How to get rid of the smell of shoes at home?

Stylish and modern shoes are a great complement to a fashionable look. However, the impression of a decent, beautiful and comfortable shoe can be ruined by the smell emanating from it. The reason for discomfort is not always the neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, as sometimes an unpleasant odor can come from completely new shoes. Such a situation can give the owner a lot of unpleasant minutes, so with the shoe “aroma” you can and should fight, no matter what its origin. Today we will tell you how to get rid of the smell of shoes at home quickly and forever.

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Causes of Bad Shoes

Before solving the problem of how to get rid of the smell in shoes at home, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence and, if possible, eliminate it. The main causes of bad breath coming from shoes can be:

  • Sweating feet.
  • Wrong size.
  • Poor quality shoes.
  • Shoes became a hotbed of mold and bacteria due to dampness and dirt.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene.
  • Foot fungus.
  • Cat urine.

Important! Remember that you can prevent most of these problems. Take note of the helpful tips from our next articles:

As soon as you decide on the cause of the appearance of a darling in your favorite shoes, start a fight and choose effective means, taking into account the current situation.

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How to get rid of the smell of sweat?

It is not sweat itself that smells bad, but bacteria and their waste products. There may be several reasons for the smell of sweat in shoes:

  • Increased sweating.
  • Fungal disease of the legs.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene.
  • Old age and all kinds of diseases.
  • Heatwave.
  • Wearing shoes and socks made of artificial materials.

Important! In any case, if suddenly the legs began to exude a terrible smell, check your body for abnormalities in the work of internal organs and systems. And if the examination and test results confirm that your health is in order, then go in for procedures that are aimed at reducing foot sweating.

If you do not want to constantly fight with an unpleasant “aroma”, then follow the simple rules.

General hygiene

  1. Change insoles regularly, at least once every three months.
  2. Wear socks made from natural materials only and change them daily.
  3. Perform regular hygiene procedures: wash your feet 2 times a day with soap.


Regularly arrange foot baths to adjust the microflora of the feet and thereby get rid of the smell of shoes at home. Here are some popular recipes:

  1. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (5-6 crystals of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water). Dip the feet in the solution for 15 minutes. Perform the procedure every night before bedtime.
  2. Boil one bag of black tea for 15 minutes in half a liter of water. Allow the solution to brew and cool to room temperature. Pour the tea leaves into the basin, lower your legs there for 30 minutes.
  3. Prepare contrasting baths. Pour hot water into one basin and cold water into the other. Lower your feet alternately in the coxae for 2-3 minutes. This procedure will significantly improve blood circulation and reduce sweating. The total duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  4. Prepare a decoction of oak bark: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed bark pour 1 liter of water. Boil oak bark for 30 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth and dilute with water. Dip your legs in a bowl with a decoction for 15-20 minutes. Dry your feet with a bath towel and put on cotton socks.

Important! When applying the foot bath, use a pumice stone to remove keratinized cells from the upper layer of the skin and thereby prevent the growth of bacteria. After the baths, wipe your feet with infusion of Kombucha or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Humidity Prevention

Use moisture-absorbing special adsorbents for feet and shoes: talcum powder, normal baby powder.

Special tools

Use deodorants, natural or purchased, for feet and shoes. Oak bark belongs to natural. To get rid of the smell of shoes at home, apply crushed bark on the feet or work on the inside of the socks with a product.

Modern manufacturers offer deodorants to get rid of the smell of shoes at home, in the following forms:

  1. Spray. Easy to use, functional and affordable. The composition of good foot sprays includes: chestnut extract, calendula or grape leaves, camphor and menthol.
  2. Foot ointment.
  3. Stick (pencil) for shoes.
  4. Pills. The deodorant in tablet form is aimed at professional athletes. You can buy such a tool in sporting goods stores.

Important! We reviewed the best brands in the article. Deodorant for legs.

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How to get rid of the smell of shoes at home?

It is possible to remove the smell of sweat from shoes, if it has already settled there, by various folk remedies. A fairly effective method of neutralizing bacteria and unpleasant “aroma” is wiping the shoes from the inside.

How to wipe the shoes inside from smell?

You can use for this purpose:

  • Vodka.
  • Ammonia.
  • Vinegar.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Used tea bag.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

Use the above funds as follows:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, vinegar, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Wipe the shoes from the inside.
  3. Ventilate the shoe well in the fresh air and dry it.

Important! Never use undiluted vinegar essence, as it can harm not only the shoes, but also the skin of the hands.

Useful Tips

To get rid of the smell of shoes at home:

  1. You can not wipe, but drop on each insole a couple of drops of lavender oil or lemon juice to kill germs and neutralize the smell.
  2. For the night, put tea leaves, eucalyptus, sage, mint or lemon balm leaves, dry, crushed oak bark in your shoes, in order to neutralize the darling that has appeared in the morning.
  3. In winter, leave shoes with a “darling” on the balcony at night so that germs and bacteria die in the cold. In the summer, in order to get rid of the smell of shoes at home, you can use the freezer: pack the shoes in a plastic bag and send them overnight to frost.
  4. To effectively remove odors from the evening, pour soda (for light shoes) or crushed tablets of activated carbon (for a dark pair) into each shoe in the evening. In the morning, shake out the contents or vacuum inside. These adsorbents can also be used as follows: pour activated carbon or soda into a cotton sock or linen bag, put in shoes for the night.
  5. A universal remedy for excess moisture and odors is salt.Pour it generously into boots and leave it for three days.
  6. Use a simple and convenient way to care for shoes - soda balls. Mix soda, soft white clay and cornmeal in equal proportions. Add 15-20 drops of any aromatic oil to the mixture (tea tree, mint, citrus fruits, lavender). Knead and sculpt small balls the size of a plastic bottle cap. Pour balls into bags (gauze or kapron) and put them into shoes daily overnight.

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What if the shoes smell of mold?

All shoes must be kept in a dry, well-ventilated and warm place. But if for some reason your shoes were damp, and as a result they got an unpleasant smell of mold, then proceed as follows:

  1. Wash the outer and inner surfaces of the shoe thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Wipe the shoes from the inside with chlorine disinfectant.
  3. Mix equal amounts of vodka and ammonia.
  4. Wipe the product with the solution inside and out.
  5. Dry your shoes for several days outdoors.

Important! Unfinished shoes should not be worn, as you can infect the skin of your feet with mold, which is very dangerous. So that from now on this problem doesn’t bother you, read about how to store shoes.

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Preventive measures for shoe and foot care

Listen to the following recommendations so as not to find the answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of the smell in shoes at home:

  1. Accustom yourself to regularly air your shoes. Do not hide it in a box or bag immediately after wearing it.
  2. Buy products only from quality materials.
  3. Use disposable insoles made of natural materials. Update your insoles weekly.
  4. Use several pairs of shoes for continuous use. Do not wear the same shoes for several days in a row without a break.
  5. Dry your wet shoes thoroughly. If there is no special electric dryer at home, then use old newspapers or paper to absorb moisture. Change paper every hour to speed up the drying process.
  6. Thoroughly clean shoes - not only outside but also inside using special products.
  7. Change socks every day. In order not to get into trouble, also learn about which socks are better to buy.
  8. Avoid tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  9. Use replaceable shoes at work.
  10. Do not wear closed models in summer. Wear sandals and sandals in hot weather.
  11. Wash athletic shoes in a delicate fashion to refresh them from time to time.
  12. Use special water repellent spray or impregnation in the rainy season to prevent moisture from entering the boots and boots.
  13. When storing shoes in boxes, silica gel should be present. If not, then use a pet toilet filler based on this substance.

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The smell in the shoes of cat urine. How to get rid of at home?

All owners of cats are familiar with the situation when a cute but vengeful animal spoils shoes not only to the owners, but also to their guests. Getting rid of cat urine is not so easy.

Of course, if fabric shoes, such as slippers, sneakers or sneakers, are spoiled, then the best way to solve the problem is to wash. First, rinse the shoe thoroughly with cold water, then wash it manually with laundry soap, and for a greater effect, wash in a washing machine using powder. So that at this stage you do not have problems with hopeless damaged products, follow the instructions in the article “Washing shoes in a washing machine”. Dry your shoes in the fresh air.

The most difficult thing is with leather shoes. To get rid of the smell of shoes:

  1. Wash shoes with soap and water.
  2. Dry dry.
  3. Wipe the shoes inside and out with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of vinegar, lemon juice or potassium permanganate (10 crystals per 1 liter of water).
  4. Leave the treated shoes outdoors for 12 hours.
  5. To prevent such “pranks”, treat the shoes with a special spray, such as “Anti-snuff”.

Important! Get down to solving the problem as soon as possible, otherwise, you will need to process the shoes with special tools sold at the pet store: “Faithful Friend”, “Smart Spray”, “OdorGone”, “Ms.Kiss”.

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How to get rid of the smell of new shoes?

Any shoes, depending on the material of manufacture, has its own smell, and is not always pleasant. A specific smell is one of the reasons why you need to refuse such a purchase. Bad smell can be caused by poor-quality material of the top or sole, poorly thought-out packaging or glue.

If an unpleasant darling has shown itself after the purchase of the product, then use simple folk methods:

  1. Ventilation. Leave the shoes for the night, and preferably a day or two in the open air.
  2. Use absorbent substances: flour or baking soda. Put the product overnight inside the shoes. In the morning, remove any remaining flour or soda. Wipe the inside of the shoe.
  3. Green tea bags absorb chemical odor well. Leave the tea bag overnight and the shoes will have a delicate aroma.
  4. Wipe the inside of a new shoe with a solution of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate. You can use vodka or alcohol for the same purpose. They possess not only deodorizing, but also bacterial properties. Therefore, they will certainly help you get rid of the smell of shoes.
  5. Sprinkle granular cat litter into small bags and place in new shoes overnight. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.
  6. Pack your shoes in a cardboard box filled with old crumpled newspapers and close tightly. After 1-2 days, remove the shoes, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  7. Sachets made from dried mint, eucalyptus, lemon balm, orange peels will relieve shoes of any unpleasant odor.
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We hope that the information received has helped you get rid of the smell in shoes without much effort and money. In the future, follow the rules for storing shoes and do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene so that stylish, comfortable and modern shoes are a great addition to your image!

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