How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch?

Urination is an integral process of life, almost any living creature on our planet. But despite the fact that nature invented it and there is nothing to be ashamed of, it is very unpleasant when this happens on the couch or on other furniture. If you have not kept track of your child or the cat, then you simply must know how to get rid of the urine smell on the couch. This is exactly our topic in this article.
to contents ↑What needs to be done when you notice a wet spot on the couch?
When you see a sprawling puddle on the sofa or other furniture, do not expect everything to pass by itself. Remember, the deeper this liquid penetrates, the more difficult it will be to subsequently eliminate the amber from it. To stop absorption, to easier get rid of the smell of urine on the couch, the following methods will help you.
Toilet paper, napkins and towels
Try to get the urine stain wet as soon as possible, soak it with a paper layer. Fold the paper in four, a towel in four, a very thin layer will simply get wet and stain your sofa or other furniture even more.
Do not spare the roll, use this method, do not stop the action until the napkins become almost dry during application.
Drying with a hairdryer
The device will most likely be able to help eliminate the stain. If you urgently want to bring the furniture to a normal state, blow dry your entire wet surface. But do not hold the hair dryer excessively close to the material.
The drying time should not be more than 7 minutes of uninterrupted exposure to the device, otherwise the hair dryer may simply overheat. And you will not think about how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch, but wherewhich hair dryer to buy.
Important! To increase efficiency, first use the first method of drying with napkins, and then complete the procedure with a hairdryer.
Drying with an iron
If there is no hair dryer, you can use an iron, but first cover the stain with a dry cloth. Preheat the iron and iron the wet surface for 5-6 minutes. Urine evaporates very quickly under the influence of very hot air.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use the iron directly on the sofa upholstery, be sure to iron through the fabric. Do not leave the iron motionless on the surface, in the hope that the urine stain will dry faster, because you will not only not be able to speed up the process, but also risk burning a hole in the sofa and burning the sole of the appliance. If this happened, then our reviews will help you:
The smell of baby urine. How to withdraw?
The urine of the child is less aggressive in its structure, but despite this, with repeated absorption, a very unpleasant odor is likely to appear. In order to prevent such a misfortune with your furniture, cover the sofa with soft oilcloth. Such a film does not allow liquid to penetrate into the material. But when the problem is already there, several methods listed below will help you get rid of the smell of urine on the couch.
Laundry soap
This universal and inexpensive tool will help eliminate the smell of baby urine, as well as remove the characteristic pollution on the couch:
- Lather the soft foam sponge thoroughly and apply foam to the dirt.
- In the event that the smell of baby urine is persistent and quite old, then soap the sofa with soap without using a foam sponge.
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse the soap thoroughly and then dry the surface of the furniture.
We use a solution of potassium permanganate
Such a tool is used to remove the smell of urine from the sofa at home only on the upholstery of the sofa, which has a dark shade:
- Dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals in warm water until a light pink tint appears.
- Take a clean cloth, you can towel or a diaper.
- Soak thoroughly with the solution.
- Squeeze the wet tissue slightly and place it on a spot with baby urine.
- After 20-30 minutes, repeat the procedure.
- Then dry it thoroughly, so your sofa will get rid of the smell of baby urine.
Lemon juice
A large number of young mothers note that quite often fresh lemon juice helps to cope with this problem:
- Squeeze 1 medium-sized lemon completely, pour the juice into a container with a spray bottle.
- Apply the juice by fine spraying to the problem surface.
- After 15-20 minutes, reapply.
- Then rinse with cool water and a cloth or use several wet wipes.
Lemon juice will help eliminate odor and give your sofa a pleasant citrus smell.
We get rid of the unpleasant smell of old urine
The aroma of the urine of older people is a very heavy odor that is incredibly difficult to remove, especially if the urine has been absorbed into one surface for a long time. In this case, you should use the “heavy artillery”, and most likely, you will have to sacrifice the upholstery of the sofa to completely get rid of the unpleasant smell.
If, after trying all the methods, the stench still remains, there are 2 ways out - this:
But first, try to remove the unpleasant smell of urine at home.
Chlorine Solution
Perfectly eliminates all kinds of unpleasant odors, killing directly the source of their spread, that is, bacteria. But instead of the unpleasant smell of urine, a very specific smell of bleach will appear. In order to disinfect and process the sofa:
- Prepare a 0.5% bleach solution.
- Using a brush or sponge, apply to dirt, and then wipe thoroughly.
- After 20-30 minutes, rinse as much as possible with water and dry.
Vodka or alcohol:
- Sink abundantly with alcohol or vodka into a wet spot from urine. You can also use ammonia.
- Let stand for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse with water using a cloth.
- Dry the surface with an iron, but first lay a thin diaper on the sofa.
Note to all cat owners
The smell of urine in pets is quite unpleasant. Therefore, it is simply necessary not only to eliminate it, but also to do everything in such a way that the animal no longer wants to arrange the place of its toilet on your sofa - the place where all your family members rest.
Cat urine has the ability to leave white stains, which is why it is necessary to solve 2 problems at once:
- Eliminate odor.
- To clear all surface of a sofa of possible white stains.
To do this:
- Before carrying out the procedure, put on rubber protective gloves on both your hands.
- First of all, apply acetic solution to urine contamination. For 500 ml of water, take 0.1 l of table vinegar, treat the surface with a cloth that is moistened in a solution.
- Dry with a hairdryer.
- Then, in order to eliminate uric acids, completely and completely dried up the fabric of the sofa, densely sprinkle with ordinary soda at the scene.
- In a ratio of 1: 1, prepare a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide.Add liquid soap or dishwashing detergent ½ tsp.
- Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, and then use a spray gun to apply to the soda.
- Right before your eyes, the solution will begin to foam, but the reaction will not last long.
- Leave the mixture for an hour, then clean with a brush.
- Wipe with a wet cloth if necessary.
As a result, the sofa is completely clean, and the unpleasant smell of cat urine is completely and completely eliminated.
Prevention measures:
- In retail you can find a lot of substances to eliminate the unpleasant odor of cat urine. Special sprays are made for cats, which, in theory, scare them away from furniture, and the slogan of such products is “even disgusting”. But choose one that will not scare you away either.
- Successfully scares away animals incredible aromas of oranges, lemons. Spread a few citrus peels on the inside of the sofa, afterwards the animals will never spoil your furniture again.
In conclusion, be sure to understand all the reasons why the animal behaves in this way. Click on the link and go to the publication"The cat is crap on the bed - what to do?".
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Before you get your wallet and run for household cleaning products, try using our recommendations. Let the fragrance of freshness that you have achieved with minimal expenditure of energy, time and money remain forever in your home.
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