others in a rather interesting interface - it can be seen that a lot of people worked on it, and they did not spend much effort and time advertising their product and its beautiful appearance. But special attention is paid to creating a really effective tool for removing virus software on any modern computer. The following can be said about the program:
- When the program starts, in its main window we see such standard items as updating, system scanning and quarantine. Although there are two scans here: one is for the system in general, the other is for certain files, which is very standard for programs of this kind.
- There is a “Statistics” button, by clicking on which you can see how many viruses were on the PC for the time that Spybot Search & Destroy was on the computer, which of them were removed and more. This is also a useful feature that makes it possible to analyze the main paths for threats to enter your PC.
Important! The first place among non-standard options is given to “Immunization”, which allows you to protect certain files from infection - you must agree, an unusual, but very useful function.
- Among the advanced tools there is a report creator that provides an opportunity to compile a report on the utility's work, as well as the state of the system.
- There are also settings and another rather interesting item - “Bootstrap Tools”. It makes it possible to specify those functions and programs that will be loaded with the system. For example, you can set automatic scanning at startup.
- Spybot Search & Destroy protects against viruses very well - the search is at the highest level, and the removal occurs without any side effects. And for such software is the main thing.
Important! Although there are few drawbacks, they also exist, for example, one of the users of the utility for some reason rebooted the computer, the other removed the drivers from the scanner. In addition, developers with humor that is not very appropriate in this case approached the license agreement.
HitmanPro wins our review of virus cleaners. User reviews about this program are so positive that today it can be considered the most powerful.
Yes, the program is paid, but it has a 30-day trial period. During this time, you can completely clean the system of all malware and never again remember about it.
Important! The fact that HitmanPro is able to remove not only existing viruses, but also the remnants of remote programs and “virus tails”, says a lot.
At the same time, HitmanPro experts did not repeat the mistakes of those developers who were involved in the creation of Anti-Malware. They decided not to sacrifice the main function, that is, the removal of viruses, for the sake of a wide range of additional options and beautiful design.
About HitmanPro, we can confidently say that this is a really powerful thing, because in the tests conducted by different sites, it proved to be the best. What other similar programs did not pay attention to, HitmanPro found it very quickly and immediately notified of their existence.
Important! Speaking of speed, this is another indisputable advantage of this software.
But, as elsewhere, there were some shortcomings, for example, a paid license (although there is a 30-day trial period) and a minimum number of additional functions.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Thus, we have presented you several popular utilities for cleaning your computer from viruses, which will help you to keep the “cleanliness” of your computers under control. We hope that the information presented in our article will be useful for you, and you can choose the most effective program for yourself.
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