What to do if shoes rub on the back 🥝 corn from new shoes, boots, boots, sneakers

We often buy a variety of shoes, for some it is even something like a hobby. Alas, the problem often arises when such a beautiful and spectacular pair of shoes, boots and even sneakers begins to rub. The answer to the question of what to do if the shoes are heavily rubbed on the back or side, you will find in this article. It will also be useful for those who at the moment have not encountered this problem, but are going to purchase a new pair the other day.
to contents ↑Causes
Before deciding what to do if new shoes are rubbed, it is important to understand the reasons for this “behavior”. There are several options:
- Wrong size. One of the most common cases when there are problems with shoes. In any of the scenarios - if the product is small or large, it will affect the skin, irritating it and leading to calluses.
- Excessively coarse material. If your product has very tight backs, then in 99% of cases they will rub an ankle or bone on it.
- Inappropriate model. Properly selected shoes, like other shoes, should be not only in size, but also in model. After all, the feet can be both wider and less. And this means that not all copyright models offered by world famous brands will fit your foot. And only you can decide whether an exclusive model is worth the torment that it will bring to your life.
- Another reason is more individual for a person - this is excessive swelling of the legs. When we buy shoes, we do not take into account the fact that with long walking our legs swell and become slightly larger. This leads to rubbing corns.
to contents ↑Important! If the last reason bothers you, consult your doctor. Excessive swelling of the legs can be a signal of a variety of diseases.
Getting rid of the problem
If you purchased new shoes and instead of pleasing you, the selected boots rub the heel - what to do, you need to decide immediately. There are many methods to get rid of the problem - both “grandmothers” and professional. Let's talk more about each of them.
Important! Before talking about radical measures, remember that new shoes, so that they do not cause discomfort, you need to start to wear at home. So she will take the form of a leg. This should be done for several minutes a day, gradually increasing the time.
Folk methods
If wearing out for several days did not help, and the shoes still rub the heels, what to do read below. Vast many years of experience has formed a list of reliable proven tools that will help stretch your favorite shoes in just a few steps:
- This method requires a small amount of paper, preferably black and white newspapers in your home. To stretch, we need to tear them into small pieces and wet them with water. After this mass fill your boots tightly. Now we wait for the complete drying of the product and the mass in vivo.
Important! This option contributes to a small stretch of the product, but you do not risk spoiling the shape of your favorite shoe.
- The second method involves the use of ethyl alcohol. Before rushing to rub products, remember a few rules:
- First, never rub the product on the outside with this product.This will ruin the texture and color of the top of the product.
- Secondly, before going outside in shoes processed in this way, we need to wait until they are completely dry.
Important! Beer is also used for these purposes. And not an alcoholic drink at all - boiling water.
- Castor oil is also used for wearing. In order for the method to work, they rub the inner surface.
- Another of the most common methods is cold stretching. In order to do this, we need to pour in a couple of whole plastic bags of water and put them in shoes. We put in the freezer for at least 2-3 hours. While the water freezes, it expands and stretches the product.
- If new heels rub your heels, what to do to soften hard backs will tell you this point. You will need a dense cloth and a hammer. To soften the shoe, wrap the backdrop in a cloth and tap it with a hammer. These steps should fix your problem. If your shoes also rub, apply the following tips.
- Pharmaceutical glycerin will also help soften the backs. Before this, it is necessary to prepare the shoes by putting a towel dipped in warm water into it for 20-30 minutes. When it cools, pull it out and grease the backdrops well with glycerin.
Important! Sometimes these steps need to be repeated several times.
- If previously sitting on the foot leather boots rub the heel, this option will tell you what to do. Over time, any skin dries and your favorite comfortable boots begin to crush. To prevent this from happening, lubricate the material with baby cream or fat overnight. After - you can safely wear it, the skin will stretch and stop rubbing.
- Shoe heating also helps stretch the material. To make it work, put on thick warm socks, then the shoes you need to stretch, and take a hair dryer. Warm the products, periodically wetting them with water or vinegar, so you can soften the shoes.
Important! If you want your shoes not to rub until you carry them yourself, you can do the following. Take a piece of candle or soap and rub them with them where it rubs. Repeat the procedure until the shoes are carried.
Professional Tools
If home methods are not for you or do not help at all, then the advice is simple - contact a shoe store. There are many diverse tools and products that are designed specifically for this purpose.
Let's talk about them in more detail:
- To avoid rubbing, buy a cream in a specialized store. Apply to places where it is supposed to rub. Carry a couple of days at home, and the shoes will sit on your foot. Usually this procedure does not help immediately - it will need to be repeated a couple of times.
- The same cream can be used by stretching shoes with a hairdryer. To do this, you need to heat the shoes with a hairdryer from the inside and quickly, until they have cooled down, smear them with cream and put them on your feet. To stretch stronger, before that, you need to put on warm thick socks on your legs. For greater effect, you can repeat the procedure several times - even the closest shoes will stretch.
- To solve the problem, special strips are offered that are glued in places where the shoes are supposed to be rubbed. These strips will reliably protect the skin and save you from having to wonder what to do if the shoes rub on the back.
- Another invention is the zapyachta. These are silicone linings that are attached from the inside and eliminate the problem of rubbing calluses.
- Another solution to the problem are special pads that allow you to expand your shoes very quickly, give them the necessary size and shape.
to contents ↑Important! Still wondering if you should try to stretch your shoes at home and spend your time? Find out, how much does it cost to stretch shoes in a workshopso that you no longer have any doubts.
How to choose the right one?
The most important preventive measure in order to get rid of such problems once and for all is to learn how to choose the right shoes.Follow simple rules and the problem of what to do if rubbing new shoes will disappear from your life forever:
- If the proposed purchase looks stylish and beautiful, the shoes seem comfortable, you should still try them on and walk around for a couple of minutes.
- When choosing, do not rely on the fact that small shoes are carried and will become comfortable. Choose it by the size and fullness of the legs.
- The same rule applies to shoes that are big for you. No matter how comfortable shoes, ballet shoes or sneakers seem, if they are more than necessary, they will rub.
- The best choice will always be a pair of shoes made from natural materials with a good orthopedic shoe.
- One important aspect is the time of purchase. It should be done in the afternoon, because until the evening the leg slightly increases in size.
- The sole of the shoe should not be stiff. A soft, movable base is the best option.
Rubbing Prevention
The right pair is not a guarantee that the shoe will not cause discomfort at first. Before she sits on her leg, you need to properly carry it.
For this, it is important to take some preventive measures so that after the first walks you do not stay with corns:
- So that the shoes do not sit down and cause discomfort during the year, you must place rags or a crumpled newspaper before storage.
- Stick the patch on the areas that are most subjected to friction. This will help to avoid damage.
If the corn has already appeared
Often, the question of what to do if the shoes are rubbed from behind, people ask when they have rubbed their feet. Emerging callus must be treated. Consider what you can do if the problem has already occurred:
- Contrast baths help relieve pain. Especially effective are baths with decoctions of herbs, such as: chamomile, calendula, nettle, burdock. Their peculiarity is that they have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
- If you rubbed a blister, then a pharmacy ointment with an antibiotic helps after baths. It is also recommended to use creams, which include zinc - it dries and soothes the skin. After processing, cover the damaged area with a band-aid.
to contents ↑Important! Also find out about how to seal sneakers, because there are a lot of unforeseen situations, and many of them can be solved at home.
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In this article, we talked about what to do if new shoes are rubbed, and also examined preventive measures to avoid skin damage, and how to treat a wound if an irreparable has already happened. Use our recommendations and protect your legs from damage.
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