How much does it cost to stretch shoes in a workshop?

Sometimes we have to face the need to stretch new shoes if the shoes are purchased in the wrong size, or to expand old shoes that have dried during long-term storage. There are many ways to deal with this problem. First of all, you need to find out where to stretch the shoes and how much it costs to stretch the shoes in the workshop. In any workshop, with the help of special devices and pads tailored to your foot size, specialists will stretch the shoes in length, width, in elevation or under the boot. You can stretch the shoes to the size in the workshop, or even two sizes - it depends on what you are used to and what is comfortable for you. The price of such a procedure in Moscow and other cities will not differ much. In addition, you can find the addresses and reviews of workshops on the Internet if you cannot stretch your shoes yourself.


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What needs to be done to stretch the shoes?

In the shoe workshop you can make any stretching of shoes and it should be noted that such a process will take into account not only the quality of the material. All the features of the location of accessories and seams also matter, because not all shoes can be stretched without problems, and the price does not matter here.

If you have no desire to look for a shoemaker and be puzzled by how much it costs to stretch shoes in the workshop, then you can try to spread and stretch uncomfortable products yourself at home. But for this you need to choose the most suitable method for stretching shoes.

Important! You can stretch new shoes only from genuine leather, nubuck or suede. Imitation leather shoes (leatherette) or fabric, as well as rubber, cannot be stretched. Even a specialist shoemaker will not take up such a procedure.

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How to stretch leather shoes?

Many people ask, is it possible to stretch shoes in length? Independently you can stretch the shoe only in width. We offer you several ways to do this.

Method number 1. Using special tools

To stretch tight shoes, use special sprays, aerosols for stretching shoes.

For example, purchase a special Oke stretcher in the store, which not only effectively softens all types of skin, but also gives it elasticity, without leaving any marks and contours on it.

Apply directly to a problem area that requires stretching:

  • For leather shoes - from the outside.
  • For varnish and suede shoes - from the inside.

After applying the product, put on the shoe and walk in it for 7-10 minutes.

Important! Using special tools, you can stretch the shoes, using devices that have the form of pads and made of natural wood. These funds allow you to stretch the shoes as efficiently as possible and not disturb the shape of the shoes. This adjustable stretch is suitable for all types of shoes.

Method number 2. Alcohol treatment

Pour some alcohol (or vodka) into tight shoes, or in extreme cases cologne. After that, put the shoes on your foot and moisten the top of the shoes. The skin softens, stretches to the desired size and takes the shape of a leg. Walk around the house in shoes until you feel comfortable. BUT! Walking like this all day is not worth it, as a rule, shoes stretch well in a few hours.

Important! If the stiff backs of new shoes rub your foot, then soak them with alcohol.

Method number 3. Boiling water

This method, in some cases, is even more effective than using alcohol. The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. Cover the problematic surface of the products with cloth.
  2. Take a kettle with boiling water.
  3. Slowly pour boiling water over the stretched surface.
  4. Put a sock on your foot, and walk around the house for about an hour until the shoes take on the proper shape.

Important! High-quality leather withstands temperatures up to 300 ° C, so nothing will happen with such shoes, but this method will not work for patent leather products.

Method number 4. We use woolen socks

This method of how to stretch shoes not in the workshop, but at home, is suitable even for winter boots with fur:

  1. Put on thick socks and squeeze into tight shoes.
  2. Use a hair dryer to heat up the tight, cramped areas of the bot.
  3. When the problem areas are well heated, begin to bend the soles of the feet as much as possible for 30 seconds.
  4. Walk around the house in the shoe until it cools down.
  5. Try shoes on thin socks to see if you managed to achieve the desired result.
  6. If not, repeat the procedure a few more times.

Method number 5. Wet newspaper stuffing

To stretch your shoes to size, use a damp newspaper:

  1. Squeeze a few newspapers into a tight lump.
  2. Hold the pressing boots over the steam.
  3. Wet the newspaper ball well with cold water and insert it into the shoe.
  4. Leave the shoes to dry completely.
  5. Get out the newspapers and try on the slippers. They should become free under the influence of moisture.

Important! Dry your shoes naturally, away from heaters, otherwise the shoes may become deformed.

Method number 6. Freezing

You will need 2 bags per ¼ filled with water (if both shoes are pressed):

  1. Place bags of water inside the shoe. Packages should evenly stretch the slippers.
  2. Put shoes in the freezer all night to keep the water frozen.
  3. Remove the shoes from the refrigerator and wait for the ice to melt (approximately 20 minutes).
  4. Remove the packages.
  5. Try on shoes. If you have not achieved the desired result, then repeat the procedure again.

Important! Do not use this method for patent leather shoes.

Method number 7. Cereal use

To stretch leather shoes, as well as shoes made of synthetic materials, use the old American way:

  1. Fill the bots with any cereal that can swell when exposed to moisture.
  2. Pour a small amount of water into the cereal.
  3. Leave the shoes all night. Under the influence of water, the cereal will swell and stretch the problem areas of the shoe.
  4. After the stretching procedure, wear shoes around the apartment for several days to dry and take the shape of a foot.

Important! Surely you have a pair of sports shoes, which are also not always immediately comfortable and need appropriate care. Therefore find out how to carry sneakers and how to bleach white shoelaces.

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Useful Tips:

  1. Stretch any shoes gradually so as not to make them too loose.
  2. To ensure that the skin after stretching acquires a pristine appearance, at the end of this procedure, be sure to apply a special cream on the outer surface. This way you not only protect products from the influence of negative stretching factors, but also give the shoe a perfect look.
  3. Do not expose expensive shoes made of thin leather to such harsh methods as boiling water and freezing.
  4. New shoes do not rush to wear tough methods. Maybe after a couple of days, they will stretch to the right size, because it is natural posting that is not the fastest, but the most effective way to stretch. In this case, the shoes do not deform and sit exactly in the shape of the legs.
  5. Hard shoes should be treated with fish oil or castor oil, and then cleaned with a wool rag or brush.
  6. If the shoe presses in a specific place, then drip wax or paraffin from the burning candle on this area and put the shoes on the block. After a few days, the shoe will stretch in the right place.
  7. Before stretching the shoes, inspect them, clean, remove the insoles and, if possible, remove all accessories and decor elements (laces, buckles). Also determine what material the shoes are made of in order to understand which method is best for you to use.

Important! There is another innovative solution that will allow stretching shoes without harm to the legs, not in the workshop, but at home. In this case, you do not even have to limit yourself to wear products. Buy special silicone stickers - they are presented from different manufacturers in different shapes and sizes:

  • in the form of small drops for a point stretch of shoes;
    in the form of strips that are conveniently placed on the backs and front;
  • in the form of large elements suitable for lining under the sole of the foot.

Having pasted such overlays, you can absolutely walk along the street in new shoes, and after a week - remove them and continue to wear shoes already suitable in shape and size.

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How long can shoes be stretched in the workshop?

Stretching shoes in the workshop is a simpler and hassle-free way for the simple reason that, in fact, you do not have to do anything, but only find a suitable shoemaker.

Stretching shoes in the workshop is completely different from the methods that many use at home:

  1. Before starting work, the master shoemaker will necessarily take detailed measurements from his leg, and determine the amount of work needed for a particular pair.
  2. The craftsmen carry out a set of modern methods for fitting shoes to the individual size of the foot and lower leg, and for the careful change in the shape of the shoes, as well as its surface, specialists use related tools.

Often, professionals use several types of stretch marks in a complex, so if you do not want unnecessary problems and costs, then give problematic stretch shoes to specialists from a shoe workshop.

Important! In the workshop, they will increase the width of the shoe (stretched wide), increase the bootlegs, and also increase the volume, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change the track length, due to the design of the shoe model.

Stretch technology

Professional stretching shoes in the workshop - this is a lot of measures of shoe fitting. Usually, hot stretching of shoes is performed on special machines that have special nozzles of different sizes. They allow you to stretch any men's, women's and children's shoes, as well as high-heeled shoes.

Shoes are put on these nozzles, and special “bumps” inserted on the nozzle stretch the shoes exactly in those places where it is crowded. Due to the special heel attachment, the special shape of this part is adjusted. Therefore, when handing over shoes to the workshop, be sure to tell the master about all the problem areas.

The duration and cost of repairs depends on the complexity of each individual case, as well as the amount of work. You can familiarize yourself with the cost of services and prices by examining the price list for shoe repair services.

Important! So that your shoes last for a long time, and the apartment is not cluttered, also find out about practical storage space for shoes at home and about what to use shoe polish.

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We hope that you have selected the necessary method and method of stretching for your favorite shoe. In the case of expensive shoes or shoes made of thin leather, contact the specialists of shoe workshops. Let your “clothes for legs” make you happy for many years and create coziness and comfort for you.


