How to wash sneakers?

Sneakers have long been “retrained” from sports shoes to casual shoes, due to its practicality and convenience. Therefore, with the active use of shoes, she needs the same everyday care as shoes and boots. “How to wash the sneakers outside and inside so that they retain their original appearance for as long as possible and at the same time remain clean as long as possible?” - This question is asked by all outdoor enthusiasts. You will find the answer in this article.
to contents ↑How to care for shoes?
To extend the “life” of shoes, you need to properly care for it - this is an axiom that is not negotiable. You need to do this like this:
- After each trip to the street - thoroughly clean the soles of dirt.
- If necessary, wash it with a damp cloth.
- First, clean the outside of the sneakers from dust and dirt with a hard brush, and then wipe with a damp cloth or a soft-brushed shoe brush.
to contents ↑Important! Even if you wipe the “clothes for the feet” daily, then sooner or later you will have to wash your favorite pair of shoes, that is, carry out a general cleaning. You will have questions: how to wash sneakers, use automatic washing, or “buy” them by hand?
How to wash sneakers in a typewriter?
If the sneakers are made of quality materials, then they can be entrusted to the washing machine. If you decide to wash the sneakers in a typewriter, then proceed in the following sequence:
- Pull out the insoles, laces.
- Wash them separately.
- Clean the soles of pebbles and dirt (you can use toothpicks, matches, ear sticks).
- Shop at special laundry bags.
- Set the temperature to no higher than 40 C.
- Put the sneakers in the bag.
- Send to the typewriter.
- Set delicate mode or “Quick wash.”
Important! After you have successfully completed the task of how to wash your sneakers, you must also dry them correctly. For this:
- Dry the “footwear” away from the central heating battery by turning the tongues out.
- It is better to pre-wet shoes with napkins.
- To keep sneakers from losing their appearance, place towels or paper inside to keep their shape.
How to wash sneakers by hand?
If the sneakers are made of the following materials: fabric, suede or its substitutes - wash manually.
Shoe care products
To wash your sneakers, you will need:
- soft brush;
- dishwashing liquid;
- paper towel;
- soda.
Also find the right detergent using these tips:
- Synthetic material will help wash ordinary household soap. Manufacturers do not recommend washing powder.
- Wash textiles with a neutral detergent and liquid.
Important! Textile sneakers cannot be bleached, as they can creep. White sneakers liquid “Vanish”.
- Sneakers from nubuck and suede can not be wet. Treat them with a special product designed to clean this material.
Shoe cleaning instruction
- Unfasten the shoes and remove all available inserts, including insoles.
- Wash dirty shoelaces manually or in a machine, like ordinary linen.
- The cleaning of the insoles will depend on the material from which they are made: for some, normal washing is suitable, while others require processing with special substances.
- Dissolve a small amount of suitable detergent in warm water.
- Clean the soles of “footwear.” Remove small stones and rubbish using a toothbrush. Remove normal dirt with a solution of soap and water. If the chewing gum has stuck to the shoes, put the shoes in the freezer for a short time, then remove the frozen dirt.
- Soak the shoes in a basin with warm water (30-40 C) and leave for 20-30 minutes.
- Drain and replace clean water.
- Dilute the detergent again.
- Wipe the inside and outside of the shoe with a soft brush with a tool.
- Remove residual detergent with a sponge dampened with clean water.
- Rinse your shoes under running water, completely getting rid of soap.
- Blot the product with paper towels or paper.
- Pull the shoe tongue out.
- Fill a soft absorbent material inside the shoe (paper or paper towels) so that the sneakers do not lose their shape during the drying process.
- Change paper towels several times so that there is no smell of damp inside.
Important! Do not stuff sneakers with newspapers, as printing ink can ruin the material.
- Take the shoes to dry in a dry and warm place, it is possible on the balcony (do not dry on the battery, as the product is deformed and covered with yellow spots and stains).
- After the shoes have dried, put the clean insoles back in place and insert the laces.
- If you notice abrasions on the surface of the material, paint over them special paint for sneakers or impregnated for shoes.
- Pour a couple of teaspoons of baking soda inside the “footwear” and leave it for at least a few hours. Soda absorbs all the unpleasant odors that could remain after washing. You can prepare for each shoe a separate bag of soda from a disposable tissue towel, pulled off with a regular elastic band. Each such bag can be used repeatedly.
- If the insoles are not sufficiently weathered, then they should also be treated with soda (this procedure should be carried out regularly, even if you do not wash your sneakers, in order to remove an unpleasant odor).
- Use a brush to remove soda from the inside of the sneakers and insoles.
Useful Tips
- If after washing there are still spots on the shoes, treat them with a mixture of ammonia and baking soda.
- Yellowed after washing the details on the sneakers bleach with lemon juice.
- To “kill” the smell inside the shoe, use a folk recipe: wipe the inside of the shoe with a damp cloth moistened with vinegar. Or buy a professional tool - shoe deodorant, and use it regularly.
- Put to dry in fresh air so that the wind and the sun refresh the inside of the shoe.
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Wear your favorite shoes for health, relax in nature, exercise. Do not forget to take care of your sneakers in a timely and correct manner using our tips and tricks, and they will serve you for many, many years to come.