Bag for washing sneakers - the choice, advantages, application

Sneakers today are universal shoes. Original and outwardly interestingly designed models are suitable not only exclusively for sports, but also for everyday walks, outdoor recreation and can even be quite appropriate in the working dress code. But over time, any shoe becomes dirty, and cleaning it by hand so that it is possible to completely restore the material is not always possible. Since many modern models of washing machines have the function of washing shoes, it is quite appropriate to immediately buy a bag for washing sneakers. How effective it is, how it helps and how to choose it - you will learn from this article.

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Why do I need a laundry bag?

Washing shoes in a washing machine is an additional burden on the equipment itself, as well as a fairly intense effect on the shoe itself. To protect both a household appliance and sneakers at the same time, you need a special bag. Properly selected product will help:

  • soften the mechanical effect on the material of the shoe - a bag for washing sneakers will soften the blows on the hard drum;
  • stop the impact of the centrifugal force of the equipment, thereby significantly reducing the risk of damage to technically important elements of household appliances;
  • if you put the shoe in the bag for washing sneakers, it will last you longer, since during washing there will not be so much friction of the surface of the material on the walls of the washing machine;
  • if you use a sack for washing sneakers when cleaning other items of your wardrobe, you will spend less time searching for socks and other small items lost in the bowels of the unit, and forgotten coins and other little things will not cause the machine to fail.

Important! As a result, you save your time on product care, get a high-quality result in the form of perfectly clean sneakers, and prevent premature breakdowns of equipment and shoes. The result is an absolute saving of your money, since you don’t have to update your wardrobe in the near future or think about buying a new expensive washing machine.

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Criteria for choosing a bag for washing sneakers

Even the choice of such a simple improvised device as a bag for washing shoes should be approached thoughtfully and competently. To do this, you need to understand the possible differences between different models and generally know about the selection criteria for the product.

They are not complicated, just consider:

  • fabric at the base;
  • shape and size;
  • method of closing.

Important! Having decided on the appropriate parameters for these 3 points, you can definitely buy a high-quality bag that will not crumble itself after the first wash.

Type of fabric

For the manufacture of such household appliances, different manufacturers use different fabrics. The most advantageous option is polyester. It is such sneaker washing bags that are not subject to deformation, do not fade, withstand high temperatures, maintain their density and size even after prolonged use. And polyester products provide a high level of protection for your shoes.

Pay attention not only to the choice of the type of fabric at the base, but also to its structure. It can be cellular or solid.

Important! The mesh models with a fine-mesh structure are considered to be the best, since they provide high-quality water circulation and do not allow incomplete rinsing of the detergent.

Shape and size

Typically, the shape in which the sneaker bags are made is simple. It could be:

  • a circle;
  • square;
  • cylinder;
  • rectangle.

Important! If you plan to use the bag not only for washing shoes, but also for delicate things, give preference to models with stiffeners.

The sizes should correspond to the size of the objects that they plan to load. They should be freely located inside, without stretching and without leading to the tension of the sides of the bag, but at the same time there should not be too much free space.

Closing method

By the method of closing, there are 2 options for such devices:

  • with cord;
  • with zipper.

Which one to give preference to - determine independently, based on your habits and expectations.

Important! Please note that the cords take part of the usable space and, if improperly handled, can come loose during processing of products in the washing machine. The zipper breaks over time, like any other lock.

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Popular models

If you are too lazy to independently study the various bags for washing shoes, compare their parameters, take on board some of the most popular models and buy one of them. Today it is:

  1. WproWas. Excellent option in terms of strength characteristics. It has not only a dense fabric structure, which is not subject to deformation and excludes mechanical damage to shoes and household appliances. In order to extend the service life, the manufacturer applied additional shock-absorbing pads. Thanks to this, you no longer have to hear the rumble of shoes rotating in the drum during automatic cleaning.
  2. Eva. Another model designed specifically for shoes. Prevents any mechanical damage to the material of the sneakers, but at the same time ensures high-quality intake and rinsing of detergents.
  3. Metaltex This sneaker washing bag can serve you hundreds of washings, making each one completely silent.

Important! In addition to choosing a special cover, it will not be out of place to figure out which detergent is better. Our special reviews will help you with this:

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Rules for using a bag for washing sneakers

To get exactly the result after washing that you were counting on, you need to be able to correctly use the bag for washing sneakers. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  1. Only fill the product by ¾.
  2. Check the integrity of the shoe wash bag before each use.
  3. Keep the product buttoned up.
  4. After completing the cycle, lay the appliance to dry, but do not use heaters for this.
  5. Do not put detergent inside the bag itself. Use a special compartment for household appliances.

Important! If sneakers are your favorite shoes for every day, then our other tips will definitely come in handy:

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Now you have complete information about such a miraculous find as a shoe wash bag. Buy a model that suits you, use it regularly, and then your washing machine will run smoothly for many years, and you will always look presentable, even in sneakers.


